

Jun 6, 2020
me. I had a mental breakdown my brother had a mental breakdown, and he ended up venting to a neighbor and my grandma and aunt. He's now saying he wants therapy but I dont think its real. I just want to be dead ugh
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
Yep. I'm stuck in an abusive relationship currently, despite almost getting the chance to leave, some factors happened that unfortunately stopped me but I want to try and leave again some time soon. Sorry to hear you're stuck in a bad situation as well.
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Jun 6, 2020
Yeah it sucks. Funny the whole world is concerned about the damn election and politics but what about the millions of people suffering from abuse? What about children? Ugh
I dunno. I just feel like jumping off the Manhattan bridge in New York. I am just so done with this abuse. I dont want to lose this life but I cant keep being abused
like why couldn't I have been lucky like the millions of people who have good parents and good lives. why did I suffer?
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Aug 15, 2020
Yeah it sucks. Funny the whole world is concerned about the damn election and politics but what about the millions of people suffering from abuse? What about children? Ugh
I dunno. I just feel like jumping off the Manhattan bridge in New York. I am just so done with this abuse. I dont want to lose this life but I cant keep being abused
like why couldn't I have been lucky like the millions of people who have good parents and good lives. why did I suffer?

There are a few reasons as to why abused persons aren't in the news: (1) there is a lack of lucrativeness in reporting on instances of abuse or publicizing the prevalence of abuse; (2) political dogma has an overbearing presence on non-local news channels; (3) abused persons seldom report their abusers; (4) if they do report their abusers, it is most quotidian for them to do so in secrecy; even if they don't do so in an abscond way, it's unordinary for such cases to see public light due to their platitudinous (also see: 1, 2); (5) despondent stories aren't usually topical unless they're thematic with a news organization's doctrine. Moreover, abuse isn't nearly a common as you think.

I could probably pontificate about possible metaphysical answers relative to your questions, but I am pretty sure your question is rhetorical.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Moreover, abuse isn't nearly a common as you think.

I think abuse is endemic in every culture. Corporal punishment of children is the norm, not the exception. Arab, Asian and Latin cultures have rampant physical and sexual abuse of women and children. Domestic violence is in every culture. Abuse is rampant in the Catholic church and in Buddhist sanghas. Even the Dalai Lama was physically abused by his instructors as the child Dalai Lama being trained but not yet in power. Governments abuse citizens. I could go on and on about physical, sexual, verbal and mental abuse in a variety of settings. Wherever there is power, there is abuse, from the government to the family. People wouldn't treat each other like shit if they hadn't experienced or been exposed to abuse.
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Jul 27, 2020
There are a few reasons as to why abused persons aren't in the news...

I'd also say it's not getting news because the idiot public health officers and politicians (at least here in California) would be forced to end the lockdown if the media reported it more regularly. Our state remains the most locked down one in the US. And these supposed public health people never talk about the collateral damage from COVID. I've long felt the mental health and domestic violence issues will be much more traumatic and long-lasting than this little virus.

It is situations like this which are contributing to my decision to CTB, the way people are so viciously and cruelly treating other people, particularly from people in power and with vast wealth. This world is fucked.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I had a mental breakdown my brother had a mental breakdown, and he ended up venting to a neighbor and my grandma and aunt.
I don't know if you ever fight back against your brother but you need to learn how and where to kick. Seriously. I'm basing this on your other thread where you talk about being abused by him. It was an eye opener for me, a sweet nice sensitive person, to take karate and be told how to fight. I won't go down without a fight after that set of lessons.
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Jun 6, 2020
thank you all for the lovely replies

A bit of an update. my brother and I had a blow out argument. In it I ended up crying and he ended up going to a neighbor to talk. He also talked openly to my grandma and aunt and calmed down. Deep down I know a lot of this behavior is from all the abuse he's gotten from our late mother and past traumas with school bullying combines. Doesn't excuse it but, it helped me talking to my family about it
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
it helped me talking to my family about it
I'm glad something helped you. You seem very nice. I would make an abusive brother very scared of me if I were in that house with him.
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Jun 6, 2020
I'm glad something helped you. You seem very nice. I would make an abusive brother very scared of me if I were in that house with him.
I dunno. I dunno if I could hurt him or anything like that. It'd really hurt

I don't want you guys ot think im excusing his behavior, I'm not. I know its wrong and hurtful. But I also know there is a lot that is causing him to act this way. When I think about it he's really following by example. So he'd have to learn better communication skills. Though I am suck at this too. I can also be abusive when I want to.
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Aug 15, 2020
I think abuse is endemic in every culture. Corporal punishment of children is the norm, not the exception. Arab, Asian and Latin cultures have rampant physical and sexual abuse of women and children. Domestic violence is in every culture. Abuse is rampant in the Catholic church and in Buddhist sanghas. Even the Dalai Lama was physically abused by his instructors as the child Dalai Lama being trained but not yet in power. Governments abuse citizens. I could go on and on about physical, sexual, verbal and mental abuse in a variety of settings. Wherever there is power, there is abuse, from the government to the family. People wouldn't treat each other like shit if they hadn't experienced or been exposed to abuse.

It's pretty baroque to include cultural rituals/corporal punishment as a form of a abuse, as stipulations to defining something as abusive usually requires that the act be obsequious and unjust. Of course, the identification of what is unjust is typically idiosyncratic, but cultures wherein abuse as you define it take place are usually meant as a means of punishment; abuse and punishment are not congruent. However, abuse is almost always punishment, as abusive people tend to justify their abuse by assigning it with a correlative cause and effect.

I think that the consensus' definition of abuse from an outside-looking-in perspective is something like "maltreatment/malfeasance that is entirely axiomatic (i.e., unhinged from typical moral or systemic regulations)." But you cannot codify what constitutes virtuousness or justification on the purely objective plane of reality.

I would like elaboration on most of your statements, especially those of which that relate to governmental abuse; physical, sexual, verbal, and mental abuse in a variety of settings; and abuse's prevalence in culture before antagonizing any of them.

Also, I apologize for making that statement; I was pretty uninformed on the prevalence of abuse up until I started researching it.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
It's pretty baroque to include cultural rituals/corporal punishment as a form of a abuse, as stipulations to defining something as abusive usually requires that the act be obsequious and unjust.

In order to understand this assertion (a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief), I had to look up some definitions.

Baroque refers to 17th and 18th century art, so I looked up synonyms: ornate, fancy, very elaborate, over-elaborate, curlicued, extravagant, rococo, fussy, busy, ostentatious, showy, wedding-cake, gingerbread. 'a baroque prose style'

Obsequious: subservient, servile, slavish, obsequious means showing or characterized by extreme compliance or abject obedience. Subservient implies the cringing manner of one very conscious of a subordinate position.

I definitely didn't speak in a flowery, over-elaborate way, and I definitelly wasn't being subservient, extremely compliant, nor abjectly obedient -- especially considering that I was speaking from the position that for seventeen years I had bruises from corporal punishment, and it never corrected any undesirable behaviors of mine but actually exacerbated them. It was imposed to create subservience in me. Speaking against it is the opposite.

There are laws around the world against corporal punishment for children because it causes physical harm and is therefore abusive. I recommend the online resource Project No Spank for more in-depth information about corporal punishment as a form of abuse rather than ostensible correction.

I think that the consensus' definition of abuse from an outside-looking-in perspective is something like "maltreatment/malfeasance that is entirely axiomatic (i.e., unhinged from typical moral or systemic regulations)." But you cannot codify what constitutes virtuousness or justification on the purely objective plane of reality.

The Catholic church thought they were being virtuous and just during the crusades. Perhaps better to define abuse according to the one who experiences it rather than the one in power who performs it? Abuse is about power, dominance, and submission.

Also, I apologize for making that statement; I was pretty uninformed on the prevalence of abuse up until I started researching it.

I'm glad you did.

I would like elaboration on most of your statements, especially those of which that relate to governmental abuse; physical, sexual, verbal, and mental abuse in a variety of settings; and abuse's prevalence in culture before antagonizing any of them.

Antagonize: provoke the hostility of; act in opposition to.

Should I be scared to provoke the hostility of those you'd like me to elaborate about? I'm certainly in opposition to them. :pfff:

I said that I could go on an on; what I meant was that I was holding myself back from doing so, and since such information is readily available and you've shown capability in researching such things, I'll leave it in your hands. Or, if you'd like to, I suggest opening a new thread in Off Topic to start a new discussion rather than derailing this thread, which was my main reason for not going on and on (the second was because I didn't feel like writing an essay, but I gladly will in the proper context, which this thread is not). If you want a serious discussion and start a new thread, then I can respond at leisure, and others can join in to contribute to your understanding rather than putting the entire burden on me. However, if you genuinely want to understand, I hope you'll take on some of the burden and do some research yourself.
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Aug 15, 2020
I definitely didn't speak in a flowery, over-elaborate way

I never claimed that you did. The inclusion of culturally sound punishment into what is defined as abuse presents us the issue of moral justification, which is a very complex, odd topic of conversation; in doing so, you implemented a symbiotic and, as stated previously, enigmatic point into your argument.

I definitelly wasn't being subservient, extremely compliant, nor abjectly obedient

Again, I never made this claim.

The Catholic church thought they were being virtuous and just during the crusades. Perhaps better to define abuse according to the one who experiences it rather than the one in power who performs it? Abuse is about power, dominance, and submission.

You can do that - hence "you cannot codify what constitutes virtuousness or justification on the purely objective plane of reality," which is to say, in this respect, that a corollary of one's inability to reify morality is causal to morality being intrinsically subjective.

Antagonize: provoke the hostility of; act in opposition to.

The latter definition fits my assertion contextually more so than the former. Ex: I would like elaboration on most of your statements . . . before [acting in opposition towards] any of [your statements]. I don't really understand know if this is your attempt at a red herring or if you misunderstood what I meant.

However, if you genuinely want to understand, I hope you'll take on some of the burden and do some research yourself.

I'm interested in your perspective. Please PM me; I cannot PM you.
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just shoot me already
Sep 8, 2020
I'm living with an abusive, narcissist mom and my dad who had Lewy-Body Dementia. LBD has turned my dad into a monster.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I never claimed that you did. The inclusion of culturally sound punishment into what is defined as abuse presents us the issue of moral justification, which is a very complex, odd topic of conversation; in doing so, you implemented a symbiotic and, as stated previously, enigmatic point into your argument.

Again, I never made this claim.

You can do that - hence "you cannot codify what constitutes virtuousness or justification on the purely objective plane of reality," which is to say, in this respect, that a corollary of one's inability to reify morality is causal to morality being intrinsically subjective.

The latter definition fits my assertion contextually more so than the former. Ex: I would like elaboration on most of your statements . . . before [acting in opposition towards] any of [your statements]. I don't really understand know if this is your attempt at a red herring or if you misunderstood what I meant.

I'm interested in your perspective. Please PM me; I cannot PM you.

The reason why I put all those word definitions was not as red herrings, but because you use a lot of words that do not mean anything in the context in which you use them, so it's challenging to understand what you mean and be able to communicate. It would be much easier to understand you if you used simple words. I sincerely don't mean to offend you, embarass you or harshly criticize.

I do not engage in PMs. If you want to start a new thread to further discuss the topic of abuse and the things I said, I'll be glad to participate, but I won't further engage about it in this thread because we're going off topic. I only responded because of the claim you made about abuse.

I wish you well.
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Aug 7, 2020
either talking to them will prolly help or you should make plans of being independent asap .
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