

I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
I know it's kind of dumb because what makes you "you" is your brain, and that dies with your body, but... Does anyone else really want an afterlife?

Not necessarily something exactly like this life (I know for a fact I never want to be who I am now again), but if you could be someone good and happy, in better circumstances/better world... I think it'd be nice.
Does anyone relate?
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I'll shit bricks if my afterlife ends up to be an NPC character that gets killed over and over by main characters that like to goof around.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'm going to be one of those gremlins that sit on your chest when you're experiencing sleep paralysis. I know this since I've never experienced sleep paralysis, meaning that the gremlins have not targeted me (since I am of their kin, obviously).
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Mar 22, 2020
I don't mind if there's no afterlife but I would really like to get some answers when I die. Just like, what are we? How can we exist at all? How can something like the universe/big bang have come from nothing? Ridiculous!

If I simply stop existing, I'll be really mad lol.
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Jan 17, 2021
I was once in a big hurry to kill myself to get in on that afterlife gig. Not in such a hurry anymore, but my curiosity isn't any lesser.
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I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
I'm going to be one of those gremlins that sit on your chest when you're experiencing sleep paralysis. I know this since I've never experienced sleep paralysis, meaning that the gremlins have not targeted me (since I am of their kin, obviously).
I think, if I became a sleep paralysis demon, I'd become that dark figure standing in the corner of someone's room
Making people wonder if I even exist

I don't mind if there's no afterlife but I would really like to get some answers when I die. Just like, what are we? How can we exist at all? How can something like the universe/big bang have come from nothing? Ridiculous!

If I simply stop existing, I'll be really mad lol.
Same, actually. I used to think non-existence was what I wanted, but now it just sounds like something that should be after something else, first (if that makes sense?)
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Jan 29, 2020
I know it's kind of dumb because what makes you "you" is your brain, and that dies with your body, but... Does anyone else really want an afterlife?

Not necessarily something exactly like this life (I know for a fact I never want to be who I am now again), but if you could be someone good and happy, in better circumstances/better world... I think it'd be nice.
Does anyone relate?
I just don't want to exist. Like an eternal blackout. A dreamless sleep.
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Mar 20, 2021
I don't mind if there's no afterlife but I would really like to get some answers when I die. Just like, what are we? How can we exist at all? How can something like the universe/big bang have come from nothing? Ridiculous!

If I simply stop existing, I'll be really mad lol.
Same. I'm very intrigued by the afterlife. I'd also be somewhat disappointed if it really is just floating in nothingness forever not gonna lie (but nothingness is better than the worries of life imo). Sometimes I think of life like a massive lie/simulation where the people who run it don't want their "NPCs" (the people who are unaware that there is anything past what's been programmed into their brains) becoming self-aware and realizing there is no point to living at all in this fake reality when there's something so much better in the afterlife. It would explain why some people are so privileged and favored in this world. Maybe they spawned in already knowing none of this is real, and were meant to play the game on "easy mode" with all the cheat codes just to see what being a human would be like.

Maybe it explains why they're so adamant on restricting and discouraging ctb'ing with scare tactics like hell, etc. They don't want their precious worker bees to become self-aware and move on to something bigger and better. After all, if the working class slaves are all gone, who works the jobs for these greedy elites of the world? If there's no one to serve under them, they no longer have purpose. Sometimes I wonder if this is a video game where dying moves you to the next level. Do we simply get booted to a new level/reality every time we die, creating an infinite loop of existence? Will I wake up in a new body, on a new planet, as a new being? Maybe the afterlife we each personally imagine for ourselves was already pre-programmed into our consciousness like a hidden easter egg
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I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
Sometimes I wonder if this is a video game where dying moves you to the next level. Do we simply get booted to a new level/reality every time we die, creating an infinite loop of existence? Will I wake up in a new body, on a new planet, as a new being? Maybe the afterlife we each personally imagine for ourselves was already pre-programmed into our consciousness like a hidden easter egg
I really hope that's true... Having what I want would be better than any dream.

And in the case this is a video game, I just hope the next world will be a good one, and that this isn't an horror game
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Mar 22, 2020
Same. I'm very intrigued by the afterlife. I'd also be somewhat disappointed if it really is just floating in nothingness forever not gonna lie (but nothingness is better than the worries of life imo). Sometimes I think of life like a massive lie/simulation where the people who run it don't want their "NPCs" (the people who are unaware that there is anything past what's been programmed into their brains) becoming self-aware and realizing there is no point to living at all in this fake reality when there's something so much better in the afterlife. It would explain why some people are so privileged and favored in this world. Maybe they spawned in already knowing none of this is real, and were meant to play the game on "easy mode" with all the cheat codes just to see what being a human would be like.

Maybe it explains why they're so adamant on restricting and discouraging ctb'ing with scare tactics like hell, etc. They don't want their precious worker bees to become self-aware and move on to something bigger and better. After all, if the working class slaves are all gone, who works the jobs for these greedy elites of the world? If there's no one to serve under them, they no longer have purpose. Sometimes I wonder if this is a video game where dying moves you to the next level. Do we simply get booted to a new level/reality every time we die, creating an infinite loop of existence? Will I wake up in a new body, on a new planet, as a new being? Maybe the afterlife we each personally imagine for ourselves was already pre-programmed into our consciousness like a hidden easter egg

I really love your theory. I really think we're living in a simulation and everything will make sense once we log out (die).

Still, I wonder where the creators came from! I guess we'll have to wait lol
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Dec 20, 2020
No. If I wanted to find the good afterlife I would start bombing churches and mosques as punishment against the alleged "god" . I would brutally torture religious congregants too - anyone who follows such a moral monster as their alleged "god" needs to be punished , and any person of moral fiber wants to go to hell forever if it's the only outcome of being on the opposite side of the pedophile Pope or the ayesha raping Muhammad


May 29, 2020
no but the idea of an afterlife has helped me to not do bad things
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Feb 11, 2021
I just want to have a good life thats all i want
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
Same. I'm very intrigued by the afterlife. I'd also be somewhat disappointed if it really is just floating in nothingness forever not gonna lie (but nothingness is better than the worries of life imo). Sometimes I think of life like a massive lie/simulation where the people who run it don't want their "NPCs" (the people who are unaware that there is anything past what's been programmed into their brains) becoming self-aware and realizing there is no point to living at all in this fake reality when there's something so much better in the afterlife. It would explain why some people are so privileged and favored in this world. Maybe they spawned in already knowing none of this is real, and were meant to play the game on "easy mode" with all the cheat codes just to see what being a human would be like.

Maybe it explains why they're so adamant on restricting and discouraging ctb'ing with scare tactics like hell, etc. They don't want their precious worker bees to become self-aware and move on to something bigger and better. After all, if the working class slaves are all gone, who works the jobs for these greedy elites of the world? If there's no one to serve under them, they no longer have purpose. Sometimes I wonder if this is a video game where dying moves you to the next level. Do we simply get booted to a new level/reality every time we die, creating an infinite loop of existence? Will I wake up in a new body, on a new planet, as a new being? Maybe the afterlife we each personally imagine for ourselves was already pre-programmed into our consciousness like a hidden easter egg
it is certain that some people in this world know where they come from and what we are concretely and really, because we are not what we are here on this earth.

I really like your vision, but when you die in a video game, do we really take it to the next level? or does the game make us start over the same level in order to face the same stages of difficulty and then move on to a higher level.

it is also certain that the hereafter is wonderful and is a place of peace and rest, undoubtedly the same place we come from before we were born into this body, but being disadvantaged in comparison with the elites (those who have understood and who know). which is all the same paradoxical if this version was correct, which is why then the death penalty existed for murderers or pedophiles? to allow him to have access to something better despite their absurd gestures?

the question can also arise in a contradictory way. in any case being interested in near-death experiences and their testimonies, most of the people who explain their experience speak of a place of peace, without judgment or suffering.
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
No lmfao. I just/only want NOTHING. Literally just NOTHING. And that (NOTHINGNESS/NONEXISTENCE) to be forever/infinite/endless/eternal with absolutely literally ANY fucking "end"/"limit" (or whatever the fuck that even means) AT ALL. COMPLETELY ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY LITERALLY NOTHING. ABSOLUTE TOTAL NOTHINGNESS/NONEXISTENCE. I literally truly simply just DONT fcking want literally absolutely any "something"/"thing" in general at all of absolutely any type/way/form/sort/kind/dimension etcetc in general at all, and I literally just couldnt give any less of a damn shit what/how etc the fuck "it" is/can be, neither if "it" is any/whatever """"pOsItIvE""""/"""""nEgAtIvE""""" 'way'/'adjective'/'thing' in general and or whatever tf in gener/type of 'thing'/'place' in general etc and or whatever tf in general/type of 'place'/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'planet'/type of 'existence'/type of 'consciousness'/type of 'reality'/type of 'perception'/type of 'universe'/type of 'galaxy'/type of "X"/type of BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHETCETCETCETCETCETC whatever the goddamn fuck in general, etcetcetcetc. Eternal absolute total complete plain pure literal infinite endless limitless permanent utter NOTHINGNESS/NON-EXISTENCE. That's what ive always wanted/wanted to want and literally ALWAYS will and 'wish'/'desire'/'crave'/'seek' or whatever the damn fuck those 'verbs'/'words' even mean NO 'matter' what etc. NOT any fcking "aFtErLiFe"/"lIfE aFtEr DeAtH" crap shit (nor basically any other "something"/"thing" in general at all whatever the fuck "it" is etc) in general at all of any type/kind/form/way etc, whatever/however the damn fuck it is/can be lmao. I literally just/only want (have always wanted/wanted to want and always will NO fucking 'matter' what) to just literally basically NOT/NEVER "exist" in general at absolute all/"be" in general absolutely totally literally utterly definitely basically completely ANYTHING/ANYONE/ANYWHERE ETCETCETC IN GENERAL AT DAMN FUCKING ALL in literally totally absolutely any 'way'/'form'/'sort' etc 'possible'/'imaginable' nor 'unimaginable' etc in general at all NOWHERE in general at all of any type/kind/way/form/sort/dimension etcetc in general at all, whatever/however etc the goddamn fuck "it" is/can be etc. I just dont fucking want (never have had never will. And its NOT because of ANY damn reasons/factors etc in general at all of any type and there fucking ARENT any 'explanations'/'causes' etc in general at all, related to/about absolutely ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL) to in general 'experience'/'do'/'live'/'participate' in/'be part' of/'enjoy'/'discover'/'explore'/'perceive' etcetcetc absolutely literally totally basically ANYTHING in general at all. NOTHING in general at all for fucks sake, absolutely N O T H I N G. No fucking 'matter' what/how/where etc the damn fuck "it" is/can be, of any type/kind/way/form etc. No fcking 'matter' what 'happens', what 'there is'/it 'has', what its "about", how it "works" nor BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAETCETCETCETC a veeeeeeeery looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong and endless/infinite etc. That "there's" "sOmEtHinG eLsE" after """this" 'something'""//that tHeRe MuSt Be/HaS tO bE "sOmEtHiNg" aFtEr "sOmEtHiNg" is basically just a 'human' 'concept'/'invention'/'imagination' or whatever the fuck all those 'words' even fcking mean lmao (or whatever the goddamn fck "lmao"/"lmfao" means too), because 'people'/'humans' want tHeRe To Be 'sOmEtHiNg' ElSe/aNoThEr 'sOmEtHiNg' and dont want DEATH to be the end, but just because 'people'/'humans' in general want tHeRe To Be sOmEtHinG after death DOESNT fcking mean that "I" have to want to too, for fucks sake. just because "I"/this meat flesh carcass/shell/vessel/suit "Im" fucking trapped in called "human body"/"body" or whatever the fuck that is in general "supposedly" "came" from "something"/a "tHiNg" doesnt fcking mean that "theres"/there hAs To|MuSt Be "aNoThEr SoMeThInG" after "this" "something"/"thing" yes or fucking yes lmao, at least I FCKING HOPE NOT

i literally just DONT 'want' etc absolutely ANYTHING in general at damn all, NEVER HAVE HAD NEVER WILL and thats it, for fucks sake. why the damn fuck am "I" fucking obligated/forced to [and obligated/forced to want to want to] 'wAnT'/'cArE' aBoUt/'lIkE' [I NEITHER "LIKE"/"LOVE" NOR "DISLIKE"/"HATE" ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL, I LITERALLY JUST DONT GIVE A GODDAMN FUCK SHIT FFS NEVER HAVE HAD NEVER WILL NO 'MATTER' WHAT AND ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY REASONS/CAUSES ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL]/'nEeD'/hAvE 'iNtErEsT'|'cUrIoSiTy'|'dEsIrE'|'aTtRaCtiOn' and or whatever other goddamn bullshit crap like that in general fOr/aBoUt/iN eTcEtC and or blahblahetcetc whatever the damn fck in general///wAnT tO in general 'eXpErIeNcE'/'lIvE'/'dO'/'kNoW' aBoUt/'lEaRn' aBoUt/'eNjOy'/'pErCeIvE'|'sEe'/'eXpLoRe'/'dIsCoVeR'/'pArTiCiPaTe' iN/'bE pArT' oF eTcEtCeTcEtC and or BLAHBLAHBLAHETC whatever the damn fuck in general//whatever any other 'action'/'verb' in general etc "tHiNgS"/"sOmEtHiNg"/A "tHiNg" iN gEnErAl yes or fucking yes """"uNlEsS tHeReS a ReAsOn/cAuSe/eXpLaNaTiOn wHy I dOnT""""/""""uNlEsS i DoNt bEcAuSe Of 'sOmEtHiNg'/A rEaSoN"""" jesus fcking damn christ fcking why?????!!!!!!! I FUCKING SHOULDN'T BE FCKING FORCED/OBLIGATED TO JUST BECAUSE "I" HAD NO DAMN 'CHOICE' BUT TO "BE" "BORN"/"EXIST" IN GENERAL//"BE"|"BECOME" "SOMETHING"|"SOMEONE" IN GENERAL/AN "ENTITY"|"SPECIES"|"BEING"|"LIFE FORM"|"CREATURE" IN GENERAL OR WHATEVER TF ALL THAT MEANS AND "WAS" "BROUGHT" "HERE"/TO "THIS" "'THING"/"PLACE" CALLED "EXISTENCE"/"LIFE"/"CONSCIOUSNESS"/"PLANET"/"WORLD"/"REALITY"/"GALAXY"/"UNIVERSE" AND OR WHATEVER THE DAMN FUCK IN GENERAL AND JUST BECAUSE YOU ALL/EVERYONE ELSE|'PEOPLE' IN GENERAL WANT TO """uNlEsS yOu/ThEy DoNt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN""" FOR FUCKS SAKE. WHY IS "THIS" IN GENERAL AN 'OBLIGATION'/'OBLIGATORY' 'THING' FFS FUCKING WHY???????!!!!!!!!! I literally just will never at all fcking 'understand'/'comprehend' or whatever the fck those 'verbs'/'words' even mean. Why the goddamn fuck cant I just simply literally NOT/DONT fcking 'want'/give a goddamn fcking shit about etcetc//want to 'experience' etc in general etcetcetcetc absolutely literally basically totally completely ANYTHING in general at all AND THATS FCKING LITERALLY IT WITHOUT ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY ANY FCKING 'REASONS'/'CAUSES'/'FACTORS'/'EXPLANATIONS' ETCETC IN GENERAL AT ALL OF ANY TYPE NOR RELATED TO/ABOUT ETC ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY?????? just because 'humans'/'people' fcking say so and fucking feel like it and have fcking INVENTED that i "cAnT" ""uNlEsS i DoNt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN"" or fcking what????????? :pfff::pfff::pfff::pfff::pfff:
For me (or whatever the fuck a "me" even fcking is//"me" "you" "she"/"he" "they" "we" etc fcking even means) DEATH is the total/absolute/literal END of literally absolutely totally EVERYTHING in general and there's absolutely/literally/utterly NOTHING at all after it and NOTHING at all "hApPeNs" after it. N O T H I N G.
I literally just/only want and always will want (and 'crave'/'seek'/'desire'/'wish' or whatever those 'words'/'verbs' fcking mean) NOTHINGNESS/NONEXISTENCE/OBLIVION FOREVER/FOR ALL ABSOLUTE TOTAL 'ETERNITY' but well, if it 'turns out' that therell "be" "sOmEtHinG eLsE" after death/"this something".... what a goddamn fcking bullshit garbage crap (or whatever the fck those 'words' even mean) then lmfao
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
No lmfao. I just/only want NOTHING. Literally just NOTHING. And that (NOTHINGNESS/NONEXISTENCE) to be forever/infinite/endless/eternal with absolutely literally ANY fucking "end"/"limit" (or whatever the fuck that even means) AT ALL. COMPLETELY ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY LITERALLY NOTHING. ABSOLUTE TOTAL NOTHINGNESS/NONEXISTENCE. I literally truly simply just DONT fcking want literally absolutely any "something"/"thing" in general at all of absolutely any type/way/form/sort/kind/dimension etcetc in general at all, and I literally just couldnt give any less of a damn shit what/how etc the fuck "it" is/can be, neither if "it" is any/whatever """"pOsItIvE""""/"""""nEgAtIvE""""" 'way'/'adjective'/'thing' in general and or whatever tf in gener/type of 'thing'/'place' in general etc and or whatever tf in general/type of 'place'/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'planet'/type of 'existence'/type of 'consciousness'/type of 'reality'/type of 'perception'/type of 'universe'/type of 'galaxy'/type of "X"/type of BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHETCETCETCETCETCETC whatever the goddamn fuck in general, etcetcetcetc. Eternal absolute total complete plain pure literal infinite endless limitless permanent utter NOTHINGNESS/NON-EXISTENCE. That's what ive always wanted/wanted to want and literally ALWAYS will and 'wish'/'desire'/'crave'/'seek' or whatever the damn fuck those 'verbs'/'words' even mean NO 'matter' what etc. NOT any fcking "aFtErLiFe"/"lIfE aFtEr DeAtH" crap shit (nor basically any other "something"/"thing" in general at all whatever the fuck "it" is etc) in general at all of any type/kind/form/way etc, whatever/however the damn fuck it is/can be lmao. I literally just/only want (have always wanted/wanted to want and always will NO fucking 'matter' what) to just literally basically NOT/NEVER "exist" in general at absolute all/"be" in general absolutely totally literally utterly definitely basically completely ANYTHING/ANYONE/ANYWHERE ETCETCETC IN GENERAL AT DAMN FUCKING ALL in literally totally absolutely any 'way'/'form'/'sort' etc 'possible'/'imaginable' nor 'unimaginable' etc in general at all NOWHERE in general at all of any type/kind/way/form/sort/dimension etcetc in general at all, whatever/however etc the goddamn fuck "it" is/can be etc. I just dont fucking want (never have had never will. And its NOT because of ANY damn reasons/factors etc in general at all of any type and there fucking ARENT any 'explanations'/'causes' etc in general at all, related to/about absolutely ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL) to in general 'experience'/'do'/'live'/'participate' in/'be part' of/'enjoy'/'discover'/'explore'/'perceive' etcetcetc absolutely literally totally basically ANYTHING in general at all. NOTHING in general at all for fucks sake, absolutely N O T H I N G. No fucking 'matter' what/how/where etc the damn fuck "it" is/can be, of any type/kind/way/form etc. No fcking 'matter' what 'happens', what 'there is'/it 'has', what its "about", how it "works" nor BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAETCETCETCETC a veeeeeeeery looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong and endless/infinite etc. That "there's" "sOmEtHinG eLsE" after """this" 'something'""//that tHeRe MuSt Be/HaS tO bE "sOmEtHiNg" aFtEr "sOmEtHiNg" is basically just a 'human' 'concept'/'invention'/'imagination' or whatever the fuck all those 'words' even fcking mean lmao (or whatever the goddamn fck "lmao"/"lmfao" means too), because 'people'/'humans' want tHeRe To Be 'sOmEtHiNg' ElSe/aNoThEr 'sOmEtHiNg' and dont want DEATH to be the end, but just because 'people'/'humans' in general want tHeRe To Be sOmEtHinG after death DOESNT fcking mean that "I" have to want to too, for fucks sake. just because "I"/this meat flesh carcass/shell/vessel/suit "Im" fucking trapped in called "human body"/"body" or whatever the fuck that is in general "supposedly" "came" from "something"/a "tHiNg" doesnt fcking mean that "theres"/there hAs To|MuSt Be "aNoThEr SoMeThInG" after "this" "something"/"thing" yes or fucking yes lmao, at least I FCKING HOPE NOT

i literally just DONT 'want' etc absolutely ANYTHING in general at damn all, NEVER HAVE HAD NEVER WILL and thats it, for fucks sake. why the damn fuck am "I" fucking obligated/forced to [and obligated/forced to want to want to] 'wAnT'/'cArE' aBoUt/'lIkE' [I NEITHER "LIKE"/"LOVE" NOR "DISLIKE"/"HATE" ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL, I LITERALLY JUST DONT GIVE A GODDAMN FUCK SHIT FFS NEVER HAVE HAD NEVER WILL NO 'MATTER' WHAT AND ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY REASONS/CAUSES ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL]/'nEeD'/hAvE 'iNtErEsT'|'cUrIoSiTy'|'dEsIrE'|'aTtRaCtiOn' and or whatever other goddamn bullshit crap like that in general fOr/aBoUt/iN eTcEtC and or blahblahetcetc whatever the damn fck in general///wAnT tO in general 'eXpErIeNcE'/'lIvE'/'dO'/'kNoW' aBoUt/'lEaRn' aBoUt/'eNjOy'/'pErCeIvE'|'sEe'/'eXpLoRe'/'dIsCoVeR'/'pArTiCiPaTe' iN/'bE pArT' oF eTcEtCeTcEtC and or BLAHBLAHBLAHETC whatever the damn fuck in general//whatever any other 'action'/'verb' in general etc "tHiNgS"/"sOmEtHiNg"/A "tHiNg" iN gEnErAl yes or fucking yes """"uNlEsS tHeReS a ReAsOn/cAuSe/eXpLaNaTiOn wHy I dOnT""""/""""uNlEsS i DoNt bEcAuSe Of 'sOmEtHiNg'/A rEaSoN"""" jesus fcking damn christ fcking why?????!!!!!!! I FUCKING SHOULDN'T BE FCKING FORCED/OBLIGATED TO JUST BECAUSE "I" HAD NO DAMN 'CHOICE' BUT TO "BE" "BORN"/"EXIST" IN GENERAL//"BE"|"BECOME" "SOMETHING"|"SOMEONE" IN GENERAL/AN "ENTITY"|"SPECIES"|"BEING"|"LIFE FORM"|"CREATURE" IN GENERAL OR WHATEVER TF ALL THAT MEANS AND "WAS" "BROUGHT" "HERE"/TO "THIS" "'THING"/"PLACE" CALLED "EXISTENCE"/"LIFE"/"CONSCIOUSNESS"/"PLANET"/"WORLD"/"REALITY"/"GALAXY"/"UNIVERSE" AND OR WHATEVER THE DAMN FUCK IN GENERAL AND JUST BECAUSE YOU ALL/EVERYONE ELSE|'PEOPLE' IN GENERAL WANT TO """uNlEsS yOu/ThEy DoNt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN""" FOR FUCKS SAKE. WHY IS "THIS" IN GENERAL AN 'OBLIGATION'/'OBLIGATORY' 'THING' FFS FUCKING WHY???????!!!!!!!!! I literally just will never at all fcking 'understand'/'comprehend' or whatever the fck those 'verbs'/'words' even mean. Why the goddamn fuck cant I just simply literally NOT/DONT fcking 'want'/give a goddamn fcking shit about etcetc//want to 'experience' etc in general etcetcetcetc absolutely literally basically totally completely ANYTHING in general at all AND THATS FCKING LITERALLY IT WITHOUT ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY ANY FCKING 'REASONS'/'CAUSES'/'FACTORS'/'EXPLANATIONS' ETCETC IN GENERAL AT ALL OF ANY TYPE NOR RELATED TO/ABOUT ETC ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY?????? just because 'humans'/'people' fcking say so and fucking feel like it and have fcking INVENTED that i "cAnT" ""uNlEsS i DoNt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN"" or fcking what????????? :pfff::pfff::pfff::pfff::pfff:
For me (or whatever the fuck a "me" even fcking is//"me" "you" "she"/"he" "they" "we" etc fcking even means) DEATH is the total/absolute/literal END of literally absolutely totally EVERYTHING in general and there's absolutely/literally/utterly NOTHING at all after it and NOTHING at all "hApPeNs" after it. N O T H I N G.
I literally just/only want and always will want (and 'crave'/'seek'/'desire'/'wish' or whatever those 'words'/'verbs' fcking mean) NOTHINGNESS/NONEXISTENCE/OBLIVION FOREVER/FOR ALL ABSOLUTE TOTAL 'ETERNITY' but well, if it 'turns out' that therell "be" "sOmEtHinG eLsE" after death/"this something".... what a goddamn fcking bullshit garbage crap (or whatever the fck those 'words' even mean) then lmfao
Thank you for existing, I love these so much.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I care less about what happens in the afterlife than being able to just tell everyone who's still alive what really happens for sure in a way that would be accepted enough that people could finally stop using the afterlife to generate fear and doubt.
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Feb 22, 2021
I care less about what happens in the afterlife than being able to just tell everyone who's still alive what really happens for sure in a way that would be accepted enough that people could finally stop using the afterlife to generate fear and doubt.
I suggest you create crop circles. Wait... That's already been done before... Nevermind, just don't forget to add your username in there and we'll know for sure it's from you lol.
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