Can you be too young for suicide?

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 61.6%
  • No

    Votes: 28 28.3%
  • Other (comment)

    Votes: 10 10.1%

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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
16 year old Junko furuta was continuously extremely tortured and raped for 44 days

She begged her kidnappers to kill her . But of course they wouldn't

It's ridiculous even many in this thread believe the lie that you have to be 25 years old to be able to decide that u need to die

So they are saying that she was irrational and didn't have the mental capacity to tell that being dead was better than the extreme torture

This is ridiculous.

Who would deny Junko a drink of nembutal in that scenario? Let's say she had nembutal or cyanide capsules. So these people are saying that they need to take away Junko's nembutal because she cannot make that decision on her own. Again this is ridiculous

As for me I wouldn't given a fuck if I were given health billions of dollars youth all of the crap they say that good lives have I would still prefer non-existence by a trillion times. I arrived at the conclusions though rational thinking not because I'm some fucking age

Most adult humans don't even fully understand we are all going to die anyway . Even older ones like in their 30s 40s . It's about thinking about things. A damn birthdate is not going to magically implant knowledge

I have many reasons to kill myself asap . That so many believe the big lie that u need to be age 25 to make decisions like suicide is another reason that I would not want to live in such an evil world

I've read a lot of books about the brain and that age 25 crap is a Big lie . It's to infantalize every one to control every one.

Here an example of what a 4 year old brain can do , a 4 year old girl beating every adult in a chess club . It's because she practiced more than those adult chess players.

In the summer of 1973, a father and his daughter walked into a chess club in Budapest. 1

The club was full of heavy cigarette smoke and elderly men who came there day after day to play chess.

The father approached the gentlemen.

The old men could not believe their ears when they heard László Polgár challenge them to play against his four-year-old daughter, Susan Polgár.

László put a pillow that he brought from home on one of the chairs so his daughter could reach the table.


The old chess foxes could not believe their eyes when little Susan won one match after another.

Who the hell was this kid?
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I'm so tired
Feb 12, 2023
EvisceratedJester already debunked the "maturity at 25" thing, so no need to repeat it

It feels dismissive of their pain to say that some are too young to CTB, especially coming from someone who should know the anguish and how suffocating it feels. If a young person comes to their own conclusion that life isn't worth living, researches their methods, sets up a protocol, etc. (aka it's not a heat-of-the-moment decision) I don't see how that's any different from someone older doing it

Edit: also, haven't a good chunk of us been feeling suicidal since a young age, including possible attempts? Shouldn't we know what it feels like, and how hard if not impossible it is to get better?
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Mar 4, 2024
I'm aware this is a divisive topic here and I'm kind of curious what the general consensus is here. Obviously, there's young people here who want to feel validated on one side, and on the other, there is a logical argument to be made on the developing brain.

Would love for people to vote and share your reasoning if you want in a comment
I feel, for me, the ultimate fact is that no matter how I feel about it, the choice is not mine. For this reason I voted no.
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she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
Lol I said this exact thing in another thread and all the people under 25 came out the woodwork to try to start arguments trying to be as edgy as possible
lmao ok buddy. no, people just disagreed because it's really invalidating to people under that age who are struggling. no one was "trying to start arguments" or "trying to be edgy" people just surprisingly dont like it when you invalidate their struggles like that and have a right to complain.

anyway saying people under 25 shouldnt ctb cus "it'll get better" or "it might be a mistake" or whatever is literally pro lifer bullshit and has no place here. the only time i'll agree on an age being not ok to ctb would be like an infant/toddler/small child. In the teens its tentative based on specific circumstances really but like beyond 18 youre good to go i say.
Im with ya there.
Wait til your brain is developed, and youve actually experienced life as an adult, as maby you just had a shitty childhood, and things might get better after you get away from your family
i have had a perfectly fine childhood and i still wanna die. it has nothing to do with my "life experience" its all to do with the issues in my brain that will never get better. not everyone has external causes for their issues. and not all of those even will go with time.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Lol I said this exact thing in another thread and all the people under 25 came out the woodwork to try to start arguments trying to be as edgy as possible
I'm sorry, but having gone through your posts that is not what happened. You talked about wanting people under 25 to "give life a chance" and then stated "too many fucking kids on this site", implying that you think those under 25 are kids.

Then, @coolgal82 stated that they didnt agree with your sentiment based on their own experiences as a 20-year-old. Then you decided to respond to them by being condescending and rude, using drunking age and your own experiences to invalidate their points. Nobody was trying to be edgy.

im older (30 yrs old) so i just feel bad for kids who dont give life a chance and try to do it young before they are even 25. too many fucking kids on this site.

i dont really like the implication that anyone under 25 hasnt "given life a chance" or whatever like i'm 20 and i can plainly see i will never be able to be truly happy, and plenty of others are in the same boat.

Your not even old enough to drink yet give me a break, looks like ur just trying to start an argument

woe is me

i literally am though, its 18 in the uk, and i'm not "trying to start an argument" im pointing out that the implication you made is pretty cringe and also invalidating to young people who suffer

Agree to disagree

Ive been young and was also suffering. Not going back and forth with you. Like i said im 30 and have attempted already once when i was younger. Seems like you just want to argue im done here.
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I'm so tired
Feb 12, 2023
drinking age
Sorry to butt in but that is such a dumb argument. Most of the world has deemed that to be 18, even 16 for things like beer and wine. Just because the US is scared of alcohol it doesn't mean 21 it's the end all be all of maturity and adulthood
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Sorry to butt in but that is such a dumb argument. Most of the world has deemed that to be 18, even 16 for things like beer and wine. Just because the US is scared of alcohol it doesn't mean 21 it's the end all be all of maturity and adulthood
The drinking age where I live is 18-19 depending on province, lol. Also, I find it strange to bring up the legal drinking age in the US when they literally allow you to signup for the military at 18. It's just a bad argument.
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#1 Wasted sperm
Jul 18, 2024
I know damn well there are minors on here which make me really sad but tbh (I'm 19) but I still think u should try and hold on until ur 24 (when ur brain fully matures) plus I think teens and kids are more likely to be more impulsive.


Aug 6, 2024
The way I see it, is that suicide has to be a logical, well-planned decision. Not an emotional, spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. Your brain doesn't finish developing until your mid- or even late twenties. It's hard to make that kind of a logical decision when you are younger just for that reason alone. Young folks tend to be more emotional partly for that reason, especially teens, which is absolutely normal. Lots of young people who I've encountered who want to ctb want to do it for reasons that are fixable with a little effort. I know first hand that things like "I'm ugly" seem like a gigantic problem when your hormones are acting up but you can work through that and it's not a good enough reason to ctb just yet in my humble opinion. I think it is good for people not to ctb until they're at least 30. After that, if you still feel like you want to ctb, then go for it. Being born with some horrible illness or getting some awful injury is another story though, I think those kids should be allowed to choose earlier.
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Sep 19, 2024
It is a hard topic because everything is different. Obviously a 5 year old should not swallow Nembutal but a 16 year old that has horrible medical problems of course. Not a black and white yes or no question.


Apr 8, 2024
I'm aware this is a divisive topic here and I'm kind of curious what the general consensus is here. Obviously, there's young people here who want to feel validated on one side, and on the other, there is a logical argument to be made on the developing brain.

Would love for people to vote and share your reasoning if you want in a comment
Every age.

The very fact that we're being pushed to ctb is sad.

I'm not mature, I never will be.

Despite what many people say, I believe 'impulsive suicide' is extremely hard and rare. We're literally ending our lives, that isn't something that you can just decide to do, unless there's some other factors clouding your judgement.

All who considers suicide probably thought about their own situation than any other person has. They thought about themselves the most and decided what they want to do.

Whether it's the 'best' option is always debatable.

Age is meaningless when it comes to this decision. That's what I believe.
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Nov 13, 2021
I'm surprised this gained so much traction so I'll say

It's a very tricky subject. Are you refering to assisted suicide- as in- it should be available to all? Or, are you refering to effectively judging someone for taking their own life at a young age?
Neither, I was referring to each person's individual opinion, so closer to the effectively judging I suppose? Really though, no judgement to be passed, I'm just curious what everyone's opinion is

It is a hard topic because everything is different. Obviously a 5 year old should not swallow Nembutal but a 16 year old that has horrible medical problems of course. Not a black and white yes or no question.
I'm aware, but I feel a lot of people have varying opinions. Honestly, the vagueness of my question allows some various interpretations which I feel allows for better discussion.
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Can't mistakey if not awakey
Jun 29, 2019
I answered yes. Even though I was suicidal at 13 and still am 20 years later, I don't believe a decision should be made until after the brain stops developing. Just like a child can't consent to sex, or buy cigarettes or alcohol, I don't see why suicide should be different. It's a permanent decision that will affect your loved ones greatly.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Your brain doesn't finish developing until your mid- or even late twenties. It's hard to make that kind of a logical decision when you are younger just for that reason alone.
People under 25 are capable of making rational decisions comparable to that of adults. You guys keep on trying to simplify all of this down to brain development without considering other factors, such as circumstance. So long as other risk-taking factors, such as peer influence and heat of moment thinking, are controlled for I don't see why someone under 30 shouldn't be given the right to ctb.
I know first hand that things like "I'm ugly" seem like a gigantic problem when your hormones are acting up
Most people don't want to ctb just because of appearances alone and if they do, then so what? What difference is there between a 35-year-old who wants to ctb because they feel they look ugly vs a 22-year-old? Also, puberty ends around your late teens to early 20s, so what are talking about when you mention "hormones acting up"?
Lots of young people who I've encountered who want to ctb want to do it for reasons that are fixable with a little effort.
I've encountered plenty of people over 30 who also want to ctb for problems that seem fixable. Should they not be allowed to ctb? And what about all the people under 30 with problems that arent fixable? This just comes off as you invalidating the issues of others based on age. Once you are an adult, you are allowed to do what you want with your life and that should include being allow to end it if you so please.
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Jun 12, 2024
I answered yes. Even though I was suicidal at 13 and still am 20 years later, I don't believe a decision should be made until after the brain stops developing. Just like a child can't consent to sex, or buy cigarettes or alcohol, I don't see why suicide should be different. It's a permanent decision that will affect your loved ones greatly.
I largely agree with this, I know people's reasons for wanting to CTB can be different, but i think teenagers and people under 18 especially can be experiencing what I'd call the brutality of life at first which can make them want to CTB in the short term but not really in the long term. Ofc it depends on the person but the young should def be given as much support and help as possible
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, I believe that any people from any age should be allowed to kill themselves due to what @Alexei_Kirillov stated. Life isn't meant for everybody and thinking about what could have been had they not killed themselves seems so incoherent to me. That said, I know that society won't ever agree on legalising euthanasia for children as almost every human has some sort of bias for children and considers them to be innocent so I think that a good start should be to legalise euthanasia for people age 16 and onwards. There isn't really much difference in a 16 year old to an 18 year old in terms of being able to perceive the world as well as their own life and to form their own conclusions based on that
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
16 year old Junko furuta was continuously extremely tortured and raped for 44 days

She begged her kidnappers to kill her . But of course they wouldn't

It's ridiculous even many in this thread believe the lie that you have to be 25 years old to be able to decide that u need to die

So they are saying that she was irrational and didn't have the mental capacity to tell that being dead was better than the extreme torture

This is ridiculous.

Who would deny Junko a drink of nembutal in that scenario? Let's say she had nembutal or cyanide capsules. So these people are saying that they need to take away Junko's nembutal because she cannot make that decision on her own. Again this is ridiculous

As for me I wouldn't given a fuck if I were given health billions of dollars youth all of the crap they say that good lives have I would still prefer non-existence by a trillion times. I arrived at the conclusions though rational thinking not because I'm some fucking age

Most adult humans don't even fully understand we are all going to die anyway . Even older ones like in their 30s 40s . It's about thinking about things. A damn birthdate is not going to magically implant knowledge

I have many reasons to kill myself asap . That so many believe the big lie that u need to be age 25 to make decisions like suicide is another reason that I would not want to live in such an evil world
Correct. The poll results make me sick, that's just evil and excuses to lord other people. "Better" is not "worth it". Unless underage people can't feel pain, they can value it. The argument is shit when you consider it can apply to people of extremely old age and severe cognitive loss, but people just pretend it's different because numbers = automatically magic and whatever goes in the brain doesn't exist.

It's even worse when people pull the " brain matures at 25" card. I have nothing to say because it's been debunked so many times (it never was supported by a good base), yet people pass it as an absolute and use it to control people without being even true in first place.

As I said, makes me sick. This place "saves lifes" when adults use it, but it's the main factor on death if minors break the rules and join. There's no hope for this community. I only find confort in thinking that, regardless the virtue signalign, nobody has any control on whoever someone browses it as a guest or not.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023

you have 2000 post on a suicide forum lets get real. What are you waiting for? just here to rant?
You know, you are quite immature for a 30-year-old. Starting to make me wonder if only people over 35 should be allowed to ctb. Wouldn't want the type of person who responds in such a volatile and emotional manner to simple disagreements to be making big decisions about things, such as whether or not they should end their own life.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Hve nevr likd threds lke ths bcse imo suicde of minrs shld nevr b advoc8td fr

Tht ds nt chnge th/ fct tht minrs wll stll ctb bcse thy cn strggle as mch as n.e1 els & if thy tke tht stp thn thy hve bn faild b/ all of th/ adlts arnd thm

thre shld b mre spport fr minrs fr th/ strggles tht thy r havng - espclly wth onlne bullyng & harrssmnt happnng
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Jan 1, 2024
I had a suicide attempt at 18 and didnt think I would get better. After getting on the right medication I did feel better I'm not saying that it will get better though it just depends I was still depressed but I didnt feel as suicidal after in my 20s. I agree with everyone about your brain is still developing even past 18
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Hve nevr likd threds lke ths bcse imo suicde of minrs shld nevr b advoc8td fr

Tht ds nt chnge th/ fct tht minrs wll stll ctb bcse thy cn strggle as mch as n.e1 els & if thy tke tht stp thn thy hve bn faild b/ all of th/ adlts arnd thm

thre shld b mre spport fr minrs fr th/ strggles tht thy r havng - espclly wth onlne bullyng & harrssmnt happnng
I feel like minors should be able to ctb, but only in very specific cases, such as if they have a severe terminal illness.

Take this case, for example:
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
As I said, makes me sick. This place "saves lifes" when adults use it, but it's the main factor on death if minors break the rules and join. There's no hope for this community. I only find confort in thinking that, regardless the virtue signalign, nobody has any control on whoever someone browses it as a guest or not.

D/ u rlly wnt membrs givng 8 y/os SN sourcs

Th/ ste allws xchangng of infrmatn fr legl adlts only nt jst fr legl purpses bt bcse u wll fnd tht th/ majrty of ppl d/ nt wn2 offr infrmatn whch wld hlp childrn mke decsns tht thy cnnt tke bck

Havng an opn spce t/ tlk abt suicdl feelngs perhps - if sme1 hs thm thn thy shld b abl t/ dscuss thm @ n.e ag imo bt slf wll nevr evr agree wth argmnt tht childrn shld b givn accss t/ ctb infrmatn frm a bnch of strangrs ovr th/ internt

Evn th/ xample tht @EvisceratedJester jst gve ws of a chld whse decsn ws b-ing dscussd wth adlt parnts & medcl profssnls
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
D/ u rlly wnt membrs givng 8 y/os SN sourcs
The post I replied to was about a 16 y/o girl who was raped for 44 days straight - context matters terribly in this kind of threads.

Please do not ignore it.

I understand it's such a sensitive topic and I just replied because I wanted to vent, but you literally don't know if they had some previous abuse or just want to die because their Roblox girlfriend broke with them.

I also get they can't properly think, but let's not underestimate how many guardians are shit, abusive, or inept to the point of breaking them and can't decide for them either.
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Global Mod | Serious Health Hazard
Jul 12, 2022
I'll be locking this thread.

SaSu is a forum for discussion of adults right to decide when their life should end.
It's not the place to discuss minors right to die, at least not in the way it has been discussed in this thread.
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