- May 2, 2024
- 20
It's crazymaking. I keep hearing that it's entirely to do with the age, like 23 is the guaranteed "get fucked" year for everyone, and it'll get better at some nondescript mystery year in the future. But it's difficult to some ignore the conditions that differentiate Gen Z 23 from say, Gen X 23. Most notably an economic downturn that's made me and many others literally too poor to live. Not to mention personal turmoil constricting me in ways that I can't imagine are all that common. Simultaneously, I feel like it's too late. It feels pathetic to even consider, leaving behind a friendless, homeless, college-dropout corpse. Not that I need a packed funeral, but I don't want even more humiliation posthumously. Is there some massive chemical rebalance in the brain at 24? Is it worth holding out? Any current, recent, or former 23 year olds know anything I don't? Thanks.