- Nov 30, 2020
- 2,049
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
These two things really stood out to me. Your reaction was automatic, rooted in trauma. I imagine you feel ashamed for pushing her away and then crying, but it's not bad and it's not your fault.Klaudia wanted to fool around I guess, she took a pillow, and put it on my face when I was laying on the bed, guess what happened? I pushed here aside, same with the pillow, sat on the edge of the bed, and started crying.
I don't think I will editing this post, or adding anything, there's a lot of work to be done, for me to be happy about this post, but it wouldn't change anything really, just another page in a book of many stories that will be forgotten.
I'm sorry to pollute this thread but the dm function is blocked for new people :|Ask me if you need advice about self-harm and/or treating wounds.
Same, it seems I can't pm for now. I meant advices about wounds care, not how to do it. Usually bio oil is adviced as a good way to help scars to fade, btw.Hi, 28yo dude here. Same as the post below me, i was afraid the forum was down.
I usally don't post, it kinda help me to see how people deals with their trouble. I had two severe depression and curently going through a third one for 5 mounths because I had the great idea to fall (or fail) again in love :/
I currently don't want to ctb rn because i don't want to harm my familly, so i just feel trapped.
I'm not sure if that will keep me from doing ctb forever tho... it's exhausting to stay in pain for so long.
I'm sorry to pollute this thread but the dm function is blocked for new people :|
What do you mean by advice ? Advice to do it or to avoid it ?
I really liked to cut myself but I don't want to have scars. I still have scars from the begening of my current depression and I wait for them to disapear. Still very tempting tho, because it was a good way to distract me from mental pain and being able to focus again.
HELLO!!!! I have had 2 attempts myself and I have no friends or family, EXCEPT all the loving global family memebrs here!! Now you are a VERY caring and thoughtful person, just listen to how you wrote your post. I truly am so happy to be able to call you a global family member and I for real do think of you as part of my family. Sending you all my love, caring and kindness that I have. Feel free to leave me shout out and I will respond!! WalterHi! Im 23 yo woman. Usually I don't post on forums (silent reader hehe) but I'm feeling extremly lonely and anxious these days.
I've beeen thinking about commiting suicide since I was 5 (after my dads death). I never was very sociable or good at cummunication with people so I've never been close enough with someone to call them my friend. Everyone just considers me weird and hard to communicate( Also my mom is very abusive not physically but mentally. I dropped out of uni once but enrolled again. My first serious suicide attempt was at 18 (medicine poison), I felt numbness in my thro, I couldnt feel my tounge, I felt like I couldnt breathe anymore. But then I vomitted. The next attempt 7 months later. I even told my mom before that I wanna die, but she didnt care. Yet another unsuccessful attempt. I don't want to share details about this one but one man saved me and drove me home. My mom was so mad lol all she cared about was how embrassing it would be for her if i commited suicide. Since then I've been thinking about more reliable ways to kill myself. The difference is now I have two cats to care about and I'm not sure anyone would care about them if I die. I wil be so greatful if anyone would talk to me even if its just a gm/gn textsAlso sorry for my terrible english I'm not fluent.
WELCOME!!! Great to have you as a new global family member. I hope that you find, as I have, that all of the folks here are loving, caring with lots of empathy and kindness and support for one another. I am so happy to be able to call you family!!! WalterI'm a guy in his early 30s in the US. More than that I'd rather not disclose.
I stumbled onto the forum a few weeks back, but I'll admit that I signed up in part due to the forum "going private".
A few years ago I was diagnosed with, in so many words, "chronic adjustment disorder" (an amusing diagnosis after a fashion when you think about it, but I don't think the DSM has something specific for "does not deal with change well"). It's generally been an aggravation more than anything...well, until the last year when the virus hit. Take diagnosed problems dealing with change and throw in a pandemic and...well, it has not gone so well, and that's with a relatively mild set of restrictions in my area for most of the last year. For example, it was never a criminal matter to visit friends (otherwise I probably would have had a full-on breakdown, which I ran up close on...more on that later). It did, however, break my regularly-scheduled therapy schedule (in two weeks their online therapy offering went from "well, sign up for this option just in case you want it" which I tentatively agreed [not wanting it; see adjustment disorder above] to "this is the only option" and I dropped as a patient as a result [again, see diagnosis]) and trash most of my in-person activities. Note that the harder side of a lot of this never got to the therapist not so much because I was covering up but because the therapy /did/ help somewhat and I was, frankly, doing better at the time (my self-evaluation scores hit an all-time high last February, actually).
I've been wrestling a bit with suicidal ideation over the last...basically, call it a year. I say "struggling"...previously it was an intermittent annoyance/something I would probably eventually get around to doing (I've used the term "long term suicidal" as a descriptor in the past), but in the last year it spiked, and spiked hard, twice (once in April/May [getting shoved into a forced two weeks of effective isolation out of the blue because a friend's mother had a virus-related freakout after I took a trip I conferred with them on combined with my older sibling going fairly non-communicative because their SO, now ex-SO, had too many issues to really deal with] and once back in January [the "will we have a civil war" sorts of histrionics all around]). In simple terms, it hasn't just been "I don't want to deal with X", it's also been "I'm not sure I want to be around to see the post-present world". I /am/ open to the possibility of ending up in a situation in some indefinite timeframe that enough of the things I enjoy just...aren't around anymore or are made to be too much of a hassle to be worth it that "sticking around to see what happens next" really loses its allure.
The frustrating thing is that I've been very fortunate in life in many respects and there are very strong reasons I'm still around (at this stage, mostly family)...it's just that between the mounting temperature in the world (figuratively, at least...the multiple, perpetual crises of the last year have been a real issue for me as indicated above) and everything else, it's become harder and harder to deal with things (especially as I've had friends on both sides of a lot of the fights turning up the heat further and further in general).
My sibling knows that I have what I'll call "quit conditions" (which we've discussed in some depth over the years, but the relevant one at present is that I'm very likely not going to bother trying to survive a civil war if it were to come to that). I'm largely on here because as things are going, I know I'm going to need a place to talk in the future where the person on the other end isn't going to section me and pack me off to the funny farm, and they might not be around. After the last year I don't know what the next stressor is going to be or where it's going to come from, but I consider it a reliable certainty that it'll be there given how the last year has gone.
I'm so sorry to hear that you also suffer trauma from evil parent. I have trauma too and it's a bastard to try and cope with. Desperat my heart goes out to you xx hugs a million xxHello, my fellow citizen.
I read the whole post and I couldn't believe how traumatic your childhood must have been... One could think that stories like this happen only in films.
I'm sending my deepest sympathy.
same :') wtf right :p SS is like the best suicide prevention there is hahaCame here for suicide methods, stayed for the community.