Hi everyone !
I'm glad i found a community where freedom of choice is actually respected, most forums about suicide just begs everyone not to do it because "it'll get better". I've been feeling suicidal for most of my life now ; i'm eighteen, french, living with my (rather shitty) family and hating every single part of it. It got fascinated about death around when i was seven, and it never ever left my mind. No matter how good the moment i'm in might be, it's just not as good as not feeling anything.
I tried to silence the thoughts by working my ass off in academics, but i just ended up isolating myself even more from my pairs, who seem to mostly enjoy the ride.
By now I've given up, graduating this year and getting admitted into art school. No one really supports it since i'm not very talented, people want me to write, because that's what i'm supposed to be gifted for, but i hate writing. I think it might be the most painful thing to do, ever.
I mostly numb the pain through art and video games. My attention span is shit, i can't even read properly anymore. I got diagnosed with a pretty serious depression at thirteen, got put on antidepressants at fourteen. I also have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and recently BPD in a psych ward, but other therapists told me it was a misdiagnosis so i don't know who to believe.
I first got hospitalized two years ago, submitted myself, hoped to get help. Just got under a shit ton of anti-psychotics and a reputation at school. I tried to kill myself last summer by taking fifty xanax and laying on train tracks but i got found, admitted once again. This time was worse than the last because i got into a adult psych ward, everyone was just sedated and there weren't even therapy appointments. I lied to get out and since i'm at boarding school, i got told that if i tried again i would be expelled. Since i'd rather graduate than not graduate, i did my best, i didn't want to have to go through another year of high school if i failed the next attempt.
I think i might kill myself after i get my high school diploma, i see no reason not to do so, except maybe losing the few friendships i have left and the trust my parents have in me. I feel so trapped, forced into being alive, i hate it so, so, so much. I just want to lay in bed and never wake up. I'm very happy to find people who feel the same way <3