I'm trying to find out (out of curiosity) what procedure or action protocols they used, because the organization of everything is really mind-boggling, the resources available to law enforcement today and the ability to response they have... I confess, I am calmer knowing that when things really go wrong there will be an effective response (I'm not talking about the SN, don't criticize me).
So I took a similar news to know how they act more or less, if you are curious you can read it (it has nothing to do with Kenneth Law):
This operation, codenamed SpecTor, was composed of a series of separate complementary actions in Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Switzerland. Intelligence packages as basis for investigations Europol has been compiling...
Jo estic intentant saber (per curiositat) quin procediment o protocols d'actuació han fet servir, perquè la organització de tot plegat és realment alucinant, sembla pura ficció la de recursos de que disposen avuí día les forces de l'ordre i la capacitat de resposta que tenen... ho confesso, estic més tranquil sabent que quan les coses vagin malament de debó hi haurà una resposta efectiva (no parlo del SN, no em critiqueu pas).
Així que he agafat una notícia similar per saber com actuen més o menys, si teniu curiositat la podeu llegir (no te pas res a veure amb Kenneth Law).