

Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
There is nothing quite like the feeling of sunlight on your face; Kissing you on the lips and reminding you-I..I am a motherfucking starchild!

I mean I'm not saying humanity is seamlessly devolving into a fuckwit circus; But lets talk about "teh interwebnets", which has become the greatest multipurpose dildo for levering your head back up your asshole of all time! Thanks to the interwebs, I can meet people who will tell me, "Science can answer any question!" What?! No it can't. It hasn't. It hasn't happened yet and unless you're a magician who can see into the future I suggest you are talking shit!

Hundreds of years ago people thought angels and demons were under every rock and pillow; Either looking out for you or fucking with your mind! Now, much worse. Now we're surrounded by know it all control freaks who consider any opinion counter to their own to be utter madness! I don't know, maybe when some guy who loves scientific reasoning so much he wants to marry it; Scientifically proves to me atomic bombs were prayed into existence by religious fanatics. I might take more interest. If you don't wanna see creationism taught in schools isn't it enough to say, "That's bullshit! I'm fighting that."? No of course not, we've got to have a new gang of fuckwits. Yeah you go atheists! Meet up for beer. Stand around slapping each other on the back because atheism solves all your problems just like scientology.

The great thing about interwebnets is you can see all of human history being played out. You can watch how it happened, how we failed to get here. You can't explain to these guys, "Mate! Once you start behaving as if your way is the only way you have become a fucking terrorist!" But hey, I find it impossible to believe anything for longer than two seconds at a time. I don't like being told what to think! A lot of these guys are like the inquisition. They see evil thinking under every rock, they wish to be gatekeepers of reality. Atheists are the guys who say, "I think I've discovered where the bullshit is coming from and I think I can stop the flow!" In the online world at least, atheists are the new religious nutters. They actually believe they can make bullshit go away ahahaha ahahaha ahahaha.

If an actual free thinker from hundreds of years ago came forward to this time in a time machine. Of course it's a fucking time machine..who cares? Anyway, he would look around, he would see the new atheists and he would ask out loud, "When did the church infiltrate my movement?!" Because these people are young maniac men who wish to flood the world with their bitterness and create a wonderful utopia where everyone is rational, thinks clearly, and agrees with everything they say. It's like trying to measure how much you don't believe in Santa Clause.

You might be getting the idea I think atheism is bullshit. I think it's like feminism/civil rights movement for people who are already free to be as annoying as they wish. You know what shits me about atheists the most? They're almost exactly like me. Fuck that! You know, I go around behaving as if my ranting is more important than your time...
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Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
Sunlight? What's that?

I used to say science could answer anything if it is sufficiently advanced, but after several ketamine induced near death experiences and seeing the ever approaching decline and eventual self-induced end of the human race, I doubt we'll ever get there.

I do find the new atheist lot kind of insufferable, but as someone born into a hyper-religious country, I'd rather try my odds with them than the polar opposite. Less likely to get hate crimed or imprisoned for reprobate junkiehood.

Given the abudance and availability of information being as uneducated, uninvolved and uninformed as most people (i'll include myself tbf, I spend my waking hours watching sweaty 20 year olds yelling at video games) are is inexcusable. Though given the new age cancers of misinformation and 24/7 flashing lights of dopamine, I am now excusing it. May lawd have mercy on our souls as we drown in bullshit.

Oh but darling, your ranting is of the essence! Time enjoyed is not time wasted, especially when the alternatives consist of pondering headbutting a knife while I have plain oats from a tea mug for supper for the 4th day in a row. Chock full of fibre and protein, those oats!
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
If we take away the flame-war-triggering tone, I happen to agree with your core point.

First of all, this phenomenon is not new. In 17th and 18th century Europe, there was an Age of Enlightenment, wherein philosophies based on intellectual reason dominated. The primitive superstitions of preceding centuries that had brought Europe atrocities such as the Crusades were replaced by a clinical, Newtonian world-view in which the universe was merely a machine obeying simple laws. Interesting to see that, just as Newton's laws gave way to the vastly more complicated Einsteinian perspective, religion made a comeback.

Perhaps the first conclusion to draw is that humans ebb and flow between rational and mystical views because both are missing something. There is a famous Einstein quote, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Regarding people being arrogant know-it-alls on the internet, this is a product of social media echo chambers causing radicalisation. (Of course, radicalisation in this context does not imply violence, merely an extreme and impenetrable viewpoint.) Also, the tone of the modern atheist movement was born as a reactionary inverse to the shamelessly insane bullies of war-mongering, Bible-thumping evangelicals from the least educated regions of the United States. Respectful discourse is not a part of this culture.

Two final points to make:
While I ultimately found certain Eastern philosophies to be the highest expression of Truth that I could find, I'm historically the most open-minded seeker you'll ever meet. And it has completely screwed my life not having a tribe. Being so alone and unable to fit in anywhere due to my tendency to criticise all cultures slowly rotted me from the inside. Given I find myself at the end of my rope, how can I criticise any atheist or religionist?

Secondly, the modern religion of atheism/science veneration implies non-violence and, ironically, care for the environment, where most religions are apathetic towards the Holocene Extinction because of their supposed bigger-picture perspective. This in itself is something to be lauded.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Sunlight? What's that?

I used to say science could answer anything if it is sufficiently advanced, but after several ketamine induced near death experiences and seeing the ever approaching decline and eventual self-induced end of the human race, I doubt we'll ever get there.

I do find the new atheist lot kind of insufferable, but as someone born into a hyper-religious country, I'd rather try my odds with them than the polar opposite. Less likely to get hate crimed or imprisoned for reprobate junkiehood.

Given the abudance and availability of information being as uneducated, uninvolved and uninformed as most people (i'll include myself tbf, I spend my waking hours watching sweaty 20 year olds yelling at video games) are is inexcusable. Though given the new age cancers of misinformation and 24/7 flashing lights of dopamine, I am now excusing it. May lawd have mercy on our souls as we drown in bullshit.

Oh but darling, your ranting is of the essence! Time enjoyed is not time wasted, especially when the alternatives consist of pondering headbutting a knife while I have plain oats from a tea mug for supper for the 4th day in a row. Chock full of fibre and protein, those oats!
Holy nipple pasties! That was really well written, almost feels like an homage to my writing style. What?!
Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
Holy nipple pasties! That was really well written, almost feels like an homage to my writing style. What?!
Aww, thank you, I have studied you well. Plus I re-dosed my kratom so I'm still riding that high which gave me the inspiration to write it and the boldness to post it. Always get hyped when I see you post because the "flame-war-triggering tone" is very entertaining. You could consider starting blog or at least saving our posts from here, would be nice to go back and read some of them again.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Aww, thank you, I have studied you well. Plus I re-dosed my kratom so I'm still riding that high which gave me the inspiration to write it and the boldness to post it. Always get hyped when I see you post because the "flame-war-triggering tone" is very entertaining. You could consider starting blog or at least saving our posts from here, would be nice to go back and read some of them again.
When you posted, my browser skipped directly to your post and I thought I was still reading to original post. I've not seen anything like this since the Terminator T-1000.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
If we take away the flame-war-triggering tone, I happen to agree with your core point.
My flame-war-triggering tone is part of my charm.

Tone policing aside, I agree with the rest of your post.

While I ultimately found certain Eastern philosophies to be the highest expression of Truth that I could find, I'm historically the most open-minded seeker you'll ever meet. And it has completely screwed my life not having a tribe. Being so alone and unable to fit in anywhere due to my tendency to criticise all cultures slowly rotted me from the inside.
This particularly resonated with me because I'm also like that. It's a major contributing factor for my going totally off the grid.
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
You started the thread with a straw man argument, l don't think many serious people would say that science can answer everything, there are still things unknown and discoverable by science, but that doesn't mean there is a problem with empirical science.

We live in a material universe. There's never been any evidence that there is anything non-material, or that anything exists except for this material universe. I'm not sure how people think a thing like an afterlife would work, or like a soul. If they think it's some kind of immaterial substance that floats away, from the body? Where does it go? Is the afterlife in another universe or dimension? That defies everything we have learned about nature and the universe. Is heaven some place in this universe, is it on another planet, like the Mormons believe? There's never been any evidence that a body contains some kind of metaphysical soul-substance that escapes the body at the moment of death.

All the evidence we have suggests that consciousness depends upon brain function. We have every reason to think that when a brain dies, there is no more consciousness. For people who believe consciousness exists independently of a brain, how do they explain what sustains that consciousness? Again, where does this consciousness go? Another dimension? We have no evidence that is the case, and people who think consciousness does exist without a brain, they usually don't know what they're talking about and just say some platitude like "consciousness is energy".

I got to admit I didn't necessarily read through all that, I didn't see what relation this has to so called "new atheists", I've been an atheist for nearly 30 years, I'm an old atheist.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
You started the thread with a straw man argument, l don't think many serious people would say that science can answer everything, there are still things unknown and discoverable by science, but that doesn't mean there is a problem with empirical science.

We live in a material universe. There's never been any evidence that there is anything non-material, or that anything exists except for this material universe. I'm not sure how people think a thing like an afterlife would work, or like a soul. If they think it's some kind of immaterial substance that floats away, from the body? Where does it go? Is the afterlife in another universe or dimension? That defies everything we have learned about nature and the universe. Is heaven some place in this universe, is it on another planet, like the Mormons believe? There's never been any evidence that a body contains some kind of metaphysical soul-substance that escapes the body at the moment of death.

All the evidence we have suggests that consciousness depends upon brain function. We have every reason to think that when a brain dies, there is no more consciousness. For people who believe consciousness exists independently of a brain, how do they explain what sustains that consciousness? Again, where does this consciousness go? Another dimension? We have no evidence that is the case, and people who think consciousness does exist without a brain, they usually don't know what they're talking about and just say some platitude like "consciousness is energy".

I got to admit I didn't necessarily read through all that, I didn't see what relation this has to so called "new atheists", I've been an atheist for nearly 30 years, I'm an old atheist.
I don't think straw man means what you think it means. I wasn't setting up a distorted argument only to knock it down and pretend I've won something. Serious or not, there are enough people that think that way from my experience with a sub genre of atheists you may have had the privilege to dodge contact with and this was a joke rant regarding them. There's no strawman to be found here. I don't really take any issue with anything else you said about the brain or the universe being material. šŸŽ¶Carry on my wayward son!šŸŽ¶

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