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No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
Who else on here inflicting physical pain ? I am all ready got pain but sum times i want more . The sharp pain it what's i am after i dod it so i can feel sum thing ss the most of the time i am just num . My emotions seem to have gone dont feel happiness sadness or love even my anger seem to have gone. Its just like i given up its like i all ready half dead the rest needs to catch up. I think i know what did i had a lady friend and i sort of love her to she nee how i felt abouy she was ok with it . We both knew all could be is friends she all ready had a BF i was ok eith that . It lasted about 7 years we really got on well the few times we met up she all ways use to give me a big old hug . And i felt so comfortable around her that i told her all about my srlf evrn the dark stuff she was the onley one who really knew new not even my folks know me that well shows how much i trusted her. But just after xmas this year she seemed to change she got less chatty sum times would not reply to my texts for days. It was not like i was texting every hour of the day maybe ones a day i would text her know sounds silly be they were other little things to. Like when she did reply they weren't as warm as they ones were I asked if it was sum thing I done she said it was not me . I have put my foot in it in the parst and up set her but i let her be for a few days and came back round and told me she was sorry i all do told her i was sorry to thatd wad that on that one . But lately it all changed i got so worried i sent her a letter but no reply its like I dont exist to her any more she just ghosted me after a while I just gave up and that when it all happened i just started to stop feeling i do miss her but thats fading fast . Dont know why i bother with people they seem to let you down all the time and shit on you the first chance they get better of on my own . I am not saying every one like that but i seem to attract them all the time . So hope i not offend any one on here if so sorry about that. But i dont know what happened to her but getting to the point now were i just dont care even if she text me now i be hard pressed to reply . To hell with the lady's dont need to fall in love and all that other crap i got my hand and the internet when I get a little frustrated ;) :P :D . As i sed before better of on my own took me nearly 30+ years to work it out LOL all way end up learning the hard way LOL . Well tata for now feel free to comment on this one.

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