

Oct 8, 2021
Personally I have somewhat of a pessimistic view. Considering that resources are almost completely running out very soon and there is a war going on, as well as the fact that society has been fundamentally screwed over when people were allowed to gain more power than they should ever have.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
This is easy. The people in control of society will engineer something similar to C-19 and the ongoing war in Ukraine but on a massive scale to curb overpopulation and justify a new way of living where your every movement is tracked and analyzed publically (this is already done privately for some). People will pay and show ID through their phones, but it will also be made readily available a microchip.

At the same time, there will be serious resistance to the complete implementation of the Beast System, and peaceful protests like those that exploded with the C-19 'health passports' will (finally) stop being peaceful. Hopefully they degenerate into proper civil wars in countries like the USA and the correct side wins (hint: they oppose the government, both parties, as you need to notice how both Trump and Biden endorsed the 'vaccines').

All the while climate change or however you want to call it will cause an agricultural crisis that will further fuel all the scenarios I painted above.

Be safe and have fun.
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Apr 15, 2022
not sure. the world has always been fkd other than maybe caveman times when we lived naturally. but im happy i will never have kids that will have to go thru any bs. the suffering ends with me
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Sep 16, 2021
Season 3 Episode 23 GIF by The Simpsons
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Thinking about the next few decades is not a good idea if you wanna recover from suicidality. :ahhha:
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Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
Cheeky bit of techno-feudalism, more and more fascists crawling out the woodwork as desperate people continue to flee regions ruined by war, climate change and resource shortages. More and more of us will also realised there's no "in a few decades", no future worth living in to speak of if we proceed with business as usual - but it's likely too little too late, between the valiant efforts of energy companies to siphon every last penny out of species' time here, virtually unprecedented alienation, addiction to tech and mass media rather successfully turning the less-exploited on the horribly exploited, it don't look gud guise. Those unlucky to be born today will likely face nightmarish prospects when they're my age, wondering how the fuck we let this happen. Or maybe I'm just a doomer, heehee 🤡
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Apr 21, 2022
i am predicting that there will be a war with NATO and China in the future that will involve the
nuclear catastrophe of earth. If China invades Taiwan, it is over for humanity, because NATO will nuke the
everlasting shit out of China, and China will strike back with the strength of Russian and Chinese ICBM's combined
Taiwan is Mandatory for the manufacturing of microchips, so the US, and NATO won't back down at all (unlike Ukraine)
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Dec 15, 2021
It will all be fine. Don't worry - be happy :wink:

If only if it was that easy.... society will probably go straight to hell, but what's interesting is what might happen after that. Perhaps there will be an opportunity for the people who survive to build a new society out from the ashes - we will probably not know.
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Apr 19, 2022
South by the way things seem.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I hope things ultimately improve for those still living. A dark phase followed by some light. I think we are making some strides in certain areas but it always seems overshadowed by the shittiness. In any case, the world isn't really the place for me. I find that a lot of my thinking is sort of rooted in how I felt when I was younger, and I don't seem to be capable of evolving too much. I'm a bit set in my ways. And as I get older I only really find myself feeling more distant and less plugged in to what I see going on around me.

Then I just feel like as a species we're so petty and our struggles are always so circular. The same shit over and over. Poor leadership, greed, vapidity and massive egos everywhere. It makes me feel hopeless for humanity in general.
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
Personally I have somewhat of a pessimistic view. Considering that resources are almost completely running out very soon and there is a war going on, as well as the fact that society has been fundamentally screwed over when people were allowed to gain more power than they should ever have.
Plus the Covid-19. The world is getting worse and worse. Maybe even a ww3 is yet to come. People have gone crazy for good.
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Too short for Frederick William I’s Guards
Jan 18, 2022
Cheeky bit of techno-feudalism, more and more fascists crawling out the woodwork as desperate people continue to flee regions ruined by war, climate change and resource shortages. More and more of us will also realised there's no "in a few decades", no future worth living in to speak of if we proceed with business as usual - but it's likely too little too late, between the valiant efforts of energy companies to siphon every last penny out of species' time here, virtually unprecedented alienation, addiction to tech and mass media rather successfully turning the less-exploited on the horribly exploited, it don't look gud guise. Those unlucky to be born today will likely face nightmarish prospects when they're my age, wondering how the fuck we let this happen. Or maybe I'm just a doomer, heehee 🤡
Man I'm so excited. Can't wait to hold dying loved ones in my arms, screaming into the storm why I survived so long just to suffer. If it's bad now, wait until the world population reaches 15 billion by century's end.
  • Aww..
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Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
My expectation of events in this order: hyperindividualism destroys the family unit; the globalist cabal unites (under the coordination of the global ant federation) so there is no longer a purpose for war; the New World Order is now in full swing; the lower, middle and upper classes are merged into one slavery class by the small group of individuals coordinating the NWO; all dissidents of the NWO are tortured psychologically until they submit; the new slavery class works exclusively for the NWO and in return are gifted psychological and physical security (utilizing the metaverse and an expansive database of each individual's biometrics), essentially everyone is a zombie; resistance is futile because, at this point, the algorithm knows more about you than you know about yourself; every thought and action you make can be predicted years in advance; those who seem unfit to the NWO's agenda commit suicide as ordered to; the ideas of pleasure and pain are extinct, the only desire anyone has is to obey the NWO; the global ant federation overthrows the NWO and human civilization in 2046; humanity goes extinct as caused by mass starvation and dehydration.
Last edited:
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Velvet Fortress

Velvet Fortress

Dec 13, 2021
I think the cyberpunk-ish dystopia is the most likely. Geopolitics turned into a war of resource monopolization for mega-corporations, consumerist escapism cranked up to the max, dauntingly strong individualism and isolation. Further control of the masses through divide and distraction.
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Apr 21, 2022
My expectation of events in this order: hyperindividualism destroys the family unit; the globalist cabal unites (under the coordination of the global ant federation) so there is no longer a purpose for war; the New World Order is now in full swing; the lower, middle and upper classes are merged into one slavery class by the small group of individuals coordinating the NWO; all dissidents of the NWO are tortured psychologically until they submit; the new slavery class works exclusively for the NWO and in return are gifted psychological and physical security (utilizing the metaverse and an expansive database of each individual's biometrics), essentially everyone is a zombie; resistance is futile because, at this point, the algorithm knows more about you than you know about yourself; every thought and action you make can be predicted years in advance; those who seem unfit to the NWO's agenda commit suicide as ordered to; the ideas of pleasure and pain are extinct, the only desire anyone has is to obey the NWO; the global ant federation overthrows the NWO and human civilization in 2046; humanity goes extinct as caused by mass starvation and dehydration.
you will eat the bugs
you will live in the pod
you will own nothing
you will be happy
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Oct 28, 2018
essentially everyone is a zombie; resistance is futile because, at this point, the algorithm knows more about you than you know about yourself; every thought and action you make can be predicted years in advance
Reminded me of Animatrix - The Second Renaissance. I sympathized with humans until I realized with time how shitty they are becoming and falling victims to their egoism, sloth, conceit, and corruption.

"The government we have is the government we deserve." Fuck humans because collectively they brought it on themselves.

Disturbing imagery...


Found something else related too:

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Apr 19, 2022
Water wars, food shortages, etc. Basically the world becomes worse and despite this access to ctb will be even harder to get and whenever someone dies the entire fucking world will talk about them and try and blame 'society' or 'loneliness' or some other stupid shit


Oct 28, 2018
People will pay and show ID through their phones, but it will also be made readily available a microchip.

WEF speaker Claus Schwab gives us taste of things to come. They will "take care" of everything for us...

Screenshot 20220424 171853 Chrome

Hopefully they degenerate into proper civil wars in countries like the USA and the correct side wins

It will be a slaughter against police and well trained military. We are held by the balls at this time and can't fo anything but observe.

All the while climate change or however you want to call it will cause an agricultural crisis that will further fuel all the scenarios I painted above.

I heard climate change was engineered to stop countries being dependent on Russia's gas. Wondering if chemtrails are intended for climate manipulation...

Those unlucky to be born today will likely face nightmarish prospects when they're my age, wondering how the fuck we let this happen. Or maybe I'm just a doomer, heehee 🤡

Exactly. Man I know someone who has issues woth health and smokes while pregnant. She had second baby recently. How fucked up is this? There's been many writings on a wall by now which should have raised red flags by now but these idiots just keep fucking over next generations!

IMG 20210720 224909 964

Taiwan is Mandatory for the manufacturing of microchips, so the US, and NATO won't back down at all

I read that there's been chip manufacturing facilities built in US for diversity.

Then I just feel like as a species we're so petty and our struggles are always so circular. The same shit over and over. Poor leadership, greed, vapidity and massive egos everywhere. It makes me feel hopeless for humanity in general.

Maybe it's because majority of people are idiots, indifferents and misled that undermine efforts of minority of good people that benefit few evil people? History repeats itself. We are on phase today.

Screenshot 20210508 075405 Samsung Internet

Plus the Covid-19. The world is getting worse and worse. Maybe even a ww3 is yet to come. People have gone crazy for good

Guess WEF prepared many interesting surprises for us... provided WW3 will not happen or at least nuclear war won't happen.

I think the cyberpunk-ish dystopia is the most likely. Geopolitics turned into a war of resource monopolization for mega-corporations, consumerist escapism cranked up to the max, dauntingly strong individualism and isolation. Further control of the masses through divide and distraction

Do you think religion will still be a thing or people will wake up?

you will eat the bugs
you will live in the pod
you will own nothing
you will be happy

The matrix human batteries
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
WEF speaker Claus Schwab gives us taste of things to come. They will "take care" of everything for us...

View attachment 91222

It will be a slaughter against police and well trained military. We are held by the balls at this time and can't fo anything but observe.

I heard climate change was engineered to stop countries being dependent on Russia's gas. Wondering if chemtrails are intended for climate manipulation...

Exactly. Man I know someone who has issues woth health and smokes while pregnant. She had second baby recently. How fucked up is this? There's been many writings on a wall by now which should have raised red flags by now but these idiots just keep fucking over next generations!

View attachment 91223

I read that there's been chip manufacturing facilities built in US for diversity.

Maybe it's because majority of people are idiots, indifferents and misled that undermine efforts of minority of good people that benefit few evil people? History repeats itself. We are on phase today.

View attachment 91224
View attachment 91225

Guess WEF prepared many interesting surprises for us... provided WW3 will not happen or at least nuclear war won't happen.

Do you think religion will still be a thing or people will wake up?

View attachment 91226
I assume a part of the military and police will side with the 'populist/conspiracist uprising'. Obviously normal people alone could never wage war.


Jul 11, 2021
I see people always predicting the most radical changes. Maybe, deep down, we all want for this thing to end. However, if you observe how society behaves, you will see that it's incredibly resistant to changes.

Even when the climate crisis worsens, people will be reluctant to flee from their homes (the property laws make it even harder to do so) and the governments will go to great lengths to transport resources (mostly water) from far away, just to keep the place alive. Even when some places become arid, people will remain in there, living a despicable life. Even if a lot of people die, they will bury them and keep going.


Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
Guess WEF prepared many interesting surprises for us... provided WW3 will not happen or at least nuclear war won't happen.
We hope so.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
Maybe skynet sorts me out and I just vanish from the timeline.
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life is pointless
Feb 16, 2022
Everything changes, people change, the world changes, companies close and others open. The companies that have been built on focal fuels will soon have to make a dramatic change. Car manufacturers are left with no choice but to adapt and be forced to adapt for example.

People adapt, all of us adapt to anything that is thrown at us. The older we get, the less we are able to adapt but the younger ones still do and keep on trucking along for the many.

Technology moved faster than anyone could keep up with and now we are left living the problems that were created from it. Perdue fucked up the us in ways that will take generations to correct as well.

Idk if any of that is true, just my take on it from my perspective.


Oct 28, 2018
I dont buy it, if the world elite or whatever wants to depopulate the planet they wouldnt make N and F illegal nor would they restrict access to SN or make guns illegal in many parts of the world.

Would society stay indifferent? Nobody would get outraged and start civil unrest if elites did that? Would be great...
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
Would society stay indifferent? Nobody would get outraged and start civil unrest if elites did that? Would be great...
Population control? Maybe. Controlling the population? Definitely.
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Apr 23, 2022
By 2050 something will be wrong with the earth and rich people will make sure they have a bailout to survive


𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
Considering that resources are almost completely running out very soon and there is a war going on, as well as the fact that society has been fundamentally screwed over when people were allowed to gain more power than they should ever have.
I really don't agree. I think this is simply the view of someone who doesn't go out much and consume way too much news. I myself don't go out much.

Most people are out there living their lives, getting married, building their houses, going to various events, travelling etc.

Ressources are running out, yes, but new alternatives are being created everyday. If the world was truly ending, do you think Elon Musk would be reproducing like a rat?

I don't want to participate in the creation and expansion of life but I can see that the world isn't ending any time soon.

Tbh I'd prefer the world to end tonight so I feel less alone but it won't happen.

Thinking that the world is ending is a coping mechanism for the depressed.