
New Member
Mar 21, 2021
My whole life, the #1 thing I wanted was a partner who loved me as I loved them. I couldn't be happy with anything else. I spent years being a miserable shut-in with no goals or interests, and finally, in 2019 I got a job that I actually enjoyed doing. I finally felt a purpose and had a community. Life has had its ups and downs since then, but it began declining again in late 2020 and came to a fever pitch recently. I'm now in a worse position than I ever have been.

I met a girl at said job last November. She approached me and that's exactly the type of person that I needed, because I felt too broken to be the one making the first move. She seemed to show interest and we ended up talking and hanging out regularly. I had never had this with anyone before. I discovered that she was recently released from prison for an offense that I wasn't sure about at the time, and later found out that it was for selling thousands of dollars of stolen merchandise to pawn shops for drug money. Before I knew this, I knew that she was recently out of prison with no connections, no car, and no money. Shortly after we started talking, she told me that she couldn't afford her phone bill and that her phone would be shut off in a few days until she got paid. With my desperation for connection with someone in mind, you can probably see where this is going. Some backstory first: I still lived at home at the time. I didn't pay for anything and basically just piled my entire paychecks for a whole two and a half years into my bank account, so I had a lot of money. I never had any goals or aspirations to use it, and I knew I wasn't ready to move out, so I placed the desire for connection above my own finances and everything snowballed from there.

I paid her phone bill. Paying her phone bill became buying her food. Buying her food became helping her pay rent so she wouldn't be homeless. Paying her rent became paying for phone repair because she dropped it in some liquid (like really, I knew I was being lied to, but I didn't care). Over time, the stories for why she needed money became more and more ridiculous. She went from a shitty apartment in the ghetto to living with her parents back to the shitty apartment to living with me to rehab back to now living with me again. And through it all, I paid for her way through life. I have spent over $30,000 in the past six months. Not all of it was her, but most of it was. And she doesn't even love me.

Shortly after the phone bill, I asked my friend at work about things. He was an older guy who had spent half his life in prison and took a liking to me. I always sought his advice and, being lonely up to this point (and not being an idiot, despite playing along with her lies), expressed my skepticism to him as she continued needing money for things. He revealed to me that she was on fentanyl and told me to stop giving her money. He said he wasn't going to tell me but now that he knew I was spending money on this girl, he knew he had to intervene. In spite of this knowledge, I kept playing alone, thinking perhaps it was all a big misunderstanding or perhaps she was on fentanyl but needed help or, and I think this is the truth deep down: I knew I was being used and she didn't have feelings for me, but I knew that if I stopped giving her money, I'd never find out and I would lose the only real connection I've ever had with someone and go back to my steady decline.

So things continued. She eventually lost the job, of course, and ended up getting into a fight with her roommate over something in which she lost part of her front tooth. I lived at home and didn't have my own place, so what did I do? Put her into a hotel for a week and looked for apartments. This was around Christmas time. I visited her and stayed with her every night when I got off work, bringing her food and whatever she needed. On Christmas, she went somewhere. She allegedly went with her family to see family, which I can believe, but it's impossible for me to separate fact from fiction with her. The day after, she went back to the hotel, and texted me saying there was apparently a mix-up and she was only booked for four night, even though I know I paid for a week. See, this is how smart I am: I got the first hotel for a night and booked it myself, and LET HER BOOK THE SECOND ONE HERSELF. I know what happened: she booked it for four nights and pocketed the other three nights' rent I gave her. Anyway, she told me it was okay and she would just sleep in the lobby. I was at work at the time, closing. Afterwards, I immediately rushed over to the hotel and what do you know, she's nowhere to be found. I asked the clerk about her and, of course, he can't reveal information about guests. I could tell he felt bad for me and I think he saw me the other nights I was there, so he did tell me as I was going out, "I can tell you that room has checked out."

I texted her saying that she either left or she lied to me. I already knew I was being used and would sometimes get so upset with her and myself that I'd send her a text about it, but she would only respond sporadically and sometimes not at all, saying she didn't get all of her messages because she has Metro and it sucks. I don't believe that, of course. She either ignored me or was high, or was sleeping for 16 hours straight on Suboxone. And I know she got those texts where I said I was hurt, because the next day, she blows up my phone, calling me literally 17 times in a row and texting to ask if I was okay. She didn't mention the texts and said she never got them. I know she did and only contacted me again because she didn't want to get off the gravy train if she needed it.

So where did she go? Well, she said she went back to her parents. And she did, as I later confirmed. She didn't stay there for long, though. She was supposedly there for weeks, but it later clicked in my head that she went back to that shithole apartment after just a few days because her parents kicked her out again, probably because she was getting high or couldn't follow rules. And funny story, since I like laughing at how stupid I am: she continued asking for money and her parents charged her rent. Then they wanted three months' rent in advance "for a discount." I'm like, really, your parents know you're out of prison with no car, no job, and no money, and they just charge you all that rent and don't ask questions? Ridiculous. Anyway, I found out she wasn't there anymore a few weeks later. I smoked some weed one night and was feeling risque, so I texted her saying I wanted to eat her out. She got back to me with interest and a couple of days later, she told me to come to the shitty apartment. It didn't click in my brain at first, but it did later: she left her parents and went back. I think I was blinded by sex and my love for her, but after leaving, it clicked. She said she made up with her friend and they let her in the back door so she and I would have some privacy while her and her boyfriend were at work. In reality, she went back after just a few days with her parents, continuing to get high off of my money, and playing with my feelings.

Through all of this, I was apartment hunting. Not just for her, but for myself. I was tired of being at home. I hated my life. I had all this money saved up that I could live in an apartment for two years without even having a job. Why not gamble? So, I eventually got one. Literally the same day I moved in, she calls me all panicked begging me to come get her and move her in with me because she got into a bad fight with her roommate again (surprise). I hesitantly went over there against the advice of the friend I mentioned earlier, knowing I could be getting set up to be robbed or killed. But I didn't want to take that chance. I couldn't leave her like that. So I drove over to a bad part of town in the middle of the night, where two violent people who are probably high on drugs were just beating on a girl who is also high on drugs and who has been lying to me all this time and could easily put me in a scenario where she can take all of my money. It worked out in the end. I picked her up and put all her shit in my car and drove her to my new apartment.

She lasted a week. She admitted to me that she was on drugs, but told me it wasn't fentanyl (I confronted her about it before), but she was abusing Suboxone. She sat around in that apartment sleeping all day, obviously miserable. She wouldn't talk to me and nothing I said to her could cheer her up. Finally, she told me she wanted to go to rehab because she was taking five strips of that shit a day, and she had a nightmare where she was in hell and felt like she was close to death.

So, after all this long-distance shit and only getting one week with her where she was high and sleeping and miserable all the time, she leaves again. And I'm stuck in this apartment by myself with thousands of dollars less in my bank account. Great. She couldn't talk to me for a couple of weeks in detox, and then she was in a facility for another month with no end in sight until just days before she was discharged. A lot happened during this time, and I won't go into it (I'm really only sharing like 10% of the story with you guys... it's honestly crazy), but she started to show genuine care for me and only asked for money for food and essentials, which she sent me receipts for. Things were looking up, but I missed her and wanted to spend time with her in person. Finally, she came back. I picked her up from the place and brought her home. Things were better. She was sober and we could actually talk about things.

But then she got a job, and she had outpatient classes, and she had no car. So what do I do? Buy her a car. She goes to said job overnight and then stays at her friend's house who works with her because she's tired, and I see her maybe a couple of hours per day. I continue to express my concerns to her, and recently, she came home and showed me a vape. I told her it was her life with disinterest at first, but later expressed my concern for her and told her she didn't need to be doing that shit, and I have to be stern with her because I care and don't want her to relapse. A lot of other things were adding to my stress (like I said, 10% of the story, and it's already too long, but I need to vent where other people can see), and hers, and we argued in the bathroom. She said, "well you took a hit of it, too," (she came in and showed me and told me to, and not being a nicotine user, it really wasn't a big deal to me and I was caught off-guard), "and you did cocaine while I was in rehab (which I confessed to her willingly and threw it down the toilet in shame)", and I told her, "yeah, but I'm not an addict." I didn't mean this in a negative way. I know how bad it sounds and I know it hurt her. I just meant I'm not in danger of relapsing and going back to fentanyl and I just wanted to keep her off that shit. This hurt her, but it wasn't what really set her off. What really set her off was me telling her that I vented to my friend at work (whom she hates for "talking shit" about her, even though he told me the truth out of concern for me), and she told me to get out. I refused and just didn't talk to her. I briefly talked with her before she went to work and asked her to give me a hug, which she reluctantly did. She later called me and everything seemed good. But then the next day (yesterday), she comes in all pissed off again and is acting extremely distant and now I'm afraid she hates me. I don't understand why.

I threw my money away and did everything for this girl, knowing she was using me, and yet I am still the villain. I feel like she is going to be what finally pushes me over the edge to end my life and I feel like she won't face any repercussions for that. I've recently had a change on my outlook on life and spirituality and karma, but now I'm slowly gravitating back to believing there's no such thing as karma. What did I do to deserve any of this? She's going to leave me with no money, and I'm going to hang myself in this apartment. Going from having over a year's average salary in my bank account and a job that could have led to upper management to being broke, alone, jobless, living with three bums who can't pay shit for rent, two of them former addicts, one a manipulator, one homeless guy, and a stripper, (told you I left a lot out) and I'm just too miserable to do anything to fix my life. I have nobody to turn to and threw my entire life away over this girl. And I still love her.

I'm sorry for the length of this. I don't know how many people will read it, but I'm just glad to get it off my chest. I don't know what I'm going to do. Right now she posts about how she doesn't trust anyone (me) and her mom's always right about people (also me, and the same mother who puts her daughter on the streets and takes her side on everything even knowing the only way she can survive is to use other people), and being friendly with her friend that I moved in here who didn't pay me shit for rent who SHE WANTED KICKED OUT AND NOW I'M THE VILLAIN AGAIN FOR DOING SO. She won't communicate with me and everyone tells me to just ditch her but I. Have. Nothing. Else.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, BorntoLose, freedompass and 12 others


Dec 16, 2019
Sorry mate, sounds like a really rough situation to be in. I sincerely hope things start looking up. It is a really bad rut you're in, it seems, but I hope you'll be able to pull through fine.
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Nov 12, 2021
I'm sorry. I tried to save someone and got fucked over. It is dispiriting. I ignored a million red flags.
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Mar 10, 2022
Sorry about going through all of this. I've been through a similar situation. Things won't get any better unless she gets off the drugs.all she cares about is chasing and doing drugs. So sorry you got into her world. I really hope you can find some peace.
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Jan 27, 2021
Been there, honestly, but possibly had less to lose than you. I blocked 2 guys completely and deleted all contact details for them in case I get mentally unwell and think to look them up. I relate to the desperation for a connection. You said you actually actively enjoyed the job you were doing so I'm not sure why you decided to leave. Perhaps this girl wore down your self esteem. Personally I came to realise that I have a tendency to self destruct, not directly harming myself but associating with those who do it for me. That may be true for you too. You hate yourself so you act against your own interests, like you're drawn to your own downfall. You can recover from this if you choose. If you successfully worked one decent job you can find another. You can build yourself up instead of allowing others to drag you down with them. Or you can do the reverse, 'throwing good money after bad' as the saying goes or even ctb. Either way I hope you find peace and relief from mental and emotional pain.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds like such an awful and stressful situation to be in, I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. I wish you the best in whatever happens and I hope you find relief from your suffering.
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Mar 13, 2020
Damnn Fck,. I'm sorry all of this happened while you were trying to do the right thing and help / love her.

I never got that deep into the deal, but have 2 kinda similar situations in the past 4 years which Im still Fairly resentful about to this day. I get it,. And it fucking Sucks for sure. Ignored a million red flags also,. Like a idiot Dumbfck.

Thanks for sharing and I wish you Nothing but the best. Thoughts and prayers always -
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Dec 20, 2020

Thank you universe for giving me a dysfunctional childhood exposing the true nature between men and women so I would never do something like this !!!!!
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Aug 4, 2021
This was quite an emotional read, You don't choose who you love but you surely can choose who you spend your money on you did what you thought was right too much drunk in your feeling of wanting a connection you let pass all the red flag but well it happens world of dating is usually pretty brutal and uncaring.
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I agree with everyone. I think you're really a NICE guy and you deserve so much mooooore. The best you can do is leave her. Sometimes people don't want help and she clearly used you. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope you open your eyes and choose yourself. You can still turn it around and get your life back on track. One day you will find someone who really deserves you. I wish you the best and if someday you want to talk about anything you can PM me anytime. I also suffer from loneliness so I understand you very well but It's that old saying, better alone than in bad company.
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, rationaltake, Huntfish34 and 1 other person


New Member
Mar 21, 2021
I'm sorry. I tried to save someone and got fucked over. It is dispiriting. I ignored a million red flags.
Yes, despite me not doing the smart thing and not letting her drag me down, it still crushes my spirit. It feels like I went all in on nothing more than a straight and lost all my money.
Sorry about going through all of this. I've been through a similar situation. Things won't get any better unless she gets off the drugs.all she cares about is chasing and doing drugs. So sorry you got into her world. I really hope you can find some peace.
She is off all of the drugs. The problem now is she spends way too much of her own money and has little empathy for how I feel, seeing her own problems as greater. I've come to believe she's simply a selfish person at heart. It sucks to say that because I still have feelings for her. It feels like she sucked out my soul to make herself healthier.
Been there, honestly, but possibly had less to lose than you. I blocked 2 guys completely and deleted all contact details for them in case I get mentally unwell and think to look them up. I relate to the desperation for a connection. You said you actually actively enjoyed the job you were doing so I'm not sure why you decided to leave. Perhaps this girl wore down your self esteem. Personally I came to realise that I have a tendency to self destruct, not directly harming myself but associating with those who do it for me. That may be true for you too. You hate yourself so you act against your own interests, like you're drawn to your own downfall. You can recover from this if you choose. If you successfully worked one decent job you can find another. You can build yourself up instead of allowing others to drag you down with them. Or you can do the reverse, 'throwing good money after bad' as the saying goes or even ctb. Either way I hope you find peace and relief from mental and emotional pain.
I've been told time and time again to just ditch her and block her number. Unfortunately, I can't. I feel I've gone too deep at this point and am just clinging to the naive hope that she will get better and make it up to me in time.

I did enjoy the job. A lot of things happened besides her, but yes, she was probably the nail in the coffin. It is absolutely draining taking care of a grown woman addicted to drugs and then hauling yourself off to work your full-time job only to give up your money to help her more with no appreciation or even remorse.

Perhaps I am self-destructing. I've often had thoughts lately that I felt this girl was my last chance to have a "normal" life. Before, my suicidal ideation was from a void of emotion and just feeling detached from everything. Now I've had a taste of that "normal" and I'm right back in the pit, only this time older, with less resources and more baggage.

I still feel a grain of hope for improving my life. I just feel trapped in my current situation and motivation is hard to find. I feel like suicide will be the only option when I run out of money. Right now I am unemployed and living off what's left of my savings and am terrified of facing homelessness in the not-so-distant future. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, freedompass, death137 and 1 other person


Jun 25, 2020
I'm sorry you went through all that. I understand that it's hard to leave someone if you love them and feel you won't find someone other than them but she doesn't love you. She might cause further damage to you and finally leave you so I think it's best if you leave her now. But I understand if you continue to stay with her. Loneliness can be crushing.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
My whole life, the #1 thing I wanted was a partner who loved me as I loved them. I couldn't be happy with anything else. I spent years being a miserable shut-in with no goals or interests, and finally, in 2019 I got a job that I actually enjoyed doing. I finally felt a purpose and had a community. Life has had its ups and downs since then, but it began declining again in late 2020 and came to a fever pitch recently. I'm now in a worse position than I ever have been.

I met a girl at said job last November. She approached me and that's exactly the type of person that I needed, because I felt too broken to be the one making the first move. She seemed to show interest and we ended up talking and hanging out regularly. I had never had this with anyone before. I discovered that she was recently released from prison for an offense that I wasn't sure about at the time, and later found out that it was for selling thousands of dollars of stolen merchandise to pawn shops for drug money. Before I knew this, I knew that she was recently out of prison with no connections, no car, and no money. Shortly after we started talking, she told me that she couldn't afford her phone bill and that her phone would be shut off in a few days until she got paid. With my desperation for connection with someone in mind, you can probably see where this is going. Some backstory first: I still lived at home at the time. I didn't pay for anything and basically just piled my entire paychecks for a whole two and a half years into my bank account, so I had a lot of money. I never had any goals or aspirations to use it, and I knew I wasn't ready to move out, so I placed the desire for connection above my own finances and everything snowballed from there.

I paid her phone bill. Paying her phone bill became buying her food. Buying her food became helping her pay rent so she wouldn't be homeless. Paying her rent became paying for phone repair because she dropped it in some liquid (like really, I knew I was being lied to, but I didn't care). Over time, the stories for why she needed money became more and more ridiculous. She went from a shitty apartment in the ghetto to living with her parents back to the shitty apartment to living with me to rehab back to now living with me again. And through it all, I paid for her way through life. I have spent over $30,000 in the past six months. Not all of it was her, but most of it was. And she doesn't even love me.

Shortly after the phone bill, I asked my friend at work about things. He was an older guy who had spent half his life in prison and took a liking to me. I always sought his advice and, being lonely up to this point (and not being an idiot, despite playing along with her lies), expressed my skepticism to him as she continued needing money for things. He revealed to me that she was on fentanyl and told me to stop giving her money. He said he wasn't going to tell me but now that he knew I was spending money on this girl, he knew he had to intervene. In spite of this knowledge, I kept playing alone, thinking perhaps it was all a big misunderstanding or perhaps she was on fentanyl but needed help or, and I think this is the truth deep down: I knew I was being used and she didn't have feelings for me, but I knew that if I stopped giving her money, I'd never find out and I would lose the only real connection I've ever had with someone and go back to my steady decline.

So things continued. She eventually lost the job, of course, and ended up getting into a fight with her roommate over something in which she lost part of her front tooth. I lived at home and didn't have my own place, so what did I do? Put her into a hotel for a week and looked for apartments. This was around Christmas time. I visited her and stayed with her every night when I got off work, bringing her food and whatever she needed. On Christmas, she went somewhere. She allegedly went with her family to see family, which I can believe, but it's impossible for me to separate fact from fiction with her. The day after, she went back to the hotel, and texted me saying there was apparently a mix-up and she was only booked for four night, even though I know I paid for a week. See, this is how smart I am: I got the first hotel for a night and booked it myself, and LET HER BOOK THE SECOND ONE HERSELF. I know what happened: she booked it for four nights and pocketed the other three nights' rent I gave her. Anyway, she told me it was okay and she would just sleep in the lobby. I was at work at the time, closing. Afterwards, I immediately rushed over to the hotel and what do you know, she's nowhere to be found. I asked the clerk about her and, of course, he can't reveal information about guests. I could tell he felt bad for me and I think he saw me the other nights I was there, so he did tell me as I was going out, "I can tell you that room has checked out."

I texted her saying that she either left or she lied to me. I already knew I was being used and would sometimes get so upset with her and myself that I'd send her a text about it, but she would only respond sporadically and sometimes not at all, saying she didn't get all of her messages because she has Metro and it sucks. I don't believe that, of course. She either ignored me or was high, or was sleeping for 16 hours straight on Suboxone. And I know she got those texts where I said I was hurt, because the next day, she blows up my phone, calling me literally 17 times in a row and texting to ask if I was okay. She didn't mention the texts and said she never got them. I know she did and only contacted me again because she didn't want to get off the gravy train if she needed it.

So where did she go? Well, she said she went back to her parents. And she did, as I later confirmed. She didn't stay there for long, though. She was supposedly there for weeks, but it later clicked in my head that she went back to that shithole apartment after just a few days because her parents kicked her out again, probably because she was getting high or couldn't follow rules. And funny story, since I like laughing at how stupid I am: she continued asking for money and her parents charged her rent. Then they wanted three months' rent in advance "for a discount." I'm like, really, your parents know you're out of prison with no car, no job, and no money, and they just charge you all that rent and don't ask questions? Ridiculous. Anyway, I found out she wasn't there anymore a few weeks later. I smoked some weed one night and was feeling risque, so I texted her saying I wanted to eat her out. She got back to me with interest and a couple of days later, she told me to come to the shitty apartment. It didn't click in my brain at first, but it did later: she left her parents and went back. I think I was blinded by sex and my love for her, but after leaving, it clicked. She said she made up with her friend and they let her in the back door so she and I would have some privacy while her and her boyfriend were at work. In reality, she went back after just a few days with her parents, continuing to get high off of my money, and playing with my feelings.

Through all of this, I was apartment hunting. Not just for her, but for myself. I was tired of being at home. I hated my life. I had all this money saved up that I could live in an apartment for two years without even having a job. Why not gamble? So, I eventually got one. Literally the same day I moved in, she calls me all panicked begging me to come get her and move her in with me because she got into a bad fight with her roommate again (surprise). I hesitantly went over there against the advice of the friend I mentioned earlier, knowing I could be getting set up to be robbed or killed. But I didn't want to take that chance. I couldn't leave her like that. So I drove over to a bad part of town in the middle of the night, where two violent people who are probably high on drugs were just beating on a girl who is also high on drugs and who has been lying to me all this time and could easily put me in a scenario where she can take all of my money. It worked out in the end. I picked her up and put all her shit in my car and drove her to my new apartment.

She lasted a week. She admitted to me that she was on drugs, but told me it wasn't fentanyl (I confronted her about it before), but she was abusing Suboxone. She sat around in that apartment sleeping all day, obviously miserable. She wouldn't talk to me and nothing I said to her could cheer her up. Finally, she told me she wanted to go to rehab because she was taking five strips of that shit a day, and she had a nightmare where she was in hell and felt like she was close to death.

So, after all this long-distance shit and only getting one week with her where she was high and sleeping and miserable all the time, she leaves again. And I'm stuck in this apartment by myself with thousands of dollars less in my bank account. Great. She couldn't talk to me for a couple of weeks in detox, and then she was in a facility for another month with no end in sight until just days before she was discharged. A lot happened during this time, and I won't go into it (I'm really only sharing like 10% of the story with you guys... it's honestly crazy), but she started to show genuine care for me and only asked for money for food and essentials, which she sent me receipts for. Things were looking up, but I missed her and wanted to spend time with her in person. Finally, she came back. I picked her up from the place and brought her home. Things were better. She was sober and we could actually talk about things.

But then she got a job, and she had outpatient classes, and she had no car. So what do I do? Buy her a car. She goes to said job overnight and then stays at her friend's house who works with her because she's tired, and I see her maybe a couple of hours per day. I continue to express my concerns to her, and recently, she came home and showed me a vape. I told her it was her life with disinterest at first, but later expressed my concern for her and told her she didn't need to be doing that shit, and I have to be stern with her because I care and don't want her to relapse. A lot of other things were adding to my stress (like I said, 10% of the story, and it's already too long, but I need to vent where other people can see), and hers, and we argued in the bathroom. She said, "well you took a hit of it, too," (she came in and showed me and told me to, and not being a nicotine user, it really wasn't a big deal to me and I was caught off-guard), "and you did cocaine while I was in rehab (which I confessed to her willingly and threw it down the toilet in shame)", and I told her, "yeah, but I'm not an addict." I didn't mean this in a negative way. I know how bad it sounds and I know it hurt her. I just meant I'm not in danger of relapsing and going back to fentanyl and I just wanted to keep her off that shit. This hurt her, but it wasn't what really set her off. What really set her off was me telling her that I vented to my friend at work (whom she hates for "talking shit" about her, even though he told me the truth out of concern for me), and she told me to get out. I refused and just didn't talk to her. I briefly talked with her before she went to work and asked her to give me a hug, which she reluctantly did. She later called me and everything seemed good. But then the next day (yesterday), she comes in all pissed off again and is acting extremely distant and now I'm afraid she hates me. I don't understand why.

I threw my money away and did everything for this girl, knowing she was using me, and yet I am still the villain. I feel like she is going to be what finally pushes me over the edge to end my life and I feel like she won't face any repercussions for that. I've recently had a change on my outlook on life and spirituality and karma, but now I'm slowly gravitating back to believing there's no such thing as karma. What did I do to deserve any of this? She's going to leave me with no money, and I'm going to hang myself in this apartment. Going from having over a year's average salary in my bank account and a job that could have led to upper management to being broke, alone, jobless, living with three bums who can't pay shit for rent, two of them former addicts, one a manipulator, one homeless guy, and a stripper, (told you I left a lot out) and I'm just too miserable to do anything to fix my life. I have nobody to turn to and threw my entire life away over this girl. And I still love her.

I'm sorry for the length of this. I don't know how many people will read it, but I'm just glad to get it off my chest. I don't know what I'm going to do. Right now she posts about how she doesn't trust anyone (me) and her mom's always right about people (also me, and the same mother who puts her daughter on the streets and takes her side on everything even knowing the only way she can survive is to use other people), and being friendly with her friend that I moved in here who didn't pay me shit for rent who SHE WANTED KICKED OUT AND NOW I'M THE VILLAIN AGAIN FOR DOING SO. She won't communicate with me and everyone tells me to just ditch her but I. Have. Nothing. Else.
Imo she romance scammed you out of a lot of money. Imo u should drop her and put a restraining order against her.

Imo love is an illusion anyway.
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Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
Now that I've read this, I'm waiting for a follow up on the other 90% of the story. Km so sorry all this is happening to you. Sounds like you need to cut your Tues with her. She is just taking all she can get from you.
Dont let her be the reason to end your life.
You sound like a really great guy that deserves a lot better.
You can recover from this emotionally and financially.
Also, if these "roommates" arent paying rent sounds like they need to go. The stripper can find another place I'm sure. I dont know the story of the homeless guy, maybe you have compassion. Encourage him to get a job and set a timeline for when he needs to start paying you rent.
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Certified Stupid
Aug 11, 2021
Damn. Just damn. You really have been through the ringer with this girl and the small sliver of your experience that you shared was such a painful read. I can hardly imagine what that is like to go through.

I am just going to repeat what everyone else is saying, you gotta let her go because it is sink or swim with this girl. Waiting for things to *maybe* get better are not worth it, you know her character and it isn't the kind you stick around for. I know this is easier said than done, and maybe you aren't ready yet, but when you start setting boundaries you will be able to start reclaiming your life.

However, if it's gone down the shitter and you always felt life meant to end at your own hands on your own terms I can also respect that and hope you find the peace you seek. But please, if you do end your life make sure it isn't over this girl. Because you can move on from this and her, and it would be a pity if you gave her that final power over your life that can still be recovered.
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New Member
Mar 21, 2021
So update: I found out that one of the reasons she was pissed was because she found a straw that looked burnt off and assumed my friend (the homeless guy) was doing drugs. Being in recovery, she didn't want to be at my place if there were drugs in the house. I knew that he wasn't, but of course, I went and bought drug tests for everyone just to make everyone happy. We all took them and, of course, he tested negative for everything except weed.

That ended that situation, but we continued to argue over minor things because the frustration I feel continues to pile on. On one day when we argued, her stripper friend comes home and starts bitching about there being an empty milk carton in the fridge and how it's hypocritical of me to want her out over her being messy when stuff like that happens and isn't her fault. I wasn't in the mood to hear this bullshit, and I just lost it. I told her, "look, don't be mad at me because YOUR FRIEND wanted you gone." Deep down, I felt like she was being told that it was all me. I could feel the blame being completely directed at me, and that on top of all of the others stuff I just had a sixth sense about made me lose control of my feelings. Of course, she told me that she was told it was all my idea. I called bullshit and ended up showing her a text message where her friend (the girl I'm with) was ranting about how dirty she was and saying that she needed to go.

I felt bad about this and still do, as it's a betrayal of trust, but then I turn around and say to myself that the only reason I did it was because she continues to lie about things and I knew that. I brought up the text because I knew she was lying about shit, I was angry, and I wanted to know what else she was lying about. Sure enough, her friend was upset with her and told me lies that she's told me. She said that she wanted to go with her when she moved out because she was tired of me now, and the big reveal was that she was with a dude in that shitty apartment. I always knew that things didn't add up about that place. She claimed it was her friend and her friend's boyfriend living there, but her friend told me that there was no girl, and it was just her and the guy she was with. I guess he was abusive and cheated on her, and she started to develop feelings for me, but she never told me this and never would have. She put my life in danger bringing me over there and lied to me.

When she got home from work, I took a walk with her and tried to see if she would tell me voluntarily. I kept telling her that I think the root of all of our problems aren't the money I've spent or her job or our roommates, but the fact that deep down, I know she's keeping things from me. I beat around the bush asking her to tell me something - anything - that I didn't know since I've met her. She didn't volunteer it, so I continued narrowing it down to the apartment and asking what was going on there that she was keeping from me. Finally, it came out after something like an hour of me trying to get it out of her. I still don't think she told me all of the details, but I did finally feel like I knew most of the major stuff about her and felt content.

The problems with her attitude and her telling but not showing her feelings persisted, though, and of course her friend told her that I showed her that text message. I guess this made her lose her trust in me. Isn't it hilarious how she loses her trust over that, something I did solely because I knew she was lying to me for the 1000th time after everything I've done for her? So, it's looking more and more like she's going to move out with her friend, meaning I am not going to have any help with my bills, and all of the money I've spent helping her is gone to the wind. More importantly, though, I am emotionally dependent on her. I don't know how I can live on my own without her. I have no one to turn to and once my money runs out, I'm done. I needed her to at least help me pay bills, at least give me a chance at a life, but I can't even have that.

I'm considering going to buy a gun this week, just in case I need it. Life is just getting too painful and I have no coping mechanism to deal with it. I don't want to wait until I'm broke and cannot afford one. I don't think I am going to use it anytime soon, but I will be relieved knowing that it's there.

And I know that the way I type it, of course it's easy to shake your head and see that this girl has been nothing but pain and misery for me. That's what everyone in my real life has always told me, too. I'm not oblivious to that, but like I said, I am emotionally dependent on her now. And people haven't seen the good side to her. I keep trying to drag it out and keep it out, but it never lasts.
Damn. Just damn. You really have been through the ringer with this girl and the small sliver of your experience that you shared was such a painful read. I can hardly imagine what that is like to go through.

I am just going to repeat what everyone else is saying, you gotta let her go because it is sink or swim with this girl. Waiting for things to *maybe* get better are not worth it, you know her character and it isn't the kind you stick around for. I know this is easier said than done, and maybe you aren't ready yet, but when you start setting boundaries you will be able to start reclaiming your life.

However, if it's gone down the shitter and you always felt life meant to end at your own hands on your own terms I can also respect that and hope you find the peace you seek. But please, if you do end your life make sure it isn't over this girl. Because you can move on from this and her, and it would be a pity if you gave her that final power over your life that can still be recovered.
I understand and appreciate the advice. I do, however, feel like my life was always meant to end at my own hands. She gave me hope that maybe that wasn't the case.

She wouldn't be the sole reason. More like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm on a train where the tracks eventually go off a cliff and this was my last station I could get off at.
  • Aww..
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