How long have you been there? The psych ward has never worked well for me so I empathize will feeling pretty stuck in there when you wish you were able to leave. I don't know, it might be a good idea to just play it cool and try to get out sooner than later as opposed to trying to escape. What I would do when I was there having a horrible time was try to tell them that something about the hospital and small space was triggering my ptsd really badly and that I didn't think treatment was helping so I was hoping to make a treatment plan and asked if we could discuss possible ways of me getting out earlier "safe for me".
Pretty much if you feel like the place is harming you more than helping and feel capable of it, I recommend trying to calmy and rationally avocate for why you feel like it isn't helping. Maybe the staff will ignore you but there's always the possibility they will either understand if you articulate yourself well or at the very least may try to make the experience less horribile.
Sorry, I don't know if anything I just wrote is helpful or makes sense at all, I feel like I just woke up out of a long coma.