If you want to kill yourself "by your own doing" then consider yourself very lucky. I love life and even the sad parts often left me with gratitude in the past, but since becoming chronically ill 15 years ago and my health getting progressively worse I'm forced to CTB bc it's getting to a really bad point where i'm not dead yet, but suffering greatly. I don't want to die, but the symptoms, pain, etc are only going to get worse and I can't allow that kind of suffering to continue. So to answer the Q, yes I WOULD LOVE to die accidentally. In fact, since getting my method together and having a full intention of doing it on lockdown, I've been talking to "god", "source", "universe" whatever you want to call it, half jokingly telling it like "See, I'm def gonna do it, theres no turning back, so why not just take me out naturally and at least spare my family/friends the pain of having a loved one commit suicide". No matter how often I talk to it or pray.. its not happening.. lol.. so it looks like CTB it is.