- Nov 13, 2021
- 1,436
Im trying so hard to get over her but failing. I'm sorry if I'm annoying you guys, it's always same shit different day with me honestly. Sometimes I feel like I'm venting too much or overstaying my welcome here but maybe that's just my anxiety talking. You guys are genuinely kind people, I think we all are, just in unfortunate circumstances. Anyways I just want to vent right now so I'm gonna continue with that.
Anyways, no matter how hard I try, I cannot get over her. I wish I remembered the username but someone in another thread suggested I just let those feelings exist and not try to break them but it's hard. I wanna break them but I can't. Even if I did, idk what I would do after.
I generally would try to talk to her about my feelings (on a much smaller scale than I do here out of fear that she might try to call the police or something) but I cannot do that today. There's so much on my mind right now. College, the future, life in general and my place in it. I cannot talk to her right now because she asked me not to and I want to respect that.
Her boyfriend will be on her phone helping her get stuff set up for college because she's going as well (one of the reasons I'm stressed about college as I'd be going to the same college as her). She asked me not to message so he doesn't notice that we're speaking. Shes also going to a concert so she's quite busy. I try not to pester her anyways but it was kinda nice having the option of someone to talk to.
Maybe my reliance on her is unhealthy and the reason I can't break it off but it's genuinely a huge help mentally for me, as she's the only one I've been 100% open and honest to. As a result, she talks to me about stuff she doesn't want to talk to her boyfriend about. It's a mutual symbiotic thing going on here.
I'm just so stressed, and I don't know what to do about anything anymore. I just hate this predicament I'm in sometimes, and it feels like there is no "easy way out" besides CTB and I considered that last night and couldn't bring myself to do it, not even close, yet again.
Even talking about this makes it feel like a cloud in my head is clearing, which is a weird sensation.
I just feel so lost if that makes sense to you guys? I miss my ex so much, I have dreams about her, she's in my thought 24/7, or damn near close to it. I'm just trying to force her out of my head and I can't, and I don't even know if I really want to. I feel obligated to. Especially if I go to the same college as her, i don't think it would bode well if I had feelings for her. Maybe if I go to college, I can just dive into studies and keep myself occupied with that, since the major I'm planning is a fairly difficult one (Comp. Sci.), it's not as hard as certain engineering majors, such as aerospace, and I think I've even heard architecture is a difficult major, which I surprisingly didn't expect. My main point is if the major is difficult, I'll have to spend more time on studies, which might be better for me.
I'm just trying to grasp at straws for things to do to stay occupied, and keep my mind off of her. I would maybe try to talk to other people but it would be very unfair to them, and I'm not ready for love again, I don't wanna be hurt like that again any time soon.
Hell, even my uncle is dying. I wasn't really close to him and haven't seen him in many years but his organs are failing, so I might have to go to a funeral soon, and idk if I'm emotionally ready for that.
Anyways, vent over, I appreciate anyone who's read this far. I've thought about writing a TLDR for this but I don't even know how to compress these thoughts in a good way.
I hope you all have a good day, hopefully better than mine, and to those whose day is worse, you are all in my thoughts and I hope it gets better.
Anyways, no matter how hard I try, I cannot get over her. I wish I remembered the username but someone in another thread suggested I just let those feelings exist and not try to break them but it's hard. I wanna break them but I can't. Even if I did, idk what I would do after.
I generally would try to talk to her about my feelings (on a much smaller scale than I do here out of fear that she might try to call the police or something) but I cannot do that today. There's so much on my mind right now. College, the future, life in general and my place in it. I cannot talk to her right now because she asked me not to and I want to respect that.
Her boyfriend will be on her phone helping her get stuff set up for college because she's going as well (one of the reasons I'm stressed about college as I'd be going to the same college as her). She asked me not to message so he doesn't notice that we're speaking. Shes also going to a concert so she's quite busy. I try not to pester her anyways but it was kinda nice having the option of someone to talk to.
Maybe my reliance on her is unhealthy and the reason I can't break it off but it's genuinely a huge help mentally for me, as she's the only one I've been 100% open and honest to. As a result, she talks to me about stuff she doesn't want to talk to her boyfriend about. It's a mutual symbiotic thing going on here.
I'm just so stressed, and I don't know what to do about anything anymore. I just hate this predicament I'm in sometimes, and it feels like there is no "easy way out" besides CTB and I considered that last night and couldn't bring myself to do it, not even close, yet again.
Even talking about this makes it feel like a cloud in my head is clearing, which is a weird sensation.
I just feel so lost if that makes sense to you guys? I miss my ex so much, I have dreams about her, she's in my thought 24/7, or damn near close to it. I'm just trying to force her out of my head and I can't, and I don't even know if I really want to. I feel obligated to. Especially if I go to the same college as her, i don't think it would bode well if I had feelings for her. Maybe if I go to college, I can just dive into studies and keep myself occupied with that, since the major I'm planning is a fairly difficult one (Comp. Sci.), it's not as hard as certain engineering majors, such as aerospace, and I think I've even heard architecture is a difficult major, which I surprisingly didn't expect. My main point is if the major is difficult, I'll have to spend more time on studies, which might be better for me.
I'm just trying to grasp at straws for things to do to stay occupied, and keep my mind off of her. I would maybe try to talk to other people but it would be very unfair to them, and I'm not ready for love again, I don't wanna be hurt like that again any time soon.
Hell, even my uncle is dying. I wasn't really close to him and haven't seen him in many years but his organs are failing, so I might have to go to a funeral soon, and idk if I'm emotionally ready for that.
Anyways, vent over, I appreciate anyone who's read this far. I've thought about writing a TLDR for this but I don't even know how to compress these thoughts in a good way.
I hope you all have a good day, hopefully better than mine, and to those whose day is worse, you are all in my thoughts and I hope it gets better.