I'm not Catholic — but raised loosely as
Christian per family background/ school curriculum many moons ago
However — last year before my failed attempts — I found this legitimate/ highly respected Priest — and his kind empathetic words relieved my fears
— Please search : Father Ron Rolheiser online
— Then Use Search on his blog for : "suicide"
1. has written compassionately about suicide for decades — has also respectfully reported on suicides of his colleagues
2. I don't know or claim he's
"Pro- choice" — but he UNDERSTANDS
Eg —
"No different than cancer or heart disease of the soul" ;
'the soul wants what the soul wants' ;
"not a weakness nor immoral" … etc etc
3. every year he repeats / clarifies / adds new insights — based upon his personal/ professional experience
4. Fr Ron clearly states official position of the Church / Bible = *suicide is NOT A SIN*
5. He seems to assist the surviving loved ones of suicide victims to understand ; not be ashamed + to celebrate— not stigmatize— > the gentle but wounded souls whose lives were — as worthy of equal love and remembrance— as a person lost to any other illness or accident
Hope this helps someone
PS : For his privacy and consideration—
PLEASE DO NOT post link to his site from SaSu — It would be a great loss to us all — if he got unwittingly entangled in the current public controversy — TY