
Oct 7, 2021
For a large portion of my life I was always concerned what others thought of me, of my capabilities, of my credibility and so on.. However recently I've just started getting sick of it, it took so much mental power just having to deal with it... But I've proven what I needed to prove and if people don't see that, then oh well. I can't be bothered constantly by it, it's making life just so much more unbearable. I wish I had this mindset in the beginning, but back then I was foolish, I haven't yet achieved anything with my life and I just wanted to prove to people that I'm not what they think I am.. I don't know, I've always had issues with the perception of me from others and at times it was hellish, but recently I've started to realize that it's pointless to give up so much energy being concerned. I don't know when I'll kill myself, but I do know that I'm going to. I have a really good prosperous job upcoming and I want to see how that will go, but even if everything on that front is alright, I will still probably end it.. Because it's just tiring to live, it's tiring to keep trying and to find an impossible to find balance. I'm so glad for this forum, it has given me security over my future(as contradicting as that sounds), it has given me the information needed for me to have full control over my life and its end.

Hope you're all doing okay.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think that it's true that other people's opinions are insignficant really, at the end of the day they are just concerned with their own existence. But of course it's very much understandable just wishing to be gone as it really can be so tiring having to continue existing, we are all destined to die anyway so it's understandable to want to control when to exit. I wish you the best.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Yeah they usually don't treat you better enough to be worth twisting yourself into a pretzel for them

Some of them actually untwist you, at least a little bit. Which feels like twisting, but there's an oddly right feeling about it. But most of these untwisters are only partial, they actually twist you in other ways

Some rare ones are full untwisters. Often respected and loved by people who twist them, and out of desperation they may fall for an avid twister...
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
That's the thing about maturing as you get older, you stop trying to be the way you think others want you to be and start focusing on improving as a person and trying to get the best out of yourself.

That's when you realize your responsibility towards yourself and that it made no sense to blame everything that happened to you on others, because it is really the only way to have control over your life and be able to improve it or manage it as you see fit, assuming that part of the mistakes are yours and that it was useless to wait for them to be solved by magic.

But remember, to stop worrying does not mean ignoring others, it means that you trust your own criteria to find the best path within your personal circumstances... and if not, it is good to have someone by your side with whom you can talk and who respects you and perhaps gives you different points of view.

The hardest thing there is to learn to live. Many of us fail, but there are others who have a very easy time of it.

Good luck on your journey, however it ends.


És el que té madurar segons vas creixent, que deixes d'intentar ser com creus que els altres volen que siguis per començar a centrar-te a millorar com a persona i intentar extreure el millor de tu mateix.

És quan llavors te n'adones de la teva responsabilitat cap a tu mateix i de que no tenía sentit donar la culpa de tot el que et passava als altres, doncs és realment l'unica manera que hi ha de tenir el control sobre la teva vida i poder millorar-la o gestionar-la com et convingui, assumint que part dels errors són teus i que era inútil esperar que se sol·lucionessin per art de màgia.

Però recorda, deixar de preocupar-se no vol dir ignorar als altres, vol dir que confies en el teu criteri per trobar el millor camí dins les teves circumstàncies personals... i si no, es bò tenir algú al teu costat amb qui poder parlar i que et respecti i potser t'aporti punts de vista diferents.

El més difícil que hi ha és aprendre a viure.. molts fracassem però hi ha d'altres persones que hi tenen molta traça.

Sort en el teu camí, acabi com acabi.
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Mar 13, 2020
That's been pretty much my whole life story..... Trying to people please, constantly worrying if I made somebody mad, what they think of me, if I'm worth their time....... the list goes on and On.... and It fckn sucks, it can be Absolutely soul crushing if allowed.

Thank you much for sharing this and I wish you the best in whatever may happen. It's hard, I understand. You are Not alone.

Thoughts and prayers always, Godspeed ♥
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