

Feb 22, 2023
I'm so tired of all of the mental stress and effort it takes to live day to day, I just really want to get it off my chest, so bear with me, I just want to finally be allowed to talk about what i've gone through. I appreciate it a lot if anybody takes time or bothers to read this. I feel selfish for writing, it feels like begging for attention, i should be stronger, and i should be able to get through it, but im so tired of it all. im sorry for writing this.
Some basic background, I grew up in Duluth, a city in Minnesota in the US. We moved around a lot, never stayed in the same place for more than 2 years, and never had very much money. I had stayed in Texas for a while but don't remember much of it. my mother was homeless while I was 2-4 years old and I obviously have no memory of that period. Both of my parents are alive, but separated. My father lived in a town called St Cloud down south and never spent much time with me, as he also never had any money.
My Childhood was rough, I was often spending days to weeks at home either alone or without electricity. A lot of my younger years my mother was running the entire house off an extension cord to the neighboring home as my mother spent all of her remaining cash on drugs and gambling, and her fiance at the time would do nothing but yell, scream and abuse our pets. It got moderately better a couple years after that, after we got evicted from the house we were in, she dropped her fiance who was abusive to her and our pets, and started to take it out on me instead. She would vanish for 4 days to deal and take drugs, leaving me to watch my 3 younger siblings the entire time, and come home only to physically attack me and scream at me. My first CTB attempt was around this time, I had downed a bottle of pills and went to bed hoping not to wake up. It continued for up to 3 years before my father moved up north.
Once he had moved up north, I started to bounce between his and my mother's house every couple weeks or so, I never had any stability. The only comfort I had found was through playing the few games on my DS we were able to afford at the time. After a while my mother had started to get investigated by the police, and my and my siblings were moved to stay with our fathers (3 separate father for 4 kids, I was alone). During my stay with my father, I didn't really get a break. He was no better himself, where my mother used hard drugs, my father used alcohol, and where she would physically abuse me, he would scream at me and emotionally abuse me. He was bipolar, so a lot of the time he would flash between being kind and relaxed and being violent and screaming.
I put up with this until I was 16, before running away from home to be homeless for around 2 years after this. It was honestly one of the happier times of my life, I felt independent and relaxed, I had a relationship with someone, I had a couple close friends and had gotten very close with my girlfriend's family, to the point they felt like my own family. I felt like my life had finally turned around for the better, despite still struggling with Major Depressive Disorder, and the difficulties that come with untreated OCD, Autism and ADHD.
I was struggling a lot with my schooling, falling behind and panicking all the time, but I managed to just barely squeak out of it, graduating high school on time, despite missing half of my first year of school from my family not enrolling me proper. At this point, I am 5 years into my relationship, I have a full-time job, we are living together, and I have a large savings account that would take care of me for quite a while. I wouldn't be mentioning this if it weren't for the issue that followed once we were living together. She started to get more distant, and grew a resentment toward me, as I did her. This caused me to fall into a horrible, horrible depressive addiction spiral leading to me spending thousands and thousands of dollars donating to content creators and streamers just to feel like somebody cared about me or liked me. All of my friends were mutual friends with my girlfriend at the time, and as our resentment for eachother grew, all of our friends took her side. all of my friends had started leaving, all the progress I had finally made gone. My entire savings account slowly drained to nothing. I had stopped spending so much for a while, started to recover, and streamed myself for the first time.
My Stream took off, I get around 20-30 viewers in my first 2 months streaming, and am recieving hundreds of dollars in donations, and had so many people who were interested in talking and seeing me every day. I once again feel wanted, feel like I am doing well, and think I'm happy once again. I was streaming around 6 hours every single day, and working full time 40-hour weeks as well. it seemed like a lot but I was very happy doing it, and felt desired and wanted by so many lovely people. In about 5 months into streaming, I lose my job. This is during the pandemic, so it's near impossible to find a replacement. But it's okay, I was making enough money from Twitch to sustain myself, to pay bills, to pay for food, especially since I was splitting it 50-50 with my girlfriend at the time. I had a lot of fun, I raised around $3000 for my favorite charity and got a coveted follow from them, and felt on top of the world, despite my job being gone
Of course, being happy once again, something had to go wrong. One month I slipped under a 0 balance on my bank account from an automatic charge, and I got charged an overdraft fee. and another. and another. over and over again, until I had -$1200 in my bank account. They refused to fix the issue. I couldn't pay bills, couldn't afford rent, couldn't make it anymore. my no-longer girlfriend at the time was much less than understanding. It absolutely enraged her that I couldn't afford my half, despite my barely-capable income. She took out her anger on my stream, started poking and prodding at me whenever I was or wasn't live, and would often push me to the edge to where I would admittedly yell and act irrational, as I would imagine most would do. Obviously I shouldn't, but I had been dealing with verbal and emotional abuse for almost 6 months straight at this point. Of course, she wanted this, and she would record me acting upset after she pushed me to the edge and started to send the video of me yelling at her to anybody and everybody who interacted with my stream, and they slowly trickled away.
The community I had spent the better part of a year making slowly left, I'm left with maybe 8 people who stick with me. My closest friends I've made are aware of my situation, and they put together a fund of money to help me move away and get away from my awful situation and I move to michigan to be close to one of my closest friends at the time. This was a fucking DISASTER. Obviously, taking somebody with no money, and god awful mental health, and telling them to find and keep a job to pay rent is a terrible idea in a new city with no address. Apparently my remaining friend group at the time didn't understand this, despite putting together around $1000 to move me out there. I am then kicked out, forced to either be homeless, or contact my mother to fly back to Minnesota and try again there. I chose the latter
I've been back in Minnesota for the past 8 months, it has been so fucking difficult. I am living on my own, I can't get a job, I can't get myself to wake up, I can't keep my tiny apartment clean. I have so much pent-up stress and anxiety and depression that I struggle to get out of bed every single day. I am overloaded with immense guilt of the pains I've put on my previous friends by costing them so much. I've put such a burden on so many people by being who I am.
As I write this, I am currently sitting at a small laptop, the last thing I own, contemplating if my life is worth continuing, a thought I've been faced with hundreds of times throughout my life. I remain with a small group of semi-close friends. None of them truly know the extent of my thoughts. I cannot afford to pay my bills. I do not truly want to CTB. I want to survive and show it to everyone who has hurt me in my life, and pay off the people who had helped me, to relieve the guilt I feel about how much help I have received.
I am currently doing small jobs for my favorite content creator and streamer, who I am a stream mod for, to pay my bills. I do not think I will be able to pay my upcoming rent, electic and Internet bills, and if I cannot, I have decided I would rather CTB than try to dig out of the next hole I am faced with.
I cannot thank you enough for even bothering to read my story. If you have any questions, please ask them. I will do my best to answer.
I will post an update in a weeks time in the replies of this post, if you do not see a reply, assume I succeeded in CTB.
I love you.
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Reactions: Why Me?, sleepyturtle, downndone2 and 13 others


Aug 23, 2018
It's not selfish of you to write all of this. It's better to scream into the void instead of bottling it all up. I'm glad you did, it's always interesting to hear about other people's stories. Makes me feel less alone about being suicidal and reassures me that no reason is too big or too little little for wanting to ctb.

But enough about me. I did read all of it, and I don't know what to say except I'm sorry, and I hope you find peace. Again, thank you for sharing your story.
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life is cruel and time heals nothing
Feb 23, 2023
How incredibly heartbreaking to read this. It makes me so furious at society, mostly the government, that they would just leave you like this. Always being there when somebody wants to kill themselves, ready to lock them up yet they would never help someone get out of a difficult situation like this to prevent suicide.

Absolutely heart breaking... You want to live, you shouldn't even have to be here! I'm so sorry about all this.


Feb 22, 2023
It's not selfish of you to write all of this. It's better to scream into the void instead of bottling it all up. I'm glad you did, it's always interesting to hear about other people's stories. Makes me feel less alone about being suicidal and reassures me that no reason is too big or too little little for wanting to ctb.

But enough about me. I did read all of it, and I don't know what to say except I'm sorry, and I hope you find peace. Again, thank you for sharing your story.
thank you, im glad that im able to help somebody for once


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's just so unfair how you've had to suffer so much, this world is undeniably such a cruel place. But anyway I wish you the best.
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Feb 22, 2023
It's just so unfair how you've had to suffer so much, this world is undeniably such a cruel place. But anyway I wish you the best.
thank you. it's hard not to feel like I personally did something to set everything off
How incredibly heartbreaking to read this. It makes me so furious at society, mostly the government, that they would just leave you like this. Always being there when somebody wants to kill themselves, ready to lock them up yet they would never help someone get out of a difficult situation like this to prevent suicide.

Absolutely heart breaking... You want to live, you shouldn't even have to be here! I'm so sorry about all this.
I've tried reaching out to the services, there's just so much barrier to entry the simpler option is to disappear at this rate


I just want this to end
Jul 11, 2020
thank you for sharing your story. i am so sorry to hear of your struggles - this world is an awful place.

apologies in advance for what might be a stupid question as I am unfamiliar with your work, but is there any website that solicits people like you to do the work you do on one-off/contract basis that could possibly provide some income? sending hugs.


Feb 22, 2023
thank you for sharing your story. i am so sorry to hear of your struggles - this world is an awful place.

apologies in advance for what might be a stupid question as I am unfamiliar with your work, but is there any website that solicits people like you to do the work you do on one-off/contract basis that could possibly provide some income? sending hugs.
No, there isn't anything like that for streamers that I am aware of


Feb 8, 2023
I cried a little while reading your stories. The environment around you was cruel to you. And that's not your fault.
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Reactions: Werewolf.


Feb 22, 2023
I cried a little while reading your stories. The environment around you was cruel to you. And that's not your fault.
i feel bad for saying that I left a lot out, but i appreciate your words


May 28, 2021
Hey there buddy. Been a few weeks since I last was on here and before that, it was months. I read your entire story and first of all it sucks that you are dealing with these things. Your childhood growing up was definitely rough. I could, however, relate to some parts of your story. I developed OCD in the early 2010s and back then it was very extreme, to the point that even doctors urged me to get help. I would flirt with the idea for a while and go to mental health institutions that weren't psych wards, but rather for therapy. I went for some consultation but I decided to back out. Basically, I have untreated OCD as well and that's the part I could relate to. Seems to me that you do not wish to CTB and personally I am glad to hear it, because I used to wish everyday for years to never wake up or just to CTB but ultimately I changed my mind. Perhaps things will get better for me in the future. Right now, things have only gotten worse but somehow, I feel okay. It's really strange. I would therefore, encourage you to do what it is that you wish to do (which is to not CTB). It's just a thought but maybe you can somehow get your life in order and then give back to those who gave you in your time of need. It's ironic, coming from me since I'm a useless 27 year old good-for-nothing POS. But I feel like my heart is in the right place at least. Not that it matters since it's already permanently damaged from what I have gone through myself. Anyway... I wish you all the best my dear friend. I wish to see you succeed and make up for the times you spent in misery so you can spend it all in happiness. Perhaps I may get to enjoy this. For now I'm not so optimistic but who knows? Gotta keep an open mind. Feel free to send me a private message if you'd like. It's pretty late where I am right now and I haven't slept now so that's what I'm gonna do asap. I'll log in tomorrow again. (:


Feb 22, 2023
Hey there buddy. Been a few weeks since I last was on here and before that, it was months. I read your entire story and first of all it sucks that you are dealing with these things. Your childhood growing up was definitely rough. I could, however, relate to some parts of your story. I developed OCD in the early 2010s and back then it was very extreme, to the point that even doctors urged me to get help. I would flirt with the idea for a while and go to mental health institutions that weren't psych wards, but rather for therapy. I went for some consultation but I decided to back out. Basically, I have untreated OCD as well and that's the part I could relate to. Seems to me that you do not wish to CTB and personally I am glad to hear it, because I used to wish everyday for years to never wake up or just to CTB but ultimately I changed my mind. Perhaps things will get better for me in the future. Right now, things have only gotten worse but somehow, I feel okay. It's really strange. I would therefore, encourage you to do what it is that you wish to do (which is to not CTB). It's just a thought but maybe you can somehow get your life in order and then give back to those who gave you in your time of need. It's ironic, coming from me since I'm a useless 27 year old good-for-nothing POS. But I feel like my heart is in the right place at least. Not that it matters since it's already permanently damaged from what I have gone through myself. Anyway... I wish you all the best my dear friend. I wish to see you succeed and make up for the times you spent in misery so you can spend it all in happiness. Perhaps I may get to enjoy this. For now I'm not so optimistic but who knows? Gotta keep an open mind. Feel free to send me a private message if you'd like. It's pretty late where I am right now and I haven't slept now so that's what I'm gonna do asap. I'll log in tomorrow again. (:
Honestly i've just come to terms with the fact that if I'm not able to get out of this rut, it isn't worth continuing for me. I'm just so tired of all the working and grinding and hoping and praying, I cant even afford to pay my upcoming electric bill, I'm just leeching from everyone around me at this point
sorry for not being as optimistic as you'd like, i'm just at the point where CTB seems so nice, I've already chosen my method and have everything planned out if this falls through
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Reactions: downndone2 and Werewolf.


May 28, 2021
Honestly i've just come to terms with the fact that if I'm not able to get out of this rut, it isn't worth continuing for me. I'm just so tired of all the working and grinding and hoping and praying, I cant even afford to pay my upcoming electric bill, I'm just leeching from everyone around me at this point
sorry for not being as optimistic as you'd like, i'm just at the point where CTB seems so nice, I've already chosen my method and have everything planned out if this falls through
Regardless, I hope it may get better and I wish you all the best. ❤️


Jan 3, 2023
Thanks for sharing your honest story. Reading through all your struggles, I end up thinking how much painful and unfair the world can be. Every person here has their own sad story. If only people were more kind and compassionate to each other... I wish you honestly good luck with whatever you'll do in your life.


Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
I am sorry to read your story. Several years back I lost so much after some very poor decisions due to a multitude of reasons. I lost my marriage, life savings, an inheritance my business failed, among other things. Today, I'm still facing tax issues from the year. I've been out of work for about 6 months and trying to get something quickly. But I can't hardly move from bed at all with the anxiety, I've developed pretty bad agorophobia again. I'm terrified already about an interview I have tomorrow and if I get the job, how long will I make it there before I call in... ugh...
I am sorry to read your story. Several years back I lost so much after some very poor decisions due to a multitude of reasons. I lost my marriage, life savings, an inheritance my business failed, among other things. Today, I'm still facing tax issues from the year. I've been out of work for about 6 months and trying to get something quickly. But I can't hardly move from bed at all with the anxiety, I've developed pretty bad agorophobia again. I'm terrified already about an interview I have tomorrow and if I get the job, how long will I make it there before I call in... ugh...
Does anyone else's replies and posts get all jacked up as you're typing them.

I tried editing the above and it duplicated it but did nor save the changes
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