Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
I'm so so happy that I got SN, just want to share my happiness and I'm gonna do more research to make sure it work
I tried once with heart medication and it failed obviously, so I'm not gonna make that mistake, it was very unpleasant
I stranded on the edge of a cliff for hours, but I just couldn't make myself take a leap
Also tried hanging, but somehow I managed to struggle free
Would love to use firearm but couldn't get one
I'm pretty sure it would work this time with SN, even tho I felt like a failure that I couldn't find the courage to hang or jump, but I did took the deadly medication once, so I know I would be able to go through with it
Anyone else happy that they finally got SN?
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Didn't you just PM me a few hours ago asking me how to get SN from DMC? You said you had been looking for SN for a long time, but you were unable to get any. The SN that you have now is from Amazon, which is almost certainly just curing salt with a tiny bit of SN in it (unless you somehow made a viable business account to get actual SN).
Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
Didn't you just PM me a few hours ago asking me how to get SN from DMC? You said you had been looking for SN for a long time, but you were unable to get any. The SN that you have now is from Amazon, which is almost certainly just curing salt with a tiny bit of SN in it (unless you somehow made a viable business account to get actual SN).
Actually I already have one from Amazon, and yeah I made a business account, it was pretty easy, but I did not take it because the CAS number was wrong, the cover did say SN, and the purity is 99.9%, so I have doubts about this source, it's called YT
And I just ordered SN from DMC, just paid and been told it's processing to ship😆
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Actually I already have one from Amazon, and yeah I made a business account, it was pretty easy, but I did not take it because the CAS number was wrong, the cover did say SN, and the purity is 99.9%, so I have doubts about this source, it's called YT
And I just ordered SN from DMC, just paid and been told it's processing to ship😆
Ah, gotcha. I was just really confused lol.

Congrats though! Sorry I couldn't help you find the source earlier, but I just don't feel like it's worth the risk given that anyone could be a bad actor looking to bust a source. Though it seems you managed to find it on your own not long after I turned you down, so I suppose it worked out in the end. Best of luck to you
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Apenas um homem que perdeu tudo em troca de nada.
Aug 26, 2024
Estou muito feliz por ter conseguido o SN, só quero compartilhar minha felicidade e vou pesquisar mais para ter certeza de que funciona
Eu tentei uma vez com medicação para o coração e obviamente falhou, então não vou cometer esse erro, foi muito desagradável
Fiquei preso na beira de um penhasco por horas, mas não consegui me forçar a pular
Também tentei me enforcar, mas de alguma forma consegui me libertar
Adoraria usar uma arma de fogo, mas não consegui uma
Tenho quase certeza de que daria certo dessa vez com SN, mesmo que eu me sentisse um fracasso por não ter coragem de me pendurar ou pular, mas tomei o medicamento mortal uma vez, então sei que conseguiria seguir em frente.
Alguém mais está feliz por finalmente ter conseguido o SN?

Eu já tentei pular no mar e provavelmente me afogaria, mas não consegui


Jun 28, 2024
Me. I'm very happy I got my sn without any problems whatsoever
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Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
Ah, gotcha. I was just really confused lol.

Congrats though! Sorry I couldn't help you find the source earlier, but I just don't feel like it's worth the risk given that anyone could be a bad actor looking to bust a source. Though it seems you managed to find it on your own not long after I turned you down, so I suppose it worked out in the end. Best of luck to you
Thank you so much!
Good luck to you too, hope we could both find the peace that we need
Me. I'm very happy I got my sn without any problems whatsoever
That's great! Such a relief, right 😆
Eu já tentei pular no mar e provavelmente me afogaria, mas não consegui
I feel you, sometimes the survival instinct is just too strong
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Sep 16, 2024
I got very happy when I ordered SN. The meds I already bought on the drugstore. All I need now is to test and decide when I will ctb.

Btw, you are not a failure. It is okay <3
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Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
Thank you for saying that, I really appreciate it
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Sep 17, 2024
Ya you also pmd me last night regarding dmc… sorry I didn't respond sooner but I would probably have only given you clues anyways. Glad you finally purchased it and I hope you can find your peace soon. I got mine last week and just waiting on AE and then I'm out!
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Apr 10, 2024
I can't find the SN I bought. My brain is beyond wrecked. My long-term memory is perfect. My short-term used to be exceptional. Now, it's non-existent. I need to be put down asap. Scary.
Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
Ya you also pmd me last night regarding dmc… sorry I didn't respond sooner but I would probably have only given you clues anyways. Glad you finally purchased it and I hope you can find your peace soon. I got mine last week and just waiting on AE and then I'm out!
Thank you, and good luck with your outing❤️
Hope it all work out for you, you would find the peace finally
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Sep 17, 2024
Thank you, and good luck with your outing❤️
Hope it all work out for you, you would find the peace finally
If it doesn't work out I think I'll just jump off a parking garage…I've never needed anything to work so bad in my life.
Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
Actually, I think I may do the same, jump off a parking garage or just jump in front of a car on freeway, that's how desperate I'm now🥲
If it doesn't work out I think I'll just jump off a parking garage…I've never needed anything to work so bad in my life.
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Sep 17, 2024
Actually, I think I may do the same, jump off a parking garage or just jump in front of a car on freeway, that's how desperate I'm now🥲
Yeah I've definitely considered the the semi truck on the freeway option many times. The only reason why I picked sn is obviously it's the least scary and also doesn't involve publicly traumatizing others..though as the days have gone by I'm at a point where I really don't give a shit anymore as long as I get to leave this miserable world!
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Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
Yeah I've definitely considered the the semi truck on the freeway option many times. The only reason why I picked sn is obviously it's the least scary and also doesn't involve publicly traumatizing others..though as the days have gone by I'm at a point where I really don't give a shit anymore as long as I get to leave this miserable world!
I know what you mean, that's exactly what I thought! If I could go without traumatizing others, yeah definitely, but if I had to choose, then I want to leave as soon as possible, I did a lot of research, 6 floor most likely would do the job, also as a person, you just can't win a car, especially on freeway with that speed
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Sep 17, 2024
I know what you mean, that's exactly what I thought! If I could go without traumatizing others, yeah definitely, but if I had to choose, then I want to leave as soon as possible, I did a lot of research, 6 floor most likely would do the job, also as a person, you just can't win a car, especially on freeway with that speed
Yeah there is a mall close to my house with a parking garage that's 7 stories(including the roof) that I know for a fact through the news that 3 people have successfully ctbd from in the last few years…if the SN doesn't work I wouldn't hate to be the 4th success story on that garage!
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Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
Let's hope SN would work, so we don't have to go through that:)
I have faith in SN now lol
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Sep 17, 2024
Let's hope SN would work, so we don't have to go through that:)
I have faith in SN now lol
If anyone asks me who my role model in life is right now I'd say the owner of the dmc website. He's doing gods work! Did you get AEs and benzos? or are you just gonna drink it and hope for the best?
Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
I agree! I hate it that they take so many other options down, they think they are preventing people committing suicide, but in reality they are just make people suffer more
I'm gonna call my doctor on Monday and get metoclopramide, I'll say I have migraine ask for that, I'll only take meto and SN, oh maybe over the counter painkillers as well,
If anyone asks me who my role model in life is right now I'd say the owner of the dmc website. He's doing gods work! Did you get AEs and benzos? or are you just gonna drink it and hope for the best?

what about you?
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Sep 17, 2024
I agree! I hate it that they take so many other options down, they think they are preventing people committing suicide, but in reality they are just make people suffer more
I'm gonna call my doctor on Monday and get metoclopramide, I'll say I have migraine ask for that, I'll only take meto and SN, oh maybe over the counter painkillers as well,

what about you?
I agree with your post.. it's not gonna stop suicide, people will always find a way. I'm so sick of these fuckin pro lifers it makes my blood boil! I'm going to my primary doctor on Monday and will try and make something up to get zofran which in the pph is just as good as meto..just anything prescription grade would be appreciated. As for benzos I don't think I can get any so I'm just using trazadone as a sedative along with propanalol for tachycardia and Tylenol for pain.. keep in mind people have been successful without any of this stuff it's all about will power and getting over SI which seems to be my worst enemy in life.
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Lulu Sun

Lulu Sun

Sep 5, 2024
I agree with your post.. it's not gonna stop suicide, people will always find a way. I'm so sick of these fuckin pro lifers it makes my blood boil! I'm going to my primary doctor on Monday and will try and make something up to get zofran which in the pph is just as good as meto..just anything prescription grade would be appreciated. As for benzos I don't think I can get any so I'm just using trazadone as a sedative along with propanalol for tachycardia and Tylenol for pain.. keep in mind people have been successful without any of this stuff it's all about will power and getting over SI which seems to be my worst enemy in life.
Good luck with that! For me it's the same, I hate SI, to be honest, sometimes I saw the news, I am so jealous at the people that succeed in ending this, and hate myself for couldn't do it myself
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May 12, 2024
How did you make the business account? Would they ship to a PO Box or your house or what?

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