

Apr 6, 2020
I don't know about you guys, but seeing stuff like SN being removed from vendors here and there, and the fact that as the method grows it will inevitably get more attention and, as a consequence, pro-lifers will try to make it harder to get and all, makes me more anxyous than i've ever been.

I don't have a credit card atm, i've asked my parents about it, since i live off them, and they said we can make one for me to use once the quarantine's over, probably in a few months (I live in south Brazil btw, it looks like the pandemic is more controlled here, so the peak will take longer to happen, which will make the quarantine last longer too probably).

Not only does it make me feel like garbage that i'll have to wait to get the SN, so i can't finish things off sooner if i want to, but what's actually making me panic is the idea that once i have my credit card and all, and can buy stuff online on my own, i won't be able to get the one thing i want.

SN is the only method out of all of the ones i've researched that gives me any comfort, it's the only one i can see myself going through with, if in the future i'm unable to get it, well, i wouldn't know what to do tbh. I'm scared, really scared.

Just venting a little, idk
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Feb 4, 2020
If you are old enough to legally get a credit card yourself, do they have prepaid ones in your country? These are easier to get as you purchase the balance in advance, rather than needing to be loaned any money.

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Apr 6, 2020
If you are old enough to legally get a credit card yourself, do they have prepaid ones in your country? These are easier to get as you purchase the balance in advance, rather than needing to be loaned any money.

Thnx, i had no idea these existed, i'm gonna look into it.

Edit: Ok, i've been looking into it, it's promising, and i'm really grateful for talking to me about this, the only problem is that i have 2 options, either i receive the card by mail, which my parents will question me about i believe, or i go make one at an agency, but leaving my house now is not much of an option, my parents are older now and not too healthy, if i somehow get Covid-19 i could lead to them dying even. I don't know what the best course of action is right now about this unfortunately.

Edit 2: Thinking about it more, even if i somehow made a pre paid card, and bought the SN, the package would come in with my name, my parents would be curious about what it is and how i got it. If i have my own card made with their consent, i'll have more of their trust i guess, it'll be less suspicious once i buy stuff, i can just lie that i bought something for college or whatever.

Fuck, i guess the best and safest option i have, if i don't want to be found out, is to wait for them to make one with me and hope SN is still available to get without too much trouble. Still, thank for the the help, i really appreciate it.
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
I don't know about Brazil, but in my country (where SN is freely available at online marketplaces for now) you could pay the purchase via affiliated convenience stores. If this is also available in Brazil, you could just bring cash and pay at there.
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Apr 6, 2020
I don't know about Brazil, but in my country (where SN is freely available at online marketplaces for now) you could pay the purchase via affiliated convenience stores. If this is also available in Brazil, you could just bring cash and pay at there.

There's something like that in a couple of stores, but is more like, you pay with your card and then you get the product at a store, so you don't pay any fees that you normally do by receiving through mail, still, you need to input a card number, so there's not much i can do sadly.
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
There's something like that in a couple of stores, but is more like, you pay with your card and then you get the product at a store, so you don't pay any fees that you normally do by receiving through mail, still, you need to input a card number, so there's not much i can do sadly.

Damn, that's bad if you still need to input a card number instead of just giving the cash. Hopefully you could get to work around it.
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Apr 11, 2020
Along with a prepaid card, you can also rent a PO box so you can get it delivered there instead of your home.
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May 2, 2020
I'd think very hard and long about the SN method as a means to CTB, it is surely effective as there is a wealth of medical write ups of completed suicide using this method. That said there is no video evidence as of yet to convince me that this is a comfortable way to go. Drinking bleach will kill you but i'm not sure i'd take the risk of my last moments on this earth being anxious and pain filled.

Good luck whatever you choose, travel well.
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Apr 6, 2020
Damn, that's bad if you still need to input a card number instead of just giving the cash. Hopefully you could get to work around it.

At this point i think i'm just gonna wait for the quarantine to be over, my parents said that they'll make me a card so i can buy lunch at college and stuff, since i stay there all day usually.

So once i have it, i can just buy SN if it's still available, and when it shows up i can lie about it being something else, i can buy something on the street before the package comes, and lie about that thing being what i bought online, when it wasn't.

I intent to suicide at a bathroom stall in a college party, so i can spend my last moments alive next to my friends. The parties won't come back until the end of the quarantine anyway, so i might as well wait. It would be nice to have the SN ready, but i think my best option is to wait and hope.
Along with a prepaid card, you can also rent a PO box so you can get it delivered there instead of your home.

It's not a bad idea, the only problem is that to rent it, i'd need money, and i get all of mine from my parents. I think the best option i have is to buy something at a store, and pretend that the SN package, was actually the thing i bought previously, idk
I'd think very hard and long about the SN method as a means to CTB, it is surely effective as there is a wealth of medical write ups of completed suicide using this method. That said there is no video evidence as of yet to convince me that this is a comfortable way to go. Drinking bleach will kill you but i'm not sure i'd take the risk of my last moments on this earth being anxious and pain filled.

Good luck whatever you choose, travel well.

I know, but out of all the ones i looked, it's the one that seems to be the most likely to be quick, easy and peaceful, i think it's worth giving it a shot.
I wish there was a way to come back as a ghost to tell everyone how it was once i do it haha
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Dec 17, 2019
Thnx, i had no idea these existed, i'm gonna look into it.

Edit: Ok, i've been looking into it, it's promising, and i'm really grateful for talking to me about this, the only problem is that i have 2 options, either i receive the card by mail, which my parents will question me about i believe, or i go make one at an agency, but leaving my house now is not much of an option, my parents are older now and not too healthy, if i somehow get Covid-19 i could lead to them dying even. I don't know what the best course of action is right now about this unfortunately.

Edit 2: Thinking about it more, even if i somehow made a pre paid card, and bought the SN, the package would come in with my name, my parents would be curious about what it is and how i got it. If i have my own card made with their consent, i'll have more of their trust i guess, it'll be less suspicious once i buy stuff, i can just lie that i bought something for college or whatever.

Fuck, i guess the best and safest option i have, if i don't want to be found out, is to wait for them to make one with me and hope SN is still available to get without too much trouble. Still, thank for the the help, i really appreciate it.
Your parents will question you anyway . Make up something (cosmetics) .
Going out with a mask , not touching your face , keeping distance from others , not touching surfaces , and washing your hands afterwards should be fine . It's a pretty simple task to do . It's not like you don't go out shopping for food ..
You are mostly scared . about everything :hug: (which is okay)

take time to think and process this .
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Apr 6, 2020
Your parents will question you anyway . Make up something (cosmetics) .
Going out with a mask , not touching your face , keeping distance from others , not touching surfaces , and washing your hands afterwards should be fine . It's a pretty simple task to do . It's not like you don't go out shopping for food ..
You are mostly scared . about everything :hug: (which is okay)

take time to think and process this .

I'm a guy in a somewhat conservative household, cosmetics would make them question me even more haha, but i get what you mean, it doesn't have to be cosmetics specifically.
Actually, i haven't gone out since the quarantine started, my parents think that the least amout of people should leave the house, so since they slready go out to work, they are also the ones going out doing groceries, etc. If i decided to go somewhere, i don't think they'd take it well, they would probably question it a lot and lecture me or something.
I could sneak out, but my sister's always home and even though she's older than me, sometimes she can act petty and spoiled, she would probably "tell on me" like we were still kids or something.

You're right, i'm scared as hell about everything haha, i guess that's why i'll probably end up just waiting it for this to be over so i can act more safely and less suspiciously, hoping SN is still out there, i'm quite a coward, but oh well, idk.

Still, thank you so much for the advice, you're very kind.
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Dec 17, 2019
It's okay there's no rush . If you really MUST do it soon , you'll find a plan , if and when you calm down and think about it . You can still go make the prepaid card while telling them you're doing the groceries , for example . Being a guy I now see how saying "it's makeup" could be a problem :blarg::ahhha: Hope you'll find what suits you . Again , take your time to think things through :hug:
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Mar 31, 2020
I'm sorry you're in this predicament. I know it must be super nerve-wracking to not know if you'll be able to get the SN. The uncertainty is scary. I hope it works out for you how you want it to when all of this lockdown chaos is over :)
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Feb 4, 2020
I'd think very hard and long about the SN method as a means to CTB, it is surely effective as there is a wealth of medical write ups of completed suicide using this method. That said there is no video evidence as of yet to convince me that this is a comfortable way to go. Drinking bleach will kill you but i'm not sure i'd take the risk of my last moments on this earth being anxious and pain filled.

Good luck whatever you choose, travel well.


It is extremely disingenuous and misleading to in any way equate SN with drinking bleach.

The two fully qualified medical doctors who author the PPH report on observed cases of SN suicide, and assess that they appear relatively peaceful. There is also extensive medical and physiological evidence supporting reasons why methemoglobinemia is a relatively peaceful way to die. In contrast, drinking bleach attempts have been treated in hospitals and the extreme pain and suffering is both well-documented and well-explained by the physiology behind it.

Because of the comparatively rare, often legally questionable and ethically confronting nature of suicide, there will likely never be much video evidence of any attempts in action, perhaps with the exception of Nembutal in countries where assisted suicide is fully legal and done by established organisations. If you are waiting for video evidence that a method is peaceful before you use it, you will be waiting a very long time, ironically probably the duration of your natural lifespan. Additionally, in terms of empirical validity, a (hypothetical) couple of videos showing an SN attempt are still outweighed by those observed cases recounted by the PPH authors, and the well-understood physiological mechanisms of methemoglobinemia.

It is also worth pointing out that almost every suicide method has at least a small degree of discomfort involved. The human body has evolved to stay alive at all costs, and so anything which hurts or tries to kill the body will generally trigger a pain or distress response as a mechanism to help us avoid that thing and survive. SN may well involve minor feelings of discomfort. This is reported as being manageable and tolerable, and is at the absolute opposite end of the scale, however, from the documented agony of drinking bleach.

The only reason I'm being so polite here @iamamovingtarget is because I'm assuming your position comes from honest ignorance, rather than an actual agenda to unfairly discredit either SN or suicide more generally.

I intent to suicide at a bathroom stall in a college party, so i can spend my last moments alive next to my friends.

@maru, please be aware that this idea (1) places you at a very high risk of discovery and failure, both because of the time SN takes to guarantee death (~4 hours) and also because you will likely slump to the floor and be visible to other bathroom users and (2) might make you feel good immediately beforehand, but has a very high probability of traumatising your friends at the party, who will either discover you or hear later on that you died at the party in such close proximity to them.
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May 2, 2020

It is extremely disingenuous and misleading to in any way equate SN with drinking bleach.

The two fully qualified medical doctors who author the PPH report on observed cases of SN suicide, and assess that they appear relatively peaceful. There is also extensive medical and physiological evidence supporting reasons why methemoglobinemia is a relatively peaceful way to die. In contrast, drinking bleach attempts have been treated in hospitals and the extreme pain and suffering is both well-documented and well-explained by the physiology behind it.

Because of the comparatively rare, often legally questionable and ethically confronting nature of suicide, there will likely never be much video evidence of any attempts in action, perhaps with the exception of Nembutal in countries where assisted suicide is fully legal and done by established organisations. If you are waiting for video evidence that a method is peaceful before you use it, you will be waiting a very long time, ironically probably the duration of your natural lifespan. Additionally, in terms of empirical validity, a (hypothetical) couple of videos showing an SN attempt are still outweighed by those observed cases recounted by the PPH authors, and the well-understood physiological mechanisms of methemoglobinemia.

It is also worth pointing out that almost every suicide method has at least a small degree of discomfort involved. The human body has evolved to stay alive at all costs, and so anything which hurts or tries to kill the body will generally trigger a pain or distress response as a mechanism to help us avoid that thing and survive. SN may well involve minor feelings of discomfort. This is reported as being manageable and tolerable, and is at the absolute opposite end of the scale, however, from the documented agony of drinking bleach.

The only reason I'm being so polite here @iamamovingtarget is because I'm assuming your position comes from honest ignorance, rather than an actual agenda to unfairly discredit either SN or suicide more generally.

@maru, please be aware that this idea (1) places you at a very high risk of discovery and failure, both because of the time SN takes to guarantee death (~4 hours) and also because you will likely slump to the floor and be visible to other bathroom users and (2) might make you feel good immediately beforehand, but has a very high probability of traumatising your friends at the party, who will either discover you or hear later on that you died at the party in such close proximity to them.

It is extremely disingenuous and misleading to in any way equate SN with drinking bleach.

The two fully qualified medical doctors who author the PPH report on observed cases of SN suicide, and assess that they appear relatively peaceful. There is also extensive medical and physiological evidence supporting reasons why methemoglobinemia is a relatively peaceful way to die. In contrast, drinking bleach attempts have been treated in hospitals and the extreme pain and suffering is both well-documented and well-explained by the physiology behind it.

Because of the comparatively rare, often legally questionable and ethically confronting nature of suicide, there will likely never be much video evidence of any attempts in action, perhaps with the exception of Nembutal in countries where assisted suicide is fully legal and done by established organisations. If you are waiting for video evidence that a method is peaceful before you use it, you will be waiting a very long time, ironically probably the duration of your natural lifespan. Additionally, in terms of empirical validity, a (hypothetical) couple of videos showing an SN attempt are still outweighed by those observed cases recounted by the PPH authors, and the well-understood physiological mechanisms of methemoglobinemia.

It is also worth pointing out that almost every suicide method has at least a small degree of discomfort involved. The human body has evolved to stay alive at all costs, and so anything which hurts or tries to kill the body will generally trigger a pain or distress response as a mechanism to help us avoid that thing and survive. SN may well involve minor feelings of discomfort. This is reported as being manageable and tolerable, and is at the absolute opposite end of the scale, however, from the documented agony of drinking bleach.

The only reason I'm being so polite here @iamamovingtarget is because I'm assuming your position comes from honest ignorance, rather than an actual agenda to unfairly discredit either SN or suicide more generally.

@maru, please be aware that this idea (1) places you at a very high risk of discovery and failure, both because of the time SN takes to guarantee death (~4 hours) and also because you will likely slump to the floor and be visible to other bathroom users and (2) might make you feel good immediately beforehand, but has a very high probability of traumatising your friends at the party, who will either discover you or hear later on that you died at the party in such close proximity to them.

No agenda and certinly no attempt to discredit suicide at all. Rather that even though I have read enough reports to attest to its efficacy in aiding people catch the bus I'm not so sure that it is the best way to do so. For me, personally I would want my last moments to as painless and peaceful as posible.

There was no direct comparison between swallowing bleach and SN, it was a rather clumsy way of suggesting there may be pain and discomfort involved. It would take a little more than 2 doctors anecdotally stating that it was "relatively peaceful" for me to use this method but each to their own. The individual has the right chose whatever means they wish - that I fully support.

"The only reason I'm being so polite here @iamamovingtarget is because I'm assuming your position comes from honest ignorance, rather than an actual agenda to unfairly discredit either SN or suicide more generally."

How about just being polite because it's what civilised people do when they communicate with each other? There is no right or wrong way to end ones life whatever works works but as a rather novel means of suicide I simple feel we need more evidence about this and my opinions on that wont change.
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Feb 4, 2020
No agenda and certinly no attempt to discredit suicide at all. Rather that even though I have read enough reports to attest to its efficacy in aiding people catch the bus I'm not so sure that it is the best way to do so. For me, personally I would want my last moments to as painless and peaceful as posible.

There was no direct comparison between swallowing bleach and SN, it was a rather clumsy way of suggesting there may be pain and discomfort involved. It would take a little more than 2 doctors anecdotally stating that it was "relatively peaceful" for me to use this method but each to their own. The individual has the right chose whatever means they wish - that I fully support.

"The only reason I'm being so polite here @iamamovingtarget is because I'm assuming your position comes from honest ignorance, rather than an actual agenda to unfairly discredit either SN or suicide more generally."

How about just being polite because it's what civilised people do when they communicate with each other? There is no right or wrong way to end ones life whatever works works but as a rather novel means of suicide I simple feel we need more evidence about this and my opinions on that wont change.

Glad to hear that the bleach comparison was unintended. My comment about politeness was more about bluntly taking you to task if I'd thought there was an agenda against SN or suicide. Which there wasn't, so all good.

I'd be genuinely interested to hear what you consider as more peaceful than SN for your purposes. There are definitely things more peaceful, but for a lot of people accessibility to these is limited either legally or practically. Hence the popularity of SN as a compromise method.
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Mar 23, 2018
I don't know about you guys, but seeing stuff like SN being removed from vendors here and there, and the fact that as the method grows it will inevitably get more attention and, as a consequence, pro-lifers will try to make it harder to get and all, makes me more anxyous than i've ever been.

I don't have a credit card atm, i've asked my parents about it, since i live off them, and they said we can make one for me to use once the quarantine's over, probably in a few months (I live in south Brazil btw, it looks like the pandemic is more controlled here, so the peak will take longer to happen, which will make the quarantine last longer too probably).

Not only does it make me feel like garbage that i'll have to wait to get the SN, so i can't finish things off sooner if i want to, but what's actually making me panic is the idea that once i have my credit card and all, and can buy stuff online on my own, i won't be able to get the one thing i want.

SN is the only method out of all of the ones i've researched that gives me any comfort, it's the only one i can see myself going through with, if in the future i'm unable to get it, well, i wouldn't know what to do tbh. I'm scared, really scared.

Just venting a little, idk

I worry about that as well. As much as it is discussed here will certainly make it harder. I have other opinions on this but I don't know if I should really post them as not to offend anyone. I think we are too careless on what we are posting for everyone to see... including authorities.:wink:
I have been thinking about this for awhile and even thought about making a post about it. I haven't because I don't think it would do any good anyway.:aw:

If you are old enough to legally get a credit card yourself, do they have prepaid ones in your country? These are easier to get as you purchase the balance in advance, rather than needing to be loaned any money.
Thnx, i had no idea these existed, i'm gonna look into it.

Edit: Ok, i've been looking into it, it's promising, and i'm really grateful for talking to me about this, the only problem is that i have 2 options, either i receive the card by mail, which my parents will question me about i believe, or i go make one at an agency, but leaving my house now is not much of an option, my parents are older now and not too healthy, if i somehow get Covid-19 i could lead to them dying even. I don't know what the best course of action is right now about this unfortunately.

Edit 2: Thinking about it more, even if i somehow made a pre paid card, and bought the SN, the package would come in with my name, my parents would be curious about what it is and how i got it. If i have my own card made with their consent, i'll have more of their trust i guess, it'll be less suspicious once i buy stuff, i can just lie that i bought something for college or whatever.

Fuck, i guess the best and safest option i have, if i don't want to be found out, is to wait for them to make one with me and hope SN is still available to get without too much trouble. Still, thank for the the help, i really appreciate it.
I think you are correct that your best option would be to wait until you can get a credit card through your parents even though you may have to wait a little longer. I would make a few purchases at least before you order the SN. That way they may not think to check it.
At this point i think i'm just gonna wait for the quarantine to be over, my parents said that they'll make me a card so i can buy lunch at college and stuff, since i stay there all day usually.

So once i have it, i can just buy SN if it's still available, and when it shows up i can lie about it being something else, i can buy something on the street before the package comes, and lie about that thing being what i bought online, when it wasn't.

I intent to suicide at a bathroom stall in a college party, so i can spend my last moments alive next to my friends. The parties won't come back until the end of the quarantine anyway, so i might as well wait. It would be nice to have the SN ready, but i think my best option is to wait and hope.

It's up to you on how you want to spend your final moments. I get that wanting to spend them with friends would be the best way to go but if you are found too soon they will try to "Save" you.
I would love to die peacefully surrounded by family & friends but it just isn't possible. :aw:

I'm a guy in a somewhat conservative household, cosmetics would make them question me even more haha, but i get what you mean, it doesn't have to be cosmetics specifically.
Actually, i haven't gone out since the quarantine started, my parents think that the least amout of people should leave the house, so since they slready go out to work, they are also the ones going out doing groceries, etc. If i decided to go somewhere, i don't think they'd take it well, they would probably question it a lot and lecture me or something.
I could sneak out, but my sister's always home and even though she's older than me, sometimes she can act petty and spoiled, she would probably "tell on me" like we were still kids or something.

You're right, i'm scared as hell about everything haha, i guess that's why i'll probably end up just waiting it for this to be over so i can act more safely and less suspiciously, hoping SN is still out there, i'm quite a coward, but oh well, idk.

Still, thank you so much for the advice, you're very kind.
I agree with not using the "cosmetics" line. :hihi: Maybe say it's for school books. If that isn't an option, if you still buy regular Books, DVD's or CD's maybe you could use that as an excuse. You will probably have to wait until you are back at school or at least until quarantines are lifted.

It is extremely disingenuous and misleading to in any way equate SN with drinking bleach.

The two fully qualified medical doctors who author the PPH report on observed cases of SN suicide, and assess that they appear relatively peaceful. There is also extensive medical and physiological evidence supporting reasons why methemoglobinemia is a relatively peaceful way to die. In contrast, drinking bleach attempts have been treated in hospitals and the extreme pain and suffering is both well-documented and well-explained by the physiology behind it.

Because of the comparatively rare, often legally questionable and ethically confronting nature of suicide, there will likely never be much video evidence of any attempts in action, perhaps with the exception of Nembutal in countries where assisted suicide is fully legal and done by established organisations. If you are waiting for video evidence that a method is peaceful before you use it, you will be waiting a very long time, ironically probably the duration of your natural lifespan. Additionally, in terms of empirical validity, a (hypothetical) couple of videos showing an SN attempt are still outweighed by those observed cases recounted by the PPH authors, and the well-understood physiological mechanisms of methemoglobinemia.

It is also worth pointing out that almost every suicide method has at least a small degree of discomfort involved. The human body has evolved to stay alive at all costs, and so anything which hurts or tries to kill the body will generally trigger a pain or distress response as a mechanism to help us avoid that thing and survive. SN may well involve minor feelings of discomfort. This is reported as being manageable and tolerable, and is at the absolute opposite end of the scale, however, from the documented agony of drinking bleach.

The only reason I'm being so polite here @iamamovingtarget is because I'm assuming your position comes from honest ignorance, rather than an actual agenda to unfairly discredit either SN or suicide more generally.

@maru, please be aware that this idea (1) places you at a very high risk of discovery and failure, both because of the time SN takes to guarantee death (~4 hours) and also because you will likely slump to the floor and be visible to other bathroom users and (2) might make you feel good immediately beforehand, but has a very high probability of traumatising your friends at the party, who will either discover you or hear later on that you died at the party in such close proximity to them.

Why is there no clapping emoji ??? :heart: Like you said there isn't any method where you don't have some discomfort. I wish I could drink a magic potion and drift off to sleep for eternity. Also thanks for saying the approximate time it may take for someone to CTB from SN. :heart: I'm sure for some it may be sooner but I wouldn't risk it. Also the traumatizing friends part. :wink:
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Feb 4, 2020
Like you said there isn't any method where you don't have some discomfort.

Well, to be fair there are some. Nembutal is probably one, Heroin or Fentanyl overdose, perhaps the inert gas methods and definitely anything involving anesthesia drugs. But the point is that all of those are difficult or impossible to obtain, whereas SN is (usually) not. SN isn't completely free of discomfort, but it occupies the position of having the best compromise between availability and peacefulness.
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Oct 28, 2019
Another option might be :

> buy bitcoins using cash
You might be able to do this at a bitcoin ATM, or on LocalCoinSwap or paxful

> buy a gift card using bitcoin
Example sites that sell gift cards : eGifter, Gyft, RewardsPay

> buy on the well known south american river marketplace or well known bidding site, using the gift card
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Apr 6, 2020
Another option might be :

> buy bitcoins using cash
You might be able to do this at a bitcoin ATM, or on LocalCoinSwap or paxful

> buy a gift card using bitcoin
Example sites that sell gift cards : eGifter, Gyft, RewardsPay

> buy on the well known south american river marketplace or well known bidding site, using the gift card

The brazilian versions of these sites (which i need to use so the transportation fees aren't too high) don't have SN available, the first doesn't have it, the second no one is audictioning, so idk. Thnx for the advice tho.
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