

"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
So the party in power in my country have said that they want to increase the minimum wage but also make it harder for people to claim benefits. My main concern about minimum wage is that it could force employers to shift all the burden onto the employee and make jobs much more stressful or even just do away with some jobs altogther. This just feels like a growing trend in the modern world, minimum wage goes up, costs go up, working conditions go down, people are forced to work. We just seem to be moving ever closer to "wage slavery" as I see it often put.

I don't know about anyone else but I just want a nice, stress free job that I can comfortably manage, I dont want lots of money as long as I have enough to get by. Im not sure that just hiking up mimimum wage is going to do anything to improve this situation.

Happy to hear from anyone that can offer a different point of view or challenge my assumption. Or alternatively do you agree with what I have said or part of it?


It iz what it iz
Sep 16, 2023
HR costs represent a big share of a company expenses. The two ways to optimise it is by either:
Lowering the wages or by increasing the productivity.

If they can't control the price variable because of a legal barrier (min. wage). They'll just make sure that they can get the most possible value from you: by increasing the workload, reducing resting time ect

Basically just corporations doing corporate things as always.

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