You have nothing to apologize for or to be ashamed of. Just because the conditions others are dealing with could be argued to be "objectively worse" doesn't change that your pain is real for you. If it is severe enough in how you experience it to make you consider CTB, who the fuck cares where it comes from, that is absolutely real.
Think of it like feeling hungry. Just because there are kids in other countries or wherever that are literally starving to death, doesn't mean hunger you experience isn't valid or doesn't matter. And it's not like caring about what you are dealing with stops you from being able to care about others anyway.
If anything, sharing your pain is a gift, not a nuisance or burden. You are giving people who are suffering in their own way something and someone to connect to. A bridge for them to cross and find common ground. It may come from something ugly, but it at least is builds to something meaningful. That matters. You matter. And you matter to us.
The only mistake you've made is being sorry for being human. Don't be.