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Apr 25, 2018
I'm new here. This is my first post. I found this website by googling "suicide forum". Every time I think of suicide, I get afraid. I believe in God. I often think of what it might be like to jump from a pirate ship with one of those weight s attached to your ankle and sink to the bottom of the ocean. Or to hang full suspension. How painful would it be? I really am not sure if there is an afterlife. I know it's the question we are all wondering.
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May 9, 2018
I'm new here. This is my first post. I found this website by googling "suicide forum". Every time I think of suicide, I get afraid. I believe in God. I often think of what it might be like to jump from a pirate ship with one of those weight s attached to your ankle and sink to the bottom of the ocean. Or to hang full suspension. How painful would it be? I really am not sure if there is an afterlife. I know it's the question we are all wondering.

No one that's been successful can answer your question on how painful would it be. Everyone is guessing based on the evidence before them.

Yes, I wonder if there is an afterlife... "Pascal's wager" shows it's always better to believe in God than risk being wrong. Personally, as a Christian, I think there is an afterlife for sure... though my biggest concern is that I hope it's run by the good guys because here on earth there's a lot of bad.
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Mar 31, 2018
I refuse to believe in a God that allows people to suffer this much. Such God wouldn't really deserve any praise. If I have to suffer more, in another shitty life or in hell or whatever, for despising such a cruel and uncaring God, then so be it. Not to mention, Christianity is pretty much copy and paste from other older religions and teachings, so it is really hard to even entertaining the possibility of the things said in the bible being facts and not just fiction. Maybe there are gods, spirits, and stuff, but that God in specific? I doubt it.

I don't believe in afterlife because there is no evidence supporting it. Nothing. NDEs are not evidence. On the other hand, there is evidence that the self is tied to the brain, so once the brain is dead, your self is gone. With that being said, I am not saying it is impossible for afterlife or reincarnation to be a thing, it is just something that no one can prove, so there is no reason to believe in it. Entertain the possibility at most.

Anyways, if you decide to kill yourself, I hope you have peace in your final moments.
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Apr 6, 2018
Oh boy here we go again. Remember guys this is a suicide forum. The admin had to come into the afterlife proof topic because it got a little too heated. The admin and mods seem really lax though so meh.

Regardless my position still stands. Most likely nothing after death. MOST LIKELY im not saying its 100% impossible. Check out this topic OP.


We dont need another one of those. Maybe you"ll find your answer in there.
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May 4, 2018
How comforting it would be to believe in it, though. There is a big part of me that wishes I would've been born into a time/place that filled me with belief. It really would be an incredible comfort. The religious people I've known have all had a sense of peace and charitability about them. That certainly doesn't prove anything or way or the other. But my experiences were all positive.

Adrift with no shoreline in sight. It can be pretty scary out in that boat alone.
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Apr 30, 2018
No one that's been successful can answer your question on how painful would it be. Everyone is guessing based on the evidence before them.

Yes, I wonder if there is an afterlife... "Pascal's wager" shows it's always better to believe in God than risk being wrong. Personally, as a Christian, I think there is an afterlife for sure... though my biggest concern is that I hope it's run by the good guys because here on earth there's a lot of bad.

Pascal's wager is a funny one because he starts with the assumption of a single god. Since there are many gods and they are mostly jealous gods, you'd need to figure out which god. And then there is the problem of if your god is omniscient in which case she/he would know you didn't really believe, you were just playing game theory.

Since there is no evidence of any god, I'll just go with the tried and true - "don't be a dick and let the cards fall where they may."
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Apr 6, 2018
How comforting it would be to believe in it, though. There is a big part of me that wishes I would've been born into a time/place that filled me with belief. It really would be an incredible comfort. The religious people I've known have all had a sense of peace and charitability about them. That certainly doesn't prove anything or way or the other. But my experiences were all positive.

Adrift with no shoreline in sight. It can be pretty scary out in that boat alone.
I agree with you. I wish i hadn't done a full flesh investigation. I was alot happier when i logically believed that there was something just as much as i believed their was nothing after death. I was leaning towards there being something after death before my research. Now im leaning toward there being nothing after death and it is depressing me.

I now see why religion was created.
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May 4, 2018
I agree with you. I wish i hadn't done a full flesh investigation. I was alot happier when i logically believed that there was something just as much as i believed their was nothing after death. I was leaning towards there being something after death before my research. Now im leaning toward there being nothing after death and it is depressing me.

I now see why religion was created.

I believed for a while. It's a long story, but for about 2 years I really and truly believed in something beyond this world. It was an incredible feeling. It frees you I think. It gave me a sense of peace.
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May 1, 2018
No one that's been successful can answer your question on how painful would it be. Everyone is guessing based on the evidence before them.

Yes, I wonder if there is an afterlife... "Pascal's wager" shows it's always better to believe in God than risk being wrong. Personally, as a Christian, I think there is an afterlife for sure... though my biggest concern is that I hope it's run by the good guys because here on earth there's a lot of bad.

Pascar wager don't show shit. It is easily debunked and doesn't stand even the most superficial examination.

Pascar wager makes the naive assumption that it's "either there is no god/or a christian god exist"

Here is a variation, what if you are wrong and islam is right, and unless you recognize allah and his prophet mohammed, you are going to hell ? What about the hundreds of other gods ? What about a god that hate people who take wagers and didn't want to communicate his ideas in any book ?

A true wager would be agnostic and impossible to make, there is infinite possibilities of gods we can imagine, some of them would be gods who hate christians/religious people.

Pascal wager isn't a wager at all. It's a christian wager.
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May 4, 2018
That's why it's a thought experiment? Can't you just slip whichever belief system you want into the basic structure of the wager?
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May 21, 2018
The easiest way, in my opinion, is hanging

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