

Mar 7, 2019
simple as that i never will be even if i am, my mind has fucked me over and over i just want to put everyone at ease, maybe soon. i just know i wasnt meant to be here, im too sensitive and my mind takes over unable to just think normally like i should. its not my misery i want to end, its everyone around me especially you. just wish i was normal in the head
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Suicide is self expression
Dec 31, 2018
You're already enough buddy
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Feb 16, 2019
I feel ya bro...I could go on If could muster the courage to believe i could really change my f'ed up personality and mind,
but they failed me so many times, against all odds. I hope you, and we, find peace, one way or another
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Nov 13, 2018
I feel like the same, never enough for anyone or for anything. I have lived most of my life trying to please other people just to get some kind of acceptance from it, it's exhausting. I think it has something to do with my upbringing.
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Mar 7, 2019
Are we sure we're just not surrounded by sh*tty people? Have you tried getting away and only focusing on the few, if any that are positive and not toxic? Any that support you unconditionally?
I've also felt the same, everywhere I go with everyone I am with, feels like I'm a nuisance.
But I got away and I'm not as depressed as last year. Still feel like I'm not loved enough but I thinks it's my conscience that's the problem.
Don't let the world treat you like you're not enough, you just have to be enough for yourself. Self-love first.
Take it from a fellow over thinker who also feels no matter how hard we try, it's too hard to people please. It's our minds, not just people that bring us down.
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Mar 7, 2019
I feel like the same, never enough for anyone or for anything. I have lived most of my life trying to please other people just to get some kind of acceptance from it, it's exhausting. I think it has something to do with my upbringing.
Thats about what it is for me exactly its so exhausting, ive always tried to make everyone else okay and happy but never was able to be comfortable enough with expressing my own issues. A lot of it comes from my upbringing from my family as well i know that but i now have this issue where i just cant seem to think i should be here anymore i feel like im too much and complicated because for years ive kept it away and its all coming out now. I am with actually someone and they are very reassuring, its my last hope, but at the end of the day i feel like im holding them back and my mind makes me paranoid, i feel no one should have to deal with me. I just want to feel okay and not trapped by my thoughts
Are we sure we're just not surrounded by sh*tty people? Have you tried getting away and only focusing on the few, if any that are positive and not toxic? Any that support you unconditionally?
I've also felt the same, everywhere I go with everyone I am with, feels like I'm a nuisance.
But I got away and I'm not as depressed as last year. Still feel like I'm not loved enough but I thinks it's my conscience that's the problem.
Don't let the world treat you like you're not enough, you just have to be enough for yourself. Self-love first.
Take it from a fellow over thinker who also feels no matter how hard we try, it's too hard to people please. It's our minds, not just people that bring us down.
My family is a main cause of it, wasnt until recently on my second year of college i stood up because i just about had enough and broke down. They talk to me a bit now and apologize for how they were to me and how they werent there for me but the damage feels so big at this point and they barely changed in action i feel like leaving is my best option i want to be okay i dont belong here i never felt like i was good enough for them or anyone after i got older.(19 now)

I have one last hope going for me though, im engaged and if it wasnt for him i wouldnt be here today, but i still often feel my past has truly scarred me, i just feel like im too much of a person like sensitive wise if that makes sense. Im very insecure and have been hurt many times but he reassures everyday and i trust that but i dont think anyone should have to do that i feel its mean of me to be so needy and overthink but ive never had someone genuinely care about me and ask how i feel until him. I feel im too much everyday that he deserves someone normal.

Its just my own mind you see that turns on me at the end of the day and i hate it. Im leaving my parents house soon actually in a month, i hope it does me good because im at my last will, i hope i can soon just trust that everything is ok and my head wont sabotage me anymore once im somewhere new with him. Hes the only one whos ever cared about me but i feel he deserves to not have to deal with me thats what gets to me. Im a very sad person i would love to just feel like im enough for more than a few minutes. Hopefully change in my environment helps..thank you
I feel ya bro...I could go on If could muster the courage to believe i could really change my f'ed up personality and mind,
but they failed me so many times, against all odds. I hope you, and we, find peace, one way or another
I hope you find your happiness as well i feel everyone deserves it but my mind is so shitty to me at this point i cant feel the same for myself. thank you for even responding..
You're already enough buddy
i appreciate you thank you that meant more than you could ever imagine. i hope you find your happiness
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