Peter Miller is recently married to his second wife, Beth, and is raising their newborn baby. His ex-wife, Kate, unexpectedly shows up and says their 17-year-old son, Nicholas, is depressed and has dropped out of school. Although Peter barely knows Nicholas, he agrees to house him. Peter also has a terrible relationship with his own father Anthony, who was cruel when he wasn't absent from Peter's life. However, Peter has moved on from his childhood trauma and hopes to be a good father towards Nicholas.Despite trying to bond with Nicholas, Peter refuses to acknowledge that he has deeply wounded him by cheating on Kate. But when Nicholas attempts suicide and is placed in an in-patient treatment facility, Peter belatedly grasps his responsibility for the situation.
A week later, Peter and Kate bring Nicholas home after feeling sympathetic to his pleas that he regrets the decisions that led to the facility. Once back home, Nicholas makes tea for his parents and happily talks about seeing a movie as a family. As he leaves to shower and his parents discuss how things seem better, Nicholas shoots himself dead. Shocked by his son's sudden suicide, Peter fantasizes about what life could've been had Nicholas lived.
(Text from Wikipedia)