
Jul 1, 2024
Prima facial - no

If I could use it to instantly become a citizen in a country with MAiD for any reason, buy a decent house in that country, and, assuming English isn't the native language, have a full time translator 24/7, then it would absolutely delay my bus' departure.

Like many others, I would also use the remaining funds and my time until I CTB to (a) increase access to easy and painfree suicide to others, (b) improve actual MH "care" (not just platitudes, imprisonment, profit-driven pharmaceuticals, etc, but actual MH care), and (c) improve educational systems.
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Apr 18, 2023
Prima facial - no

If I could use it to instantly become a citizen in a country with MAiD for any reason, buy a decent house in that country, and, assuming English isn't the native language, have a full time translator 24/7, then it would absolutely delay my bus' departure.

Like many others, I would also use the remaining funds and my time until I CTB to (a) increase access to easy and painfree suicide to others, (b) improve actual MH "care" (not just platitudes, imprisonment, profit-driven pharmaceuticals, etc, but actual MH care), and (c) improve educational systems.
Most of my issues are financial and lack of opportunities in life. My chosen career was stolen from me and left in the wake up it hopelessness, despair, and object poverty. So yeah being lifted from that would help assuage and ameliorate some of my problems.

That said it wouldn't fix all. I'd still not have friends/significant other though ability to make friends would be increased albeit there would be obvious issues like being taken advantage of. Lack of purpose. Being given a ton of money doesn't give you a purpose either. PUMs. I would be able to exert pressure and get justice for what was done to me far far easier. I'd have the ability to try and turn my hopes and dreams into reality. Which right now isn't possible. Etc... It would solve some of my problems for sure. But not all. But it would also give me the opportunity to solve the others as well I don't have currently.

Would I be as horrendously and hopelessly depressed no. Would I intend to CTB also no. Would some depression still linger for a while almost certainly.
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Oct 9, 2024
yes, I wouldn't mind living for longer if I was a billionaire at all.
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Aspiring Corpse
Aug 26, 2024
depends, I think I'd try a few 'good therapists' and if things don't get better ill go on a crazy spending spree. Then bribe one of those die with dignity places in Swedan to let me die there.
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Jul 18, 2023
There was this individual aged 100+. He had requested euthanasia and it was all over the media. He was perfectly ok health wise , had a huge and loving family, no financial constraints, he was not even in any nursing home. Would a billion dollars have changed his mind ?
The will or desire to live is very crucial. Once you have that desire , money will take care of the rest. But can money generate that desire is the real question..
Prima facial - no

If I could use it to instantly become a citizen in a country with MAiD for any reason, buy a decent house in that country, and, assuming English isn't the native language, have a full time translator 24/7, then it would absolutely delay my bus' departure.

Like many others, I would also use the remaining funds and my time until I CTB to (a) increase access to easy and painfree suicide to others, (b) improve actual MH "care" (not just platitudes, imprisonment, profit-driven pharmaceuticals, etc, but actual MH care), and (c) improve educational systems.
I sometimes think ..if I had the money to buy citizenship of one of those developed nations...where atleast euthanasia is allowed..on whatever grounds. Think about living in a situation where that is not an option at all.
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Jul 1, 2024
I sometimes think ..if I had the money to buy citizenship of one of those developed nations...where atleast euthanasia is allowed..on whatever grounds. Think about living in a situation where that is not an option at all.


For me, I've wanted to die by suicide -eventually- since I learned about death as a child. (I didn't even learn about the concept of euthanasia until I was in my late 20's/early 30's.)

Ironically it was overzealous assumptions about the fact that I believe in such rights, and planned to die of them -eventually- that led self-righteous, sanctimonious, supposed MH "providers" to deny me exclusively unbiased medical care (and the only care that could have possibly helped me at the time) and instead they subjected me to unasked for, unwanted, unneeded, pleaded not to be subjected to, and exclusively traumatizing mother-f'ing psychiatric crisis f'ing interventions that made me actively suicidal!

Self-righteous, sanctimonious, supposed MH "providers" drove me from baseline suicidality (for context, I'm 50+ yo) and trying to get help for conditions that I needed to have addressed to continue living (and which it turned out, their treatments had caused in the first place and then their treatments had drastically exacerbated those conditions over the previous year, and which they had done nothing but gaslight me about) and they literally drove me to be actively suicidial!

Their every action proved that I'm not safe to ask for the help that I legitamately need to live and that death is safer to me than they are!

If I lived somewhere where MAiD had been available, I have no doubt I would have been treated very differently. But I don't have the financial ability to, nor, at this point, the time and energy to try to become a citizen somewhere where that is an option, and I don't feel safe enough to continue living where I am without that as a guaranteed option.

So, suicide it is for me!


Jul 18, 2023

For me, I've wanted to die by suicide -eventually- since I learned about death as a child. (I didn't even learn about the concept of euthanasia until I was in my late 20's/early 30's.)

Ironically it was overzealous assumptions about the fact that I believe in such rights, and planned to die of them -eventually- that led self-righteous, sanctimonious, supposed MH "providers" to deny me exclusively unbiased medical care (and the only care that could have possibly helped me at the time) and instead they subjected me to unasked for, unwanted, unneeded, pleaded not to be subjected to, and exclusively traumatizing mother-f'ing psychiatric crisis f'ing interventions that made me actively suicidal!

Self-righteous, sanctimonious, supposed MH "providers" drove me from baseline suicidality (for context, I'm 50+ yo) and trying to get help for conditions that I needed to have addressed to continue living (and which it turned out, their treatments had caused in the first place and then their treatments had drastically exacerbated those conditions over the previous year, and which they had done nothing but gaslight me about) and they literally drove me to be actively suicidial!

Their every action proved that I'm not safe to ask for the help that I legitamately need to live and that death is safer to me than they are!

If I lived somewhere where MAiD had been available, I have no doubt I would have been treated very differently. But I don't have the financial ability to, nor, at this point, the time and energy to try to become a citizen somewhere where that is an option, and I don't feel safe enough to continue living where I am without that as a guaranteed option.

So, suicide it is for me!
I am so sorry to hear that ! This reminds me of Tom Cruise and his take on psychiatry . I used to believe that it's irresponsible on his part to state that as he is an influential figure. But I have heard and read so many accounts of psych meds gone wrong ...now I am starting to realise he was not wrong !. I am not one to comment as I have no such issues and have never been subjected to any such medication . But I always think , If one is jobless and sad about it , how can popping some pills help ? The root cause needs to be addressed, right? Why don't you have a job ? Lack of skill ? lack of jobs ? learning disability? All jobs outsourced? Address that... it's not a medical problem. It's a socio economic problem. The issue is not in your head. Your mental well being is a function of your environment, not a function of drugs and pills.
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Sep 30, 2023
eventually i probably still would, but I'd probably live a few more couple of years spending money and not worry about debts and jobs and school, you know.


Jun 2, 2024
If I had even a million dollars I'd continue on. I could buy a nice house for $200,000, put $600,000 in savings, and spend the $200,000 remaining to hire skilled "workers" to solve another problem.

I'd have a home, my wife, and life would be complete.
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The living envies the dead.
Feb 23, 2023
For me, it's complicated.

On one hand, yes. If I have enough money so I can do whatever I want, pursuing a hobby or a career in something that is interesting to me and I could also share my wealth with the less fortunate, I think that would make my life a lost more survivable and even enjoyable.

However, I'm already damaged by life and I'm not sure if I can recover from the damages caused by life. I will forever feel anger and sadness on lost years, and also, we live in a society. Even if throw money at everyone, someone still eeds to clean toilerts, and caregive the elderly or very wild children. So throwing money at my society doesn't mean no responsibilities for anyone.

What I really need is to live in a different universe where current universe's rules don't apply and there are different rules that are more in favor of its inhabitants.
10 million .


Aug 31, 2024
Money wouldn't fix my health problems. I'd probably just move to a nicer house while I awaited my eventual suicide. In a way I may end up even more depressed, all the money in the world and no energy to really do anything with fun with it.
Same here.

Health is the one thing that is priceless. I'm upset at my parents and other adults in my life who neglected me and caused me to deal with chronic health problems at an early age.

This is privileged to say, but I have a lot of money now. I have everything I need. I don't have my health. And that essentially renders everything else useless


dead girl walking
Sep 7, 2024
honestly even less than a million would be enough. i'd be satisifed enough if i could by a house, drop my veterinary uni that's eating my ass spread with butter, and dedicate myself full time studying for a civil service examination. that certainly could cost me way way way less than half a million USD actually. move in with my boyfriend that has financial problems, also. i don't like being such a burden to my family.


Sep 19, 2024
If i was able to buy my own house i wouldnt keep trying to ctb.. but bc of mh disabling condition i feel i have no choice but to do it bc i cant survive on my own and my family hates me for needing support and threw out for several months.. i tried to get on disability but i couldnt bc i missed appt and they didnt approve me so now im just screwed and i dont think ill ever finction in society or be able to fully support myself finacially and thag leaves either being homeless forever or ctb.. so i choose the one that causes the least amount of suffering and i wont burden anyone anymore or need anything from anyone if im dead so my family and everyone around me will be happy and stop suffering.. and i wont suffer anymore knowing im a burden or from my illness everything would just be over i wouldnt have to fear homelessness in either case its possible id still ctb from the ptsd of having my illness and being abused for having it the flashbacks.. but i feel like id have a chance to recover of i had a house to live and enough to survive on..


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, I'd still want to ctb since money is just a human construct and whilst having a lot of it will take away a lot of suffering that is man made and caused by humans in the first place (such as being overwhelmed from perpetual work or being homeless and so on), the fact remains that natural suffering still exists on earth and I'm still subject to it at any random day. Some types of suffering can't be cured by money and one of these types of suffering that will happen to us all if we were to live for our entire natural lifespan is old age.

That said, if I have a lot of money, I'd also have a lot of power and I'd basically be above the law so I'd want to help those who are trapped in existence and try to let them access a peaceful method so that they can escape existence. I'd still want to ctb myself but I'd like to use my money and power to help others first since this society is so evil to where everybody is against you and it's just so unfair. Nobody deserves to be trapped in here and, if I have the power to help people peacefully escape existence, I'd use that power


Aug 19, 2023
For me, it's complicated.

On one hand, yes. If I have enough money so I can do whatever I want, pursuing a hobby or a career in something that is interesting to me and I could also share my wealth with the less fortunate, I think that would make my life a lost more survivable and even enjoyable.

However, I'm already damaged by life and I'm not sure if I can recover from the damages caused by life. I will forever feel anger and sadness on lost years, and also, we live in a society. Even if throw money at everyone, someone still eeds to clean toilerts, and caregive the elderly or very wild children. So throwing money at my society doesn't mean no responsibilities for anyone.

What I really need is to live in a different universe where current universe's rules don't apply and there are different rules that are more in favor of its inhabitants.
I'm too sick. Money will do nothing


Mar 28, 2024
I would probably try and move to a safer country somewhere (I live in Sweden) and get a house outside of society and pay for assistants to help me because of my countless medical issues. If that's possible then with such an amount of money I'd feel responsible to donate to all those less fortunate and all those who live in oppression here but are denied help because the "oppression is a myth". I'd pay all the house loans and similar things for the few relatives I have left. In the end I guess that amount of money could help one afford a peaceful exit. I sure wouldn't be able to find love and true emotional support, it's as if it's forbidden by law…


the universe is going to catch you
Oct 1, 2024
hell yeah i could retire and live in a forest


Sep 11, 2024
i'd put most of that money into tinnitus research. and with the rest i'm sure with such an amount of money sourcing some peaceful method or going to a country with maid and dying there would be easy. i'd also leave some money to family. but living with tinnitus no matter how much money is shit. the ceo of texas roadhouse was rich and still killed himself because of tinnitus


Sep 12, 2024
It's more complicated than that, money may help with my situation, but alone it would not be able to fix it....at the very least with that kind of money I guess I should be able to easily find a good and relatively painless CTB method.


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm suicidal bc of lack of money that followed a big failure in life. I don't need Billions of $$$ but with several Millions (=financial security until natural death) I wouldn't be suicidal at all.
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Jul 31, 2022
So many people here are chronically ill or disabled. People outside of this forum should understand that this is not a forum of 14 year olds who just broke up with their girlfriend. People in this forum have been poor, dissabled, traumatized and suffer from different kinds of chronic problems that cause lots of pain that iss very hard to function with. I wish view us as a right to die movement that only seeks to relieve people from permanent suffering and from life of misery. We put a lot of thought in our decision and gave many chances for things to get better and they didn't and they never will. I see it in your commens, I hear the cry for freedom from this universe. People from outside need to understand us in order to build a society that has some sense in it.
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