Not sure. I'd probably be happy to sample it at least. Maybe it would be like playing a game in 'sandbox' mode though. I've sometimes found that so unchallenging that it became boring in a short time. So, maybe this 'reality' would be the same. After all, I wouldn't deliberately choose a difficult setting! I suppose we could make it so that we got huge fulfilment out of achieving things. Anything.
It's pretty hard (I think) to imagine a reality that suits everyone (presumably, other 'real' beings populate it) that isn't in some way based on this (very flawed) reality.
So- for example- how do we get rid of the things that cause pain here? Can there be a reality that isn't competitive or exploitative but, people still feel a sense of achievement? Surely, choice is important but, some of the choices we make hurt others. Will death exist? If not then, can birth exist? Can this new reality sustain new life without death? Maybe it wouldn't feel 'off' if we only knew this new world. So- do we forget who we are now and, start from scratch? It still seems like too much effort to me. With too much potential for things to go wrong! Especially if we're in charge (and everyone realises it.)