

Aug 27, 2018
TL;DR: We are forced to live by the government and society who will try and "save" us from attempts either prior or after and some might be guilted by loved ones to stay just not to make them sad, okay then give me money if we are not allowed to ctb then at least gives us financial stability to survive as you so badly want I think that sounds fair, if that is not an option then let us ctb life is hard enough without working.

One of the worst thing in life is the financial stress to get money just to survive and extra for buying stuff (coping) I never intended to work 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week for the next 40 years just wageslaving my life away that isn´t life to me.

We hear about people being "saved" from suicide because we are not allowed to exit life we are slaves to the government and we are forced to stay alive even if we don´t want to, the reason why we want to die doesn´t matter some make be chronically ill, have mental problems or just doesn´t like the idea of working your whole life with no time to do the things you like whatever the reason may be all who are suicidal feel subjectively life is too hard for them so they want out of this prison that is life.

Society doesn´t want us to kill ourselves and we see all the time people being "saved" or lets call it what it really is they got robbed of their chance out of this hell because of another person´s subjective pro-life morals, he believes that everyone must be "saved" no matter the consequences for the person like we saw in the new thread about the son ended up as a vegetable after being "saved" by officers doing his hanging it´s so selfish that a person think they have the right to choose between life or death for another person who clearly have already made their choice when they are dangling from a rope. "No one asked to be born so everyone should have the right to die"

And what then after a person who attempted suicide? Life is still the same just worse because of the failure and because you will be registered as suicidal in the government so for a person like me I would never be able to practice my one lost hobby which is shooting guns at the gun range. The person would also still have to work to get money to survive.

So if the government so badly want us to stay alive at least give us some money to cope, if we are not allowed to leave life then the government or family should give me whatever I want in life, it´s sounds extremely entitled and I guess it is but I don´t care nothing is more selfish than forcing people to stay alive just to be slaves to the government or guilted by family to not end it at least provide me with financial stability so I won´t have the stress of how to get money to survive. You can´t say a person has to live and also say "Oh by the way you also have to work 8 hours 5 days a week for the next 40 years which essentially is ALL your life. I remember back when I worked I worked 10 hours a day 5 days a week with only 2 days off and then there would be a few weeks vacation in the year I would literally have NO time after I had come home from work, ate immediately, workout, shower, eat and bed again just like an automaton, I wouldn´t even have time to relax in the weekends because after slaving away for 5 days 2 days aren´t enough to recuperate to do it all over again.

Sorry I always end up ranting/venting but what I wanted to say is actually explained in the TL;DR
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Still here
Nov 29, 2018
They want to keep us alive so they can make money off of us. They don't care if we're suffering, just that we are alive. That's just my opinion anyways.
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Dec 3, 2018
Yup, it's how the simulation runs. They say they're being kind while they abuse you to make you think there's such thing as good, that way you won't realize what's happening. All living things are inherently selfish and are only focused on their own happiness.
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Sep 12, 2018
People are nothing more than just biocapital structures to the gorvenment. Hormonal self-regulation makes your peers and family forget about you after a while after your death because the human biology does it's best to avoid negative feelings. Every single creature in this universe is a ego-evangelist, only caring about the amount of control they have over you; keeping you alive against your will is, in fact, a form of validating their totalitarian nature, so they thrive on that as well.

In a world like this, suicide is actually a valid form of civil disobedience, IMO.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. While yes it is very entitled, I think it is just only because they require us to stay. I suppose the worst thing that comes is that if one is poor, cannot afford or unable to ctb (survival instinct, lack of access to reliable methods, lack of access to availability, w/e reason or cause), then the least one can do is to make it difficult for government and society by creating resistance. Essentially if and when one is already at rock bottom, then there is nothing to lose, fuck morals, fuck other people, fuck everything; nothing matters. Now, of course, I'm not advocating anyone doing anything illegal or harmful to others, but just raising a valid, possible outcome of someone being placed in such dire predicaments.

As for me, I have my method ready and can check out anytime. So far, I'm giving myself a bit of time, and in about 3 months of time, give or take, if things go to shit, then I'll check out before the end of May. I have my method and I don't need permission nor approval from government nor society.
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Nov 6, 2018
The U.S. government exists to control citizens and create opportunities for corporations. Arbeit macht frei.
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Jul 12, 2018
You do realise if you paid people to be suicidal then people would pose as such and with our healthcare system and the governments lack of ambition to invest more money into it would mean we have the same services for helping suicidal people but the number of people that are being treated/referred would largerly increase meaning the people that actually need the help wouldn't get the full potential of the help they otherwise would.

Let's just get rid of Capitalism and financial hierarchy altogether...
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Jan 28, 2019
If you ask for money from the gov then they'll call you a leech. If you want to ctb then they'll do everything they can to make it as difficult and painful for you. If you fail to ctb and end up as a vegetable they'll tell you how "lucky" you are to be alive and that you should be grateful you still get to eat food through a straw. If you do manage to succesfully ctb they'll tell whoever you left behind that you went to hell. But truth is hell is here with these demonic humans who just wants to bring about as much suffering as possible.

Not only do they expect you to live and work a slave wage job, but they expect you to do it with a fucking smile on your face.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
If you ask for money from the gov then they'll call you a leech.
When I'm at such a desperate state in my life, I pretty much wouldn't have much if any support structure left, and hence I couldn't give two shits what society and people around me think. I think being a leech is something that I may do if I fail to ctb (which shouldn't be likely given how much careful planning and timing as well as backups if things go awry).
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Nov 1, 2018
If you want to ctb then they'll do everything they can to make it as difficult and painful for you as possible. If you fail to ctb and end up as a vegetable they'll tell you how "lucky" you are to be alive and that you should be grateful you still get to eat food through a straw.
That's what I mean. According to pro-lifers, (premature) death is literally the worst thing that can happen to you (even worse than being a horribly disfigured 3rd degree burns victim in chronic pain, quadriplegic or vegetable). On the other hand (while it's true our family and friends will mourn us after we die), as pro-choicers, we know logically that death in and of itself isn't good or bad, it's neutral (whereas being forced to suffer chronic pain or lifelong disability with no way out is obviously horrifically bad). Personally, I like to think of death as being "permanently neutralized" because once you die, you cease to exist and enter eternal nothingness. The thing is, they tend to think emotionally, whereas we think logically.
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