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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
What would your ideal society look like? What would your ideal life be like? I think I would be a lot less suicidal if society and my personal life wasn't such a mess.

Obviously I'd prefer never having been born in the first place. But since I was - and I'm assuming you were too, if you're reading this - let's hypothetically say suicide is not an option (ie you're in a position where your chosen method is not feasible or there is some other precluding factor, such as that pesky survival instinct). There are so many things I would want to be different that I've no idea where to begin. It feels impossible. But here goes. Warning, there will be political opinions ahead.

If I could change everything about society, for instance through magical dictatorship, I would eradicate the concept of money (or somehow reduce its salience in society). People would barter, or trade services or products. In this way, everyone would have to learn a skill, and the concept of minimum wage would become obsolete. It would take time to sort things out, but I think that such a society would be happier and more productive when treated like people rather than robots. People can build robots that do particular rote tasks, such as retail and factory work. Instead of cities, we would have smaller communities, with a democratic sort of leadership process. Officials (both who lead each district in a hands-on way, and those who represent each district in a province or country-wide manner) would be chosen every year or so, perhaps with varying times for varying positions, through votes that would be proctored or moderated (can't think of the word) by independent volunteers in such a way that minimises conflict of interest (eg if you live in district A and your relatives live in district C, you - average citizen Zarayah, Amanda, or Rajesh - moderate the vote count of district B). This society is built on the principles of unity and sustainability, leaving the planet better than how we found it, and respect for bodily autonomy - acknowledging that it is futile and a wasteful battle of wills trying to micromanage individuals.

Rather than focusing on exploiting foreign peoples and grabbing as much profit and land as possible, my country (and ideally all countries, but let's face it, you can't have it all) would focus on improving quality of life for all its citizens. It would create thousands of jobs via building bicycle and pedestrian pathways. With the smaller communities, people would be more united and it would be easier to keep track of everyone to reduce the number of those who 'fall through the cracks' and get help to those who need it. In a big city, it's easy to get lost, and once you finally find assistance, far too often people get shuttled from one waiting list to another. With a more collaborative approach by the experts in healthcare (eg your GP, pain specialist, bone/ENT/neuro doc etc, psychiatrist, and therapist all talk to each other AND you), people could find treatment that actually helps them, whilst staying with allies that know and support them (if you've ever had to switch providers or get reacquainted with a new therapist, you know what I'm talking about). Of course, with a more in-depth and individualised approach to treatment, doctors will need to take on fewer patients. We will need more doctors and treatment specialists of all sorts. Thus, we will discard the current MO - ie, we will no longer artificially control the number of applicants by declining those med students seats. Rather, those with scores above a particular limit, and who pass an interview with current doctors, can all go on to med school.

We decriminalise if not legalise all substances, including barbiturates (think Netherlands) and respect that it is the individual's choice what they do to themselves. There are self-directed euthanasia facilities (think Belgium) where people have access to professional support (imagine a world where that phrase doesn't seem like a fantastic joke) literally until their last breath, counselling if desired, that utilise a waiting period and a team of mental health experts to evaluate their request. We end mandatory minimum sentences and court-ordered psychiatric medication, and begin to evaluate 'criminal' or otherwise deviant acts on an individual basis. We cut down on the number of people we send to prison; only the most dangerous and horrible people who have had multiple chances to prove themselves and failed should be there. And even then, they should have the possibility of parole and opportunities to better themselves during their sentence. We increase the support for finding jobs post-incarceration and give convicts training so they can turn their lives around once they leave. To fight stigma, perhaps a quota of diversity could be instituted (eg x number of ex-convicts, recent immigrants, those with disabilities). People with different viewpoints bring a variety of strengths and creative solutions that are unfortunately overlooked due to them being a 'liability' or not as optimal a candidate as a company would like. In addition to catching (actual) criminals, police catch people - especially young people and ex-convicts - doing good things and reward them.

We improve public transportation but private vehicles are still a thing. There will naturally be less of them because of better biking pathways, smaller communities, and better public transportation. All vehicles are sustainably powered (eg using electricity / solar panels, methane, or battery charged by physical activity). I'm sure there are other innovations of which I'm unaware. We decriminalise if not legalise abortion and guns. Those who want an abortion will get one whether or not it's legal; but if it's illegal, they have unnecessary risk and shame to contend with. Likewise, the bad guys will get guns anyhow, so it's best if everyone can protect themselves. People who have committed violent crimes and known abusers should obviously not get guns, and there should be a waiting period and limit on the sort of gun people can get.

Instead of being brainwashing and babysitting services, schools will teach useful information and life skills. They will teach the basics of reading and writing (via history so that a separate class for that is not needed; ie combine social studies and language arts), basic mathematics and the various sciences. Beyond primary school, once students pass literacy and maths skills exams, rather than more of the same, secondary school will resemble vocational school. There will be classes such as music, art, psychology of relationships (some people naturally intuit how to get along with others but not everyone can recognise red flags of an abusive partner, or vice versa, how to trust people and build healthy relationships), foreign languages (or maybe consolidate the world's languages because it seems preposterous that there are so many? I'm just salty that I only know one language and was too depressed / lazy to become fluent in another one), have a community involvement or volunteering class, bring back shop (includes carpentry, engineering, electrician basics, metal/woodworking) and cooking, and instead of gym class, there will be physically intensive classes such as agriculture, animal husbandry, and survival skills (includes swimming, CPR/first aid, identification of various poisonous versus edible wild plants, and basics typically taught in Boy Scouts or similar). Those who express interest (and all can take an aptitude test depending if the district's school wishes to require such a test or not) can go on to university, where the number of 'core' courses will be reduced to the essentials so that students can spend more time in real-world scenarios such as internships and apprenticeships. Instead of brushing everything aside as 'kids will be kids', or 'boys will be boys', teachers take a proactive approach when they see or suspect bullying. There is some sort of social after-school programme that integrates antisocial kids into the community.

I don't claim to have it all figured out. I'm just spitballing here; this is my vision of a fantasy society. In my ideal personal life, I would live in this sort of society, as sustainably as possible. I think there is something to learn from everyone - why not take the best of the 'olden days' and the best of modern times? We can use technology to make our lives better. I personally would want to spend less time online and more time doing something that physically makes a difference, but I can't imagine living without music or the internet, nor would I want to. Being able to connect to people all across the world is an incredible gift and I want to continue doing that. In my fantasy life, I would travel. Not to the extent of living in hotels - but seeing how other cultures live, and being part of them for some time. I'd live in a small community, where I know most of the people or at least recognise their faces, and my household would consist of a dog and a significant other and maybe an adopted or foster child or two. You ever watch those 'tiny house' videos? Those that have solar panels and are largely self-sustaining? I'd want to do something like that. Maybe not quite as tiny, but the idea of building my living space with my own hands and growing my own food excites me. Independent and self-sustainable. I'd feel a sense of ownership, pride, and dignity in knowing that I tangibly contributed to my surroundings. It would be really fucking cool to raise some goats and chickens too. I would want to make music (definitely learn guitar and DAW such as Ableton - collaborate with others too), maybe write fiction and poetry, go into journalism. Perform in theatre. Design research studies, conduct and write about them. I don't fucking know. There are so many POSSIBILITIES.

Of course, none of this is remotely possible. Where to even begin? I'm a dropout failing through my university course (yes, I somehow got into university, thanks to the confusion that the pandemic wrought my equivalency exams were postponed and eventually made moot); I have no credentials whatsoever. To do anything I mentioned I'd have to undertake some sort of training course which would take many months if not years. I've had a handful of jobs, most of them summer positions, none of them really 'real' or 'important' - eg, I currently work in fast food. It's been about eight months, which is the longest I've ever held a job. Throughout writing this, I've felt anger - nay, rage - at the current state of society (for fuck's sake, how can I prattle on like this when Russia and Ukraine are AT WAR WITH EACH OTHER and the rest of the world's government isn't much better) and at myself for not having the skills I mentioned and then despondency and despair regarding the aforementioned. When I think about the magnitude and impossibility of improving society and getting my shit together, it's so much easier to just give up. As difficult as it is to kill oneself, changing one's life is even harder. I wish I had the strength to do either one.

I don't know what to do. I feel like I will explode. I know cutting is 'bad' and it doesn't help long term, but in the short term it helps me release these feelings of tension and stress. I feel like a caged animal. I'm somewhat seriously debating running away, maybe going to a commune (where would I find one of those?) and starting an entirely different life off the grid. I may as well be dead from how my life is now. Why not do something radical and spontaneous? But how? Fuck. It's terrifying. Every option I foresee, for lack of a more poetic term, sucks. I need to get out of here.

What are your thoughts? I know I wrote an essay. Thank you for even reading it.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021


The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
they say people don't want to rule over ashes. who says I want to rule?


I just want to be myself again
Dec 15, 2021
I read it all. It took awhile for me after my bachelors to get my life to sort of make sense.. it could happen for you. I got into healthcare after my bachelors and went back for an associates.. let's just say I studied holistic nursing.. but I snowballed, got fed up and ended up on a suicide website thinking about taking N.

I really really really wish the US education system trained us in a vocation before graduating.. more hands on stuff trades work electrician and carpentry.. more exposure to those things.. I would be glad if money didn't exist.. hell I wish at least college was free.. I wish getting a bachelors didn't set you backwards with loan debt..

.. I like Kurt Vonnegut's quote

"Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia."
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never interfere with a lifespan reaping
Feb 12, 2022
I like what you said about learning schools and fixing school (to me, your idea is fixing it). There are a lot of things I feel like we've lost the ability to do for ourselves or were never given it to begin with. Could you fix a water heater if it broke? I know I couldn't. Your society could fill that hole with bartering (lol it costs a lot currently though so idk how much I'd be bartering haha) and just better hands-on education. I'm all for learning useful information, I think I only had to take one cooking class and I still remember that raw eggs are bad to eat raw hence why I'm not dying of anything like food poisoning. Your ideal society is truly ideal, the idea is great. Unfortunate that our current world is so far away from basically all the points you mentioned. This response is all over the place, but I'd love more bike trails too! The idea of leaving the world better than we found it is powerful. I can't even imagine how different things would be if such a concept was always in place. You did call this society your "fantasy society" but do you ever dream of a truly fantasy society? I'll give an example in my eventual response to the original questions. You do have credentials btw, just not ones for *every job.* Some jobs do require a degree or related training, not every one though. You have had jobs, that is still experience. Part of interviewing in our current society is just turning that experience into relevant experience too. I was telling my tech job interviews how I learned to be more efficient and work together with people at a job where I stock shelves. I've only ever had two jobs, and my first part-time job I was so scared of. You've had several so give yourself credit for that. It's hard working anywhere and you've been several places. Such thinking of ideals really can lead down a negative rabbit hole though. It sucks it's like that. I agree it can be just as hard to change as it is to kill ourselves. The former might be part of why we can't do the latter in some cases since we get stuck in a mind-killing routine but cannot escape.
If it helps, it helps, whatever form that takes. I go back to cutting sometimes, but now even that sometimes brings me… nothing. In some way I'd say keep doing things while they bring you feeling, since you never know what will be fleeting. I somewhat seriously wish I could seriously run away. Or even just figure out how to make things work as are, since someone better than me could probably do so. The "But how?" is the biggest factor to contend with it would seem. There's too much that goes into everything, especially with the state the world is in. Like it's impossible to truly escape. Thank you for your thoughts.
What would your ideal society look like? What would your ideal life be like? I think I would be a lot less suicidal if society and my personal life wasn't such a mess.
I've got several routes so... Imma have fun with this, while I can. Despite my head being dead I've been wanting to reply to this for days now. Knew I'd write too much and haven't had time so here we are~

1st scenario: *ahem* this is the one of my dreams, literal dreams. I want a post-apocalyptic zombie filled society. Full of crumbling buildings and a day-to-day fight for your life, scavenging for food and watching as the world as known crumbles and changes. I've read a lot of books on this topic, most just fun. One took a realistic approach and there weren't zombies but it went through how over the years without humans running things, what would stop, how things would decay. How roads would be overtaken by landslides and weeds. How some animals might not survive without us and others would thrive. But I'd love to be someone like Alice fighting zombies. I've literally had dreams about being in a post-apocalyptic setting, fighting zombies. I'd probably die right away in reality, but hey that would solve a lot of problems. But the idea of everything being destroyed and starting anew and having that unifying force - zombies attack everyone - idk it appeals to me.

So perhaps my ideal society is the end of society + extra lol

2nd scenario: This one is plausible, but also incredibly impossible as things currently are. I'd just like to find someone I care about who cares about me, who I can share everything with and they share everything with me. We live together and find happiness in the little things and just each other's company. We don't need anything fancy, just a small place to ourselves, a comfortable community hopefully, jobs that keep us busy and we maybe enjoy that pay enough that we don't need to worry about money but we don't need to have a lot of money either. Just enough to live comfortably and save enough for the future when we can no longer work. We'd find happiness in things like taking our dog(s) on walks, going out in nature, going on vacations every once in a while and traveling together, small projects and things like caring for plants, playing games together, and just being in each other's company and feeling comfortable. Ideally, we could have a decent family situation as well, supportive relatives that we'd want in our life that would enrich it. Same for friends. Nothing too complex or too much, just being able to find happiness in the small things and in the company of someone else.
Since this is ideal as well, I'd be in a different kind of work or else have the mindset to allow me to do my current work better. My ideal type of work is something where I don't use my head much. I quite honestly like certain mindless tasks, but it doesn't sound good to say that. I like stocking and some days at work think I would be happy if I could just stock Hillman for every day I worked by myself mostly. Stocking cleaning is becoming tedious lately though, so I go back and forth how I'd do if I could let myself do something like that for a living. But if I was just left alone x hours a night, no customers and minimal coworker interaction, and my boss never bothered me, just stocking Hillman and getting into that groove of making things look better and be in their right place and getting work done that I can visually see. This is also ideal, so again my family situation would need to change too. No more relatives that hate me and my immediate family and no one dying, definitely not dying painfully. I guess a bit related to society I'd just want it to be more open-minded as well. Open to things like suicide without jumping to conclusions, open to just talk about things. I'd want the world to be more accepting of others in general, since I know going my ideal route in life I'd probably 100% run into people that didn't like that the people who I like aren't what's "normal." So ideally, that wouldn't even be a factor and I could just live happily with who makes me happy without getting the ire of society.

With my mental issues and just the way things are going, I don't know though. Quite honestly as well, I've wanted death so long I don't know anything else. It would be scary to commit to any firm plan of "I'll do this" and then if I did there would then be the fear that I'll still take death as an option. This is especially an issue with pulling anyone into my life as the second scenario demands. There's no end to it with thinking, hence why I want rid of it. And I don't think the state of myself is redeemable. And I'm just so tired. I can barely make myself food, I barely function sometimes. I break down over pointless things and can't cry for things that matter. I'm so so tired. I do enjoy thinking of ideals, I might post more if I think of it, I hope you don't mind in such a case.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
You did call this society your "fantasy society" but do you ever dream of a truly fantasy society?
You mean the one where I'm the dictator of the world but I'm nice and everyone loves me AND I get to create the society I described? Yep, but that's even less likely than just the latter ever happening.

Part of interviewing in our current society is just turning that experience into relevant experience too. I was telling my tech job interviews how I learned to be more efficient and work together with people at a job where I stock shelves.
That's a good point and very clever of you. I guess aside from the lack of specialised training in a particular field, I just don't feel qualified. But I think I'd have impostor syndrome wherever I went and no matter what I did.

I've got several routes so... Imma have fun with this, while I can. Despite my head being dead I've been wanting to reply to this for days now. Knew I'd write too much and haven't had time so here we are~

1st scenario: *ahem* this is the one of my dreams, literal dreams. I want a post-apocalyptic zombie filled society. Full of crumbling buildings and a day-to-day fight for your life, scavenging for food and watching as the world as known crumbles and changes. I've read a lot of books on this topic, most just fun. One took a realistic approach and there weren't zombies but it went through how over the years without humans running things, what would stop, how things would decay. How roads would be overtaken by landslides and weeds. How some animals might not survive without us and others would thrive. But I'd love to be someone like Alice fighting zombies. I've literally had dreams about being in a post-apocalyptic setting, fighting zombies. I'd probably die right away in reality, but hey that would solve a lot of problems. But the idea of everything being destroyed and starting anew and having that unifying force - zombies attack everyone - idk it appeals to me.
That's an interesting one. Takes us back to the basics for sure, good and swift reminder of what's important in life (health, connections with others who care for you and whom you care for, survival skills). As for your last sentence - I don't think people would be unified (eg covid). But it's a nice idea.

Can you recommend any books or movies? Whether post-apocalyptic or otherwise. I'm getting ever so slightly tired of watching Bojack Horseman on repeat lmao.

2nd scenario: ...getting into that groove of making things look better and be in their right place and getting work done that I can visually see. I guess a bit related to society I'd just want it to be more open-minded as well. Open to things like suicide without jumping to conclusions, open to just talk about things. I'd want the world to be more accepting of others in general, since I know going my ideal route in life I'd probably 100% run into people that didn't like that the people who I like aren't what's "normal." So ideally, that wouldn't even be a factor and I could just live happily with who makes me happy without getting the ire of society.
We've got a lot in common with regard to our appreciation of simple living. I also enjoy somewhat menial tasks, things like tidying up, decluttering. I like tangible results. And focusing on intellectual tasks all day (eg school) can get exhausting. My bean needs to rest! Sometimes, even though I tend to beat myself up over making mistakes or going too slowly, I enjoy making drinks or washing dishes at work. The physical aspect is rewarding in a way that other types of work isn't.

And yeah, would be nice if society was more open minded. It's funny, for all the progress we like to pat ourselves on the back for making, people still can't have a genuine conversation, much less an honest debate. People jump to conclusions and get butthurt so easily. I try not to but I'm a hypocrite.

With my mental issues and just the way things are going, I don't know though. Quite honestly as well, I've wanted death so long I don't know anything else. It would be scary to commit to any firm plan of "I'll do this" and then if I did there would then be the fear that I'll still take death as an option. This is especially an issue with pulling anyone into my life as the second scenario demands. There's no end to it with thinking, hence why I want rid of it. And I don't think the state of myself is redeemable. And I'm just so tired. I can barely make myself food, I barely function sometimes. I break down over pointless things and can't cry for things that matter. I'm so so tired. I do enjoy thinking of ideals, I might post more if I think of it, I hope you don't mind in such a case.
Yes. Exactly. This. Did I write this? This is partly why I'm so bad at socialising. Getting close to anyone seems laughable when I don't foresee myself living to 2030. I didn't see myself living to 2020 but we don't talk about that because I'm a fucking failure. I want to say I'm sorry you're suffering so much, but somehow that doesn't seem right. Akgksjdfhgjhdfgh. Big hugs to you.

When my grandfather died, I didn't feel sad in the slightest. But when the wifi doesn't work or I lose a long post, tears will spring to my eyes and I'll have to restrain myself from hurling my laptop at the wall. Make it make sense. Gah. Humans are weird, that's the only conclusion I can draw from this.

I never mind - post all you want and then some. I may not always think of coherent responses to everything (the bean struggles), but I read every word.
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Oct 19, 2021
I have to admit that I didn't read the whole thing but I have recently viewed a youtube video online about a teenage girl runaway (and similar things happen to guys) in which she ran away and went to another city and met a very nice person who offered her food and shelter and as soon as he got her home her overpowered her and locked her up and she was forced to have sex with over 100 men for money over the next couple of months before the police rescued her based on an online ad- she is one of the lukcy ones who got out. Running away so often leads to this. If things are bad at home maybe you can see if another relative or friend can help you or maybe you can see if you can get into foster care- anything is better than runnig away, the worst people are out there everywhere ready to pounce on, trick, and abuse the next runaway.
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