
Nov 23, 2023
i genuinely believe that once mentation ceases, "i" as a consciousness will cease. there isn't even nothingness after, because "nothingness" implies an empty eternity in which i am conscious. i believe it would be the same experience as i had before birth: an absence of all experience.

but part of me is so scared there's an afterlife. i'm not planning on CTB anytime soon particularly, but when i do i'm scared about an afterlife. if i end up in a christian afterlife that would be horrible (hell would be worst, but heaven would be terrifying as well). if i end up reincarnated that would be better because at least i wouldn't remember who i used to be. but i sincerely hope my mental processes just cease.
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I’m tired
May 25, 2024
I believe in the version of the afterlife that certain spiritual mediums talk about, which is before you're re-incarnated you can choose to spend years being healed deep to your core just relaxing before the next go around.
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Jun 16, 2024
I totally understand how you feel. I've always been scared of the idea of an afterlife too. Once I'm gone I don't want to experience anything else, I just want to be gone. Like as you said, an absence of all experience.


Sep 15, 2023
I wish for pure nonexistence aswell, but there's honestly no point in worrying about what happens. Death is inevitable anyway, whatever happens can't be avoided, even without suicide. It's better to just give up any possibility. You got no control over what happens, same as you had no control over your own birth, so why give a shit. I lowkey find peace in that realization. We can only choose what to believe to feel comforted for now.
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Jun 11, 2024
It kinda sucks that God requires that we believe in him, but can't just tell us he exists. How am I going to believe something I've never seen? What does God lose by just telling us he exists? Does God just not give a shit about us? It literally doesn't make sense, but also we don't know where we came from, which is scary. Why should I suffer for all eternity just for not knowing that God exists? It's literally not my fault, belief is not a choice. I wish there was an answer to if God exist.
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Mar 12, 2023
There is this buddhist perspective that after your human body dies you enter the world of Light and Sound (Suchness) that will mirror different aspects of your mind back at you.. it is a Gap state where safety anchors for mind in form of linear time and physicality does not exist and where most people faint and are flashed back into Samsara in search of false safety through reincarnation..

You can read more about it here
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May 14, 2024
The way I see it is that it doesn't matter if there is an afterlife because even without suicide, we would die eventually anyway, so whether I enter into the afterlife now or at 90 when I am frail and weak, it doesn't really matter, I am betting that the afterlife is better than this shitty world, regardless it will be an adventure to know what happens or doesn't happen next


Jan 1, 2024
I dont want to have a life review


Apr 14, 2024
I'm sorry. But there is.
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Apr 11, 2024
i genuinely believe that once mentation ceases, "i" as a consciousness will cease. there isn't even nothingness after, because "nothingness" implies an empty eternity in which i am conscious. i believe it would be the same experience as i had before birth: an absence of all experience.

but part of me is so scared there's an afterlife. i'm not planning on CTB anytime soon particularly, but when i do i'm scared about an afterlife. if i end up in a christian afterlife that would be horrible (hell would be worst, but heaven would be terrifying as well). if i end up reincarnated that would be better because at least i wouldn't remember who i used to be. but i sincerely hope my mental processes just cease.
Yep I feel the same way, I want to stop existing cause I want to stop existing. If there's a heaven or hell what's the point in ctb imo. I want it to be like you said: before birth, absence of existence.


Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I just wish for eternal nothingness as well, in fact it's all I wish for, it comforts me to think of being unconscious for all eternity, I could never believe in such a thing as an afterlife rather I believe death to be the end of everything for us which is the only relief for me.

I just wish for this existence to disappear into nothingness, I'd never wish for something so futile and undesirable as having the ability to exist, existing just causes me to suffer and I don't want to suffer in any way, I just wish for true peace, only non-existence is ideal to me as it's the permanent absence of all suffering and harm