I don't know if you can really assign human values and morals to a God. It kind of feels like the equivalent of when people demonize and hate certain species of animals for acting in ways that we perceive as cruel and morally reprehensible. You can't hold non-human beings to human standards. If God were to exist, I'd imagine that they would likely have no association with any of our religions and they also likely wouldn't operate with the same set of values and morals that we have. Hell, for all we know, maybe they view us the same way we view something like ants. As these sort of lesser beings whose well-being and livelihood aren't something we generally care too much about. You step on them, you destroy their hills, sometimes kids burn them with a magnifying glass, and nobody calls you cruel or sadistic for any of it. It's kind of just whatever.
Maybe their only involvement is just setting the stage for simple life to exist and that's it, with our species' existence still being the result of chance rather than it directly being due to the actions of some being of higher power. Maybe they think that leaving us and all the other organisms around us to their own devices rather than meddling around is the most ethical thing to do.