This exact question was asked to me by the crisis team while in an emergency room after an overdose,and when I emotionlessly said yes without a doubt I would press it right now.
That was one of the main reasons for being politely asked to ection my self voluntarily,the other option was if I didn't section myself they would do it for me so to save paper work and less on my record I said yeah ok.
The emotionless part mainly comes from Asperger's and I'm hard to read,they last from crisis team said typically people after overdose slare upset,crying and regretful of their decision but I was calm and collected and when asked why I did it in said I wanted to die so I took X amount of codamol which they told me would be a painful reply to that was I know but my plan was I would be in so much pain with lover failure I called the ambulance once I knew it was in my system to I could get taken to hospital to hopefully be put into a coma until death.
That's when she stopped writing and sent me to the nut house because she said it shown I had thought it all thru.
Obviously now I know better ways and would do things dofferent but this was 6 years ago and at that point I hadnt eaten or barely brlldrank for 3 days apart from sips of water from constnyl taking tablets every few hours as I knew the toxicity in liver would keep building. I didn't ant pin so that's only reason for calling ambulance so I could get treated for pain knowing their shouldn't be anything else they could do for me and my dead liver. Obviously again I miscalculated and they had me on antidote drip for 3 days then said me to mental hospital for evaluation and counselling. I always use that button analogy hen talking to doctors etc as I find it the best y to describe my state of mind in those moments. Sorry once again for me long posts but..oops