
Oct 6, 2019
I was having this argument with another dude at the mental health clinic I have to go daily. I told him that if ANYONE could easily and painless die half the population wouldn't want to live and there would be no market for the capitalist society to function. There is no way a normal person is willing be able to happily work multiple jobs to make the ends meet, people work because of fear. What we have is the constant fear that if you don't work you will live in the streets. We created a society based on fear. Fear that if you don't work... bad things will happen to you and you will suffer. For the majority of the population what makes them work is that fear of becoming poor. The fear of poverty. The fear of being homeless.

What we have is a society that we have created of unhappy, overworked, anxious, depressed, drug infused, drunk, opioid users.

I believe that we the Sanctioned Suicide community were the first to come with this realization that the modern life that is today is CRAZY and unlivable. I don't see how or what makes the modern human being want to be able to breathe. Suicide is an EPIDEMIC in major proportions that is underreported.

I can see that as more people choose rationally to CTB and the "knowledge friction" becomes less of an issue we will have a major and mindblowing SUICIDE EPIDEMIC of millions annual deaths. We have at our disposal several tools to peaceful CTB. We didn't have this kind of knowledge in the past. The knowledge has free our minds to leave this world in our terms whenever we feel like it.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
So you're saying if they had a dying with dignity program where the doctors just put you to sleep. Yes I would do it because I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which is the highest ranking pain condition in medical history. There are no treatments or cures. I wouldn't want to die because I had to work. I think these days people just want to complain about every little thing. Of course we have to work. We have to work because everything costs money. We have to work to have a roof over our heads, to have food, clothing, and you need money for everything. That's just how it is. You said you have no idea why people want to live. People want to live because they have wonderful lives. They have jobs they enjoy and family and friends. If you're depressed obviously you're going to think the way you're thinking but it not life can be really great.
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Oct 6, 2019
I'd still wind up dying.
I fix the title

I wouldn't want to live in this world. What makes human want to continue to live is fear not passion for the world.
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Jun 19, 2018
Majority of people would still choose life. You are underestimating the survival instinct. This is why I err on the side of antinatalism until a transhumanist pseudoimmortality is reached and we can abolish suffering and live in paradise. No one should have to go through any of this.
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Oct 6, 2019
Majority of people would still choose life. You are underestimating the survival instinct. This is why I err on the side of antinatalism until a transhumanist pseudoimmortality is reached and we can abolish suffering and live in paradise. No one should have to go through any of this.

People have fear. They live because of fear.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
Well ... We're very far from the first to realize that suicide is a reasonable way out, but if a surefire painless way to off oneself were available to all, the species would have gone extinct by about the 5th century.
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Oct 6, 2019
Well ... We're very far from the first to realize that suicide is a reasonable way out, but if a surefire painless way to off oneself were available to all, the species would have gone extinct by about the 5th century.

We are the first that have compiled the painless methods to CTB. All of this information is very recent until now. Suicide and euthanasia will become less of a taboo.

If we continue to live and create a society that continues to be as it is we will go extinct. Japanese society is an example.
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Aug 19, 2019
You know what, if that were the case, I think there wouldn't be a spike in suicide but strikes, rebellion, revolt. All these people who work in conditions worse than slavery, all these people who are pushed around, threatened, insulted, humiliated.


gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I'm 100% positive that medical/ philosophical/religious powers-that-be know far better, far more effective, far easier ways to CTB and keep them secret precisely because they know we'd all partake.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I fix the title

I wouldn't want to live in this world. What makes human want to continue to live is fear not passion for the world.
Thats your opinion. Not everyone feels that way. When I was healthy I didn't live because of fear. I lived because I loved living and I had things to look forward to. You can't speak for everyone.
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Oct 6, 2019
So you're saying if they had a dying with dignity program where the doctors just out you to sleep. Yes I would do it because I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which is the highest ranking pain condition in medical history. There are no treatments or cures. I wouldn't want to die because I had to work. I think these days people just want to complain about every little thing. Of course we have to work. We have to work because everything costs money. We have to work to have a roof over our heads, to have food, clothing, and you need money for everything. That's just how it is. You said you have no idea why people want to live. People want to live because they have wonderful lives. They have jobs they enjoy and family and friends. If you're depressed obviously you're going to think the way you're thinking but it not life can be really great.

If anyone had the Nembutal pill with them all the time.

People work because of fear, fear of not having the roof and the food.

Yeah, there are happy moments in life that makes everything more bearable.
Thats your opinion. Not everyone feels that way.

It's my opinion. What's your opinion? What makes you want live despite your pains?
I'm 100% positive that medical/ philosophical/religious powers-that-be know far better, far more effective, far easier ways to CTB and keep them secret precisely because they know we'd all partake.

Religion has a major power play card in stopping people wanting to commit suicide, especially suicide, if you kill yourself you will go to hell it makes people fearful of suicide.
You know what, if that were the case, I think there wouldn't be a spike in suicide but strikes, rebellion, revolt. All these people who work in conditions worse than slavery, all these people who are pushed around, threatened, insulted, humiliated.

All of this suicide methods are more accessible than ever. We didn't have this easy in the past.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I don't think you understand that you think this way because you are seriously depressed. Mentally stable people don't think like this.
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Oct 6, 2019
I don't think you understand that you think this way because you are seriously depressed. Mentally stable people don't think like this.

What's your opinion? This a community gathered around the self determination of your own life. Make your own thread explaining why life is great and why you should keep living despite having horrible pains. Anyways, why are you here? We talk about suicide and reason to CTB.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
To answer your question, let's assume that this happened. I believe that yes, there will be a lot more people quitting, but also there will be others (who don't really want to die) that will live because they know they have an "exit" should things become too much for them. The latter would just continue living until things become untenable. As for the people at the top, they would have to pick up the slack from the mass exodus of human labor and take the jobs that people would not do.

In reality, the people at the top (elites and upper class people) would not allow such a scenario to happen mainly because they wish to keep their power and live in bliss while the majority of humans suffer.
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Aug 19, 2019
All of this suicide methods are more accessible than ever. We didn't have this easy in the past.

It's not accessible enough to trigger such collective change. Come back for it when you can talk about those methods without hiding underground or getting locked up. And I say this as the rare exception who can share it with rl inner circle.
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Sep 9, 2019
I was having this argument with another dude at the mental health clinic I have to go daily. I told him that if ANYONE could easily and painless die half the population wouldn't want to live and there would be no market for the capitalist society to function. There is no way a normal person is willing be able to happily work multiple jobs to make the ends meet, people work because of fear. What we have is the constant fear that if you don't work you will live in the streets. We created a society based on fear. Fear that if you don't work... bad things will happen to you and you will suffer. For the majority of the population what makes them work is that fear of becoming poor. The fear of poverty. The fear of being homeless.

What we have is a society that we have created of unhappy, overworked, anxious, depressed, drug infused, drunk, opioid users.

I believe that we the Sanctioned Suicide community were the first to come with this realization that the modern life that is today is CRAZY and unlivable. I don't see how or what makes the modern human being want to be able to breathe. Suicide is an EPIDEMIC in major proportions that is underreported.

I can see that as more people choose rationally to CTB and the "knowledge friction" becomes less of an issue we will have a major and mindblowing SUICIDE EPIDEMIC of millions annual deaths. We have at our disposal several tools to peaceful CTB. We didn't have this kind of knowledge in the past. The knowledge has free our minds to leave this world in our terms whenever we feel like it.
you might like this quote:
"We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living."
― Buckminster Fuller
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Oct 2, 2019
In reality, the people at the top (elites and upper class people) would not allow such a scenario to happen mainly because they wish to keep their power and live in bliss while the majority of humans suffer.
The more population, the more applicants for each job and the lower wage they can get away with paying along with the ever increasing productivity extraction.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
The majority of them.
I don't think that much people would end killing themselves just because they have a safe way to do it. They would need a strong reason to do it.
I think there would be a first big wave of people like us, with mental disorders and emotional unbalancement but after that peak i think that there would be a significant reduction of occurences.
Apart from old aged and/or sick people most "neurotypicals" wouldn't do it just for the sake of it.
Unless it became a trend...
Like people who lost a group of friends to it and would decide to do it too. And in that case it could spread like a virus. Eh, the planet would be thankful at least.
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Oct 6, 2019
It's not accessible enough to trigger such collective change. Come back for it when you can talk about those methods without hiding underground or getting locked up. And I say this as the rare exception who can share it with rl inner circle.

It's more easier than ever. A decade ago we didn't have all this info available and this community. We didn't have ways to express our self determinations needs of CTB. Now we know the best methods and ways to CTB.
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Oct 5, 2019
The one who really is so f***** to commit suicide will end up doing it and if there was a "suicide button" people would kill themselves because their team lost the finals.

People in SS think differently from society because on many occasions they talk about depression and pain, my grandfather died very sick and clung to life.

Regarding work, I have no problem with working. It is necessary and if possible you have to be valuable to society and things cost money.

I may be wrong, after all, I am garbage.


Aug 19, 2019
It's more easier than ever. A decade ago we didn't have all this info available and this community. We didn't have ways to express our self determinations needs of CTB. Now we know the best methods and ways to CTB.

Yeah because it's such a huge community and everybody is determined enough to find their way to it, not stopping at Lostallhope. I don't think you understand that we are the minority of minorities. SS as it is new, but the concept goes back a decade. Things were easier in the past, as well. Sleeping pills were actually deadly if ODed, etc.

Anyway, I've already made my point.
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Oct 6, 2019
The majority of them.
I don't think that much people would end killing themselves just because they have a safe way to do it. They would need a strong reason to do it.
I think there would be a first big wave of people like us, with mental disorders and emotional unbalancement but after that peak i think that there would be a significant reduction of occurences.
Apart from old aged and/or sick people most "neurotypicals" wouldn't do it just for the sake of it.
Unless it became a trend...
Like people who lost a group of friends to it and would decide to do it too. And in that case it could spread like a virus. Eh, the planet would be thankful at least.

Suicide is the leading cause of death and is a TREND. Is the leading cause of death for the young adults and the elderly. There is always a reason to commit suicide, check the news https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/suicide

People experience pain differently. Some people handle stress in different ways. Some can handle very well the death of a love one, but can't handle the end of a relationship.
Yeah because it's such a huge community and everybody is determined enough to find their way to it, not stopping at Lostallhope. I don't think you understand that we are the minority of minorities. SS as it is new, but the concept goes back a decade. Things were easier in the past, as well. Sleeping pills were actually deadly if ODed, etc.

Anyway, I've already made my point.

Not really, I can affirm that anyone who has lived in this earth has had a thoughts about suicide. Check the news https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/suicide many suicides for many reasons. The feeling of suicide is not relegated to a minority. It's a common and shared feeling among humans that have to endure the suffering of living.
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Sep 9, 2019
The one who really is so f***** to commit suicide will end up doing it and if there was a "suicide button" people would kill themselves because their team lost the finals.

People in SS think differently from society because on many occasions they talk about depression and pain, my grandfather died very sick and clung to life.

Regarding work, I have no problem with working. It is necessary and if possible you have to be valuable to society and things cost money.

I may be wrong, after all, I am garbage.
I do agree that it is good to work and to add value to soceity-that is good for the indivdual to feel too-I think the problem comes when people from certain backgrounds and income brackets-dont have the time or money (think how much a higher education costs) to explore all their options, or be trained and educated in order to become the best they could be-and to find a job/ career path that matches and realises any potential, dreams they may had had-to allow them to follow a pursuit that gives them meaning and a drive to get up in the morning (atleast some of the days) rather than get stuck in very menial, monotonous, low pay jobs with long hours (maybe ok for sort term-but you cant do that very long term without it causing you to sink into a depression or sense of hopelessness) where they are often treated like shit, have no chance to express themselves or progress-people feel trapped and soul destroyed. I guess thats when work can cause utter despondency and lack of a will to live.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
What's your opinion? This a community gathered around the self determination of your own life. Make your own thread explaining why life is great and why you should keep living despite having horrible pains. Anyways, why are you here? We talk about suicide and reason to CTB.
My life sucks. I never said life was great. Not for us anyway. But for others it is.
What's your opinion? This a community gathered around the self determination of your own life. Make your own thread explaining why life is great and why you should keep living despite having horrible pains. Anyways, why are you here? We talk about suicide and reason to CTB.
Who are you to ask me why I am here? I'm here for the same reason everyone else is.
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Oct 12, 2019
I think most ppl would still choose to live because tbh from what ive seen suicide is not commonly talked about and its like its almost forbidden to be mentioned and most people talk about how they are scared of death but there will be more ppl who choose to exit. i think even if there is an option of peaceful suicide many people would think it over but only a few would actually do it because death is still scary to talk about to a lot of people and thats why i havent mentioned suicide at all to anyone irl but i know id probably use that method because there would be no fail.
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
My dad said tonight that he hates his life, and that if he had the courage, he would just pull the trigger.

I know exactly how he feels :(
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Sep 21, 2019
if ANYONE could easily and painless die half the population wouldn't want to live
I don't completely agree.
maybe the first wave would be a half of population, it would create havoc and strong trend, so surely another half would follow eventually :wink:
Well... there are always some freaks, so my bet is that about 1-5 % of population would stay.


Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Hopefully a lot of people, there's way too many people on this shit hole to begin with
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Aug 27, 2018
Hopefully a lot of people, there's way too many people on this shit hole to begin with
I agree but most humans don´t see it that way I even saw an article yesterday where they talk about Madrid has too many parots so they want to kill thousands of them because they are threatening the ecosystem, I am like are you fucking kidding me! Humans are the real threat to the ecosystems around the world destroying the homes of millions of animals and they have the audacity to say parots are the problem humans truly are hypocrits and see themselves as above any other life on Earth.
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Jul 20, 2019
Not everything is as it seems, the vast majority of people prefer life.
Only when living conditions force a person to evaluate
the desirability of further existence, he begins to consider suicide.
Many live with such a stigma up to natural death, and few live
they catch a bus.
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