- Nov 17, 2023
- 212
I hear you I'm really sorry the situation is that badThe depression would be motivated by the fact that I have been banned from the job market, my difficulties in establishing relationships with other people (how old you get is very important in the face of the difficulties you have in fending for yourself) and that I don't know how deal with health problems that are irrelevant to other people.
I don't have a social fabric to help me deal with my problems, nor am I capable of creating one, nor do I have economic sufficiency. Depression is just a consequence of the disaster that is my life, it has nothing to do with wanting to live or not.
La depressió la motivaría en que tinc vetat el mercat de treball, les meves dificultats per establir relacions amb altres persones (quant arribes a certa edat és molt important davant de les dificultats que tens per valdre't per tu mateix) i que no se com fer front a problemes de salut que per altres persones són irrellevants.
No tinc un teixit social que m'ajudi a fer front als meus problemes ni sóc capaç de crear-lo, ni tinc suficiéncia económica. La depressió és només una conseqüéncia del desastre que és la meva vida, no te relació amb voler viure o no.
I have ptsd from childhood abuse and I suffer from aspergers.I do want to die - because of my past, having to relive that past every day in the form of flashbacks and nightmares and for my constant struggle to have to appear to be "normal" (like now sitting here waiting for guests to arrive and not really wanting to socialise).., I also have complex PTSD, CFS, possibly autistic according to my therapist amongst a number of other challenges.
However my reality is that I need to try and keep myself alive for the sake of my children. With the right support, I believe that I had a chance of keeping myself alive even when I became suicidal. However now that I have no support, I cannot see a life beyond one day ending my life and unfortunately it will be too late to even stop myself and I don't know when that day will be till it has happened.
What is your problem? If we are talking about excess weight, then I can give you some effective advice.Can't separate it. My appearance is my depression and my depression is my appearance.
I'd have to drastically alter my form or cease existing to solve this.
I wish.What is your problem? If we are talking about excess weight, then I can give you some effective advice.