

Mental more please.
Oct 3, 2019
I want to know your life experiences accordingly to the age you had/have.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
It's not written in stone but in general terms-- it gets worse, not better.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I see the 20s as the only time that life can be improved from having a shitty childhood and teen years. After that, your expectations and pressures are much higher and nothing short of winning the lottery or other insanely improbable events can even begin to fix a broken life that couldn't get fixed in the 20s...
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I want to know your life experiences accordingly to the age you had/have.
In some ways my 30s have been better than my 20s. There's alot of variables to consider so it's hard to give a definitive answer.

It's not written in stone but in general terms-- it gets worse, not better.
Generally speaking this is how it goes.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
My 30s have been pretty good considering how bad my 20s were, but I'm like 10 years past the curve when it comes to progression. Normal people of my age have at least 15 years of experience in their jobs making 100k/yr, have at least a kid or two, and getting ready to move into managing roles in their 40s. They may even get to retire early, while my ass be working until I drop dead.
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Mar 22, 2020
I think I can only improve at making money! The rest of my body and life is too fucked up lol.
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Dec 20, 2020
Health issues are going to start cropping up heavily after the 40s and then really bad from 60 on
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Feb 17, 2021
In my opinion, almost no way that happens.....Father Time is undefeated..
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Nov 4, 2019
In some ways my life has improved but in most ways it's gone downhill.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
It's possible sometimes you are happier as an older person. Just depends on what your quality of life is like. If u had managed to put your life together nicely often it's not till u have lived for awhile and gradually achieved things that matter to u.
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sorella santini

sorella santini

Jan 19, 2021
I think there are so many factors that come into play. Life experience is supposed to be enriching and character building. But it doesn't work like that for everyone. Not everyone learns from their mistakes and course corrects.
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Dec 20, 2020
One real world example of how this can work out: things went better than expected by old age. I'm not that old but I'd long figured by now my country would be a fallen apart rubbish heap because of the obsession with sportsball, declining international competitiveness , increasing influence of Low IQ individuals in the political system. Things are bad but if you believe in SHTF and it doesn't happen that works out well.

none of this has happened so every day in some sense becomes a miracle
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Sep 4, 2018
It depends...
If you go through life expecting it to be shitty it will be, guaranteed. The expectation will taint every experience you have and influence every decision you make.
If you hope the good days will balance out the bad days there's a good chance they will. A chance only.
Certain things can improve with age (coping abilities, understanding, ...) certain things will get worse (physical abilities, looks, possible illness,...). What you do in your 20s does influence your life in your 30s and onwards, but does not need to define it.
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
My life got better in my late 20s until about 31. Then it got worse,much worse,then a little better again and now it's the worst it's ever been. Its the cycle of better and worse that really makes me want to end it. I want better that lasts,now when ever things get better I am waiting for them to get worse again.
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Jul 3, 2019
I'm in my 40s. I would say that my mental illness got worse as I got older - but at the same time, this past year I have had more days off from it than before, as I explored more treatments. I maybe had 3 or 4 weeks off my mental illness this year, and right now I have been feeling somewhat better for a few days. So everything for me about life getting better (or not) is about my mental illness and whether it is treated somehow.

So I would say this year was actually my best year so far (the year just gone). Partly I was in a much happier relationship for a long part of it - and while in some ways it has fizzled out, he is still one of my favourite people. And also just the days off mental illness. Without chronic suicidal thoughts and misery the world is a better place, for however long that lasts.

I do feel that if my mental health can feel better - I mean I have had maybe 3 or 4 days waking up with no suicidal thoughts so far, which is unheard of, then I am young enough that my whole life can start again.

Hope that helps anyone have a bit of hope! Though you will also see from all my posts on this forum how difficult my mental health has been and how much and how long I have been suffering.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
In my case, the 20 to 25 were intervals of mild depression and anxiety, but tell us that you led a normal life. From 25 to 35 it was a good time in my life. I always had this disease but let's just say it was manageable. From here on, alcohol screwed up my life and everything went to shit, divorce, debts, worsening illnesses, suicide attempts. I always had a stamina to carry my disease without it dragging me. I had an improvement with the confinement but in the fall I fell into major depression and I began to consider suicide more seriously. I think the older the worse, but there are people who have improved a lot with age. In some statistics that I saw I think that young adults and the elderly were the risk groups for committing suicide but I could be wrong.
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