It's very kind of you to consider others and not wanting to traumatize anyone. I appreciate that you're so concerned for other's well being. Can you tell us a bit about your method and your living situation so maybe people can help you better? Do you live alone, do you live with parents/ roommates/ spouse, how much time do you get to yourself in this situation?
Have you thought about what you would do when backpacking?
If you die abroad, it will be very expensive for your family to get your body home, so going too far is also not a good idea.
Another issue is also if no one finds you for a while. It will prohibit your family members to say their farewells. Your body is an important reminder of you, it helps the grieving process to see the body, to be able to say goodbye face to face. If you aren't found for a while, this is not possible for your family.
If you're not being found for a while or at all, it will also be hard for your family because they do not even know that you are dead. They can hold on to the hope that you are still alive somewhere on good days or think that you have been murdered in barbaric ways suffering immensely on bad days.
Personally, I think it would be best for your family if you died peacefully in a place they would discover within a day or two, so they know instantly that you are no more, that they can say their goodbyes and that they have a grave (aka a place to remember you and mourn your loss) to move on.