There are lots of positive things to wish for that aren't possible in our world. We could wish for a world where people were genuine, pro-social. Or a world that was fair, or rewarded goodness. None of those things are possible in our world because of physics. The physics is the reason the biology behaves the way it does (where the winning games are power/survival). And the way the biology behaves, is the reason why it's a hellscape for conscious creatures, because what the DNA is doing ( the unconscious driving force of all life on Earth ), is looking to maximize its fitness. The DNA does not care about ethics, or what's true, it only cares about being as "survivaly" as possible. Nothing more.
So what happens then is... imagine a game being played-- any game with rules, like chess. So imagine that the rules of Chess represent ethics. Since there is no referee in our world, no judge standing outside of the game, to make sure the two players who play, follow the rules, this means the player who wins doesn't have to play by the rules. They can just sneak pieces off the opponent's board any time they aren't looking. Or they can just shoot their opponent in the head. Anything goes.
At this point some people may say,
"But we do have rules, laws. They punish these kinds of law breakers. And even before civilizations and laws, we had social norms where the group would gang up on people who misbehave"
The difference here is , this doesn't actually reduce cheating, it reduces unskilled cheating. It slowly creates a kind of perfect cheater. Because if it was a fair world, you would see things get more and more fair with time. But the world actually gets more *unfair* with time, because what DNA does is it distills power, it's a kind of power maximizer. And that power is not a power that cares about the rules, because caring about the rules when there is no referee, is pointless. It just becomes the referee, until something more powerful comes along. That is the reason why this reality is a version of hell, where nothing genuine or kind or fair can ever flourish.
The reason for writing that all out, is it explains every possible grievance you can have. It's why suicidal people won't be allowed to die, because it is inconvenient for the powerful, but also inconvenient for your own DNA , which is trying to "win", contrary to your own personal values. You just want to rest, and stop fighting this constant uphill battle with all signs pointing to more misery. The DNA doesn't care. The kings and queens of the world don't care.