Quinton Coldwater
- Aug 22, 2023
- 59
I wish I was normal ,I'm so envious of ppl who have normal lives while my life has deteriorated steadily every year.It genuinely sucks that I'll never experience "true love".What is the point of living if I can never become happy I've been holding on to the fallacy that "it's going to get better" and without failure it always gets worse.Calling this a life is a joke.I don't want to kill myself but I honestly am left with no other options.Ive spent years self loathing watching the PPL around me actually live while I continue rotting away in isolation at home due to social anxiety.Some PPL aren't destined to live a normal happy life and I guess I'm one of them.J wish I could just die Tommorow and have this shitty life done with I'm so tired of this needless suffering I have no friends no girlfriend just parents who started treating me better after my failed OD.I hate this life this lonely existence has brought me nothing but pain.