I strongly advise nobody to ever trust someone and tell them that. I had 2 best-friends from decades ago that I trusted. 1 had a prior attempt and was hospitalized but said she would never do it again because her family took it hard. I trusted her and I cried so many days, so many nights on the phone with her and I thought she understood. The other friend I briefly mentioned it. I've had prior attemps before but this time I had a new method that I was positive would work.
Anyone who is suicidal know that sometimes you're passive and sometimes you're active. One night I was on the phone with the friend who had the prior attempt and I was in bed, I WAS SAFE! Next thing I know I had police knocking on my doors, I was pissed. They asked me my name and I told them and voluntarily went with them, I didn't try to fight it, I just need space from everyone and sleep. I went outside there were 5 police cars
I couldn't believe it. I did my 4 days and when I came home I sent them all messages saying goodbye and I've never looked back.
I felt so violated. I felt like a criminal. I could not believe they sent 5 cop cars. I could ND will never forgive them or ever speak to them again!
I'm pro-choice! Whatever you want to do with your life I will stand by you. If you're suicidal I won't stop you, all I ask is don't tell me the date for legal purposes only. Most people are uncomfortable about death and they will call and report you. If I ever attempt again, I won't ever show a sign or write a note. Lesson learned the hard way!