I can understand that some people want CTB with violence, and/or, in a spectacular way, that it does not go unnoticed, that it is seen by as many people as possible... to shock public opinion, a militant CTB, a rebellious CTB, a martyr CTB... Or towards certain people in a punitive way. Some people seek to shock so that it enters the collective memory, because, otherwise, an isolated CTB is quickly forgotten, stifled, to hide the reasons for the CTB, not to change society, not to prosecute anyone... It's sad, but, with human beings, we quickly forget an event, when it has not been shocking.
Be careful, I am not talking about blackmail to suicide, but indeed an accomplished suicide, taking advantage of leaving life (the person being determined to leave life above all) to punish the people who have done harm, in particular his parents who are responsible for the creation and then birth of a person who did not want to live, in any case a life that does not suit him, has hurt him, without hope...
I recommend you watch the films GATTACA, Idiocracy and Capernaum, the series Black Mirror, Squid Games... be careful, some scenes may be shocking.
It is even worse when the parents are aware that the child who is going to be created is going to live an unworthy, inhuman, limited life, excluded from others, handicapped, uneducated, criminal, etc. If we can avoid violent, militant CTBs, it's actually better, but it's sometimes difficult.
I thank the open-mindedness of the members of this forum, in general, even if they are against my ideas, my activism, there are people who take the trouble to explain why.
For my part, I campaign for procreation to be controlled to prevent selfish parents from procreating, for the sole good of the child who will be created, knowing that no one asked to be born, and that it is inhuman to impose, in all conscience (selfish parents, parents under pressure from society, a religion, a sect, a gang...), to have a child, who will be an adult, voluntarily handicapped, ugly, small, rejected, mocked, bullied, autistic, sick, blind, deaf, mentally retarded, physically ill, mentally ill, and/or, that the parents will not be able to educate, provide for its needs, protect it... I have already written several topics and messages on this forum, and a poll to vote if we are for or against this license to procreate, license to parent. I have been criticized for my activism (I am myself disabled and excluded from society, I did not ask for anything, certainly not to be born like that from selfish parents).
I also created a topic with a poll, on this forum, to ask if, as an alternative to the license to procreate, license to parent, it would be good to allow the child to sue his parents, his family, his country, doctors, etc., responsible for his creation, his birth, if the child believes that his existence was voluntarily accompanied by disabilities, illnesses, lack of education, lack of future, especially if his parents, his family, his doctors, etc., knew that the child will have an unworthy life, rejected, etc., that his parents will be incapable of educating him, providing for his needs, his development, or worse, will mistreat him, indoctrinate him into a sect, a thug life, etc. Here again, the poll gave more no than yes, even if it was close to equality.
Personally I saw, lived and witnessed, these children (some of these children are my friends), the descent into hell of their lives, forced internments, prison, hospital bedridden, death in suffering, life of misery ...
Worse still, their parents helped themselves to the allowances, the salary of their own children, to use them as sources of income, or retirement insurance, my country encourages this, by allowing these parents to pursue their children, to force them to provide for the needs of their parents, it is cruel. I saw children created by their parents to end up prostitutes, drug dealers, pickpockets ...
I can completely understand that some people really want CTB by violence, I knew two who have CTB by violence, in public, car accident and jumping from a height in public. Their life was miserable and their cruel selfish parents, who did not even hesitate to throw them out when they came of age, had forcibly interned them, put them under guardianship...
The disadvantage of these violent CTBs is the fact that society, rather than questioning itself (I no longer believe in human beings, the worst species that nature has created), will seek ways to block the possibilities of CTB, block forums like this one, monitor people they consider at risk of CTB, force the psychiatric hospitalization for prevention, prison for prevention, confiscate their property, cars, weapons, medicines, products... This can be seen with the attempts of different States that try to block SaSu, dismantle the sellers of N, then SN now, and even helium, now combined with oxygen, demand proof of identity, motives, etc., for different purchases of products that can be used for CTB, do more and more censorship on the internet, investigations with a view to arrests... These CTBs which can serve as a means for pro-lifers to exert pressure to prevent (or abolish, in countries that have legalized it) the legalization of euthanasia, assisted suicide, etc.