i want to be so in love that it changes my life completely and gives me a reason to push forward. i want to do cute matching cosplays and go to fun events together as my favorite ships, i want to do simple things like play videogames together, or bake, or cuddle.. i just want to love them deeply and truly. i want to be able to trust them completely, to be vulnerable and weak, and know they wont hurt me. so many people i thought i could trust have hurt me so many times, i just want to find that special person that makes me feel otherwise, that helps me heal.
The main thing i really want is for me to actually love them back. theres always ppl who claim to love me, who want me (normally in a physical sense), etc etc but i can never reciprocate. i just want to find someone that makes me feel human.
I get you wanting to have love as a comfort for all that strains in life. It truly is a beautiful thing; a beautiful blanket, to embrace.
But I want to tell you, that though love is a beautiful thing and an intense short-term cure, that it can't solve everything. It is a fine wine, but no panacea.
I feel your journey of feeling human, of loving
yourself, in a way, is a journey that is just as artistically beautiful and meaningful, as loving someone else as well.
The love of friendships, remember it too—the love of friends is like of siblings, intense and reinforcing, the kind of love that is perfect for the gauntlet that is life. Friends are just as important as lovers; if not more. The best lovers are great friends; but great friends may not always be lovers.
It is such a good, such a good catharsis, and so damn relieving, to be vulnerable with people, knowing they will heal you. Truly, it has an immense power to un-fuck people, to talk heart-to-heart with a friend, and let the world out into words, and be able to breathe again, thanks to someone else understanding you. It is beautiful, seek such wonderful friendship out if you can, and I promise you it will be worth it, and will allow you to understand life and it's beauty so much more. Oh, and it's beautiful itself too, of course.
I want to share this quote about Kafka's work with you, as well.
"It's not that students don't "get" Kafka's humor but that we've taught them to see humor as something you get—the same way we've taught them that a self is something you just have. No wonder they cannot appreciate the really central Kafka joke: that the horrific struggle to establish a human self results in a self whose humanity is inseparable from that horrific struggle. That our endless and impossible journey toward home is in fact our home."
—David Foster Wallace
I feel we were meant to befriend others. But I also think, that maybe we were also, meant to befriend ourselves.
To me, anyone who you like to see—and likes to see you—is your good friend, and that, is a truly beautiful and irreplicable thing about humanity.
I wish you all the best. May you have the best of friends in life, and may the best of lovers find you, too. I wish you that you're able to attain greatest of joy from this; and that any loneliness, confusion, or rejection you may know now; can be glossed over in the future, in light of wholesome social fulfillment.
"Amicus est tamquam alter idem."
"A friend is, as it were, a second self."