
Feb 7, 2023
I was average to decent looking as a kid. I still had many problems, my parents were abusive back then, I was bullied by peers, and even got a diagnosis of autism. However, life was still bearable back then, I was unpopular in school but still had friends who were also unpopular and had high social status within the group, I didn't have a gf or do anything sexual with girls but there were girls who complimented my face and showed interest in me, which I ignored. I was doing decent academically. People including some teachers thought I was smart and assumed I had potential. I envisioned I would actually be successful as an adult, having a decent paying job, being married and having kids, having friends, and having social experiences like clubbing and partying with friends. All of this was true until the fall of 2013, then everything changed.

Over the course of the summer at the tender age of 16, my face became hideously deformed tier. Since then everything in my life turned to utter shit, my friends started to bully me and eventually cut me off, I could no longer make new friends because people hated me as soon as they saw my face and began to avoid interacting with me. Girls who were nice to me suddenly started giving me the cold shoulder and in group projects they would actually avoid talking to me. I was never complimented for my looks ever again, all the girls checking me out began to give me looks of disgust and avoid interacting with me. I was treated like a creep and made fun off just for existing. Despite all this, I made significant progress and improved my social skills, but it meant nothing because I was ugly. I was treated worse than before when I had 0 social skills.

Still I held on to hope that things would change in college and got into a prestigious program at a state university, which wasn't easy at all, only to be treated the same and sometimes worse. I made a grand total of one friend my first semester while everyone else despised me, eventually we lost contact as well. This was the end of real life social interaction for me 7 years ago, I attempted suicide once that year but failed and assumed things would get better. . During this time my education turned into a shitshow, I dropped out of college, after withdrawing twice for two semesters. I went heavy into online boards only to be treated poorly as well as soon as I showed pictures of my face. Every online friend I have made since has turned out to be a larper and a bully of some sort, I have shown each of them my face and this was the result. Once I even had a long distance girlfriend, who was a complete psychopath and eventually ditched me for some other guy IRL. It's no coincidence that none of these deep friendships and relationships, where I texted and voice chatted for hours every-day generally lasted more than 6 weeks, the longest one so far has been exactly 3 months, generally ending badly due to my looks.

As a solution I underwent cosmetic surgery only to find that it didn't improve me at all significantly and might have even made me look slightly worse. Nevertheless this gave me motivation in the beginning, I underwent many different therapies and overcame my trauma, cognitive issues, depression and anxiety. Initially I started by doing food delivery in my car during the pandemic, I also managed to lose my virginity to an escort only to end up being unable to finish, feeling guilty, disgusted and unhappy with my repulsive face and her disgusted reaction when we were kissing.

Afterwards, I tried my hand at multiple entry level jobs only to find shitty working conditions, due to extreme physical demands or being discriminated for my looks, treated poorly and eventually fired. I attempted qualifications such as coursera certificates, becoming a public notary, gaining volunteer experience, and acing tests for government jobs only to find none of these helped me get a job. In many of these interviews for decent positions (working conditions wise), I was treated poorly by interviewers who responded with disgust and contempt as soon as seeing my face and immediately ghosted me after the interview, despite me answering the questions well. The results speak for themselves, looks matter more to people than anything else, because their perception of you is heavily warped by how you look, unless your face is dead average.

The results of these experiences have made me reluctant to try anything in life, due to realizing I will never be treated fairly based on my skills, accomplishments and personality. Nevertheless, I plan on trying one final hand at gaining an in-demand college certification and a chance at a decent job. I have accepted I am too hideously deformed to date women and won't bother with it anymore, it simply won't be fair to them to have to be seen with a repulsive monstrous looking creature like me. But I doubt anything much will come of it as my motivation has been sapped by this situation out of my control. Every time I go outside I get looks of disgust or contempt, which hasn't even been stopped by me wearing a mask and hoodie everywhere. I would like to move to my native country but this is dependent on my parents who seem hesitant, since there's a component of ethnic phenotype making my face unattractive as well, although it is mostly poor facial harmony, and bad bone structure. While I will still be hideously ugly there, I hope the element of discrimination will lessen there as I would be tall there and masculine looking with a decent body.

Regardless of these considerations it seems quite likely that CTB will be my only option in the end. I can't see any way that a decent quality of life can be achieved with my hideously deformed monstrous face. I hope to livestream a YouTube video and would be thrilled if people watched it as my final wish. While my life will be over by that point, I hope one day unattractive people will have the same opportunities as regular looking people, outside of dating and sex and that cosmetic surgery can be advanced to the point everyone can be made to look attractive.

If you have made it this far reading my life story, I thank you for your patience and consideration.
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Jan 20, 2023
My username is pretty pertinent to this. I'm very familiar with lookism. Do you know looksmax.org? I have an account there.
I have a deformity. It's fine, because I can fraud with my hair. But I do get upset with how a few mm of bone can careen your life to privileged or underprivileged. Well, not even that. What gets me is how there's this massive lie that looks aren't important, when if you happen to be exceptionally good looking or repulsive, you'd know that isn't true once you can inspect an average life.
I don't think there's a way to console you. Having a bad face is like having harsh limits on your life. In my experience, it was much worse in my late teens and twenties, since a combination of little life experience, and primed endocrine system trying to get you to reproduce exacerbates what is the basis for all sexual relationships, sexual attractiveness. I was an incel throughout my teens and early twenties, despite me being aware, and having that be motivation to try escape the condition. Maybe I'm getting off topic, but using Tinder, and getting zero matches was encouragement to CTB.
I don't want to tell you what to do, but I do urge you to try accepting yourself before CTB. Knowing that it's not your fault is very revealing, and it's what let's me make peace about the real way society functions, instead of me having to repress what I've learned so I myself can function. Earlier in your post you mentioned you have autism. I have autism, too. Diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome late, but I've had it all my life. Strangely I discovered drawing helps me cope. To know that it's just the way light reflects off objects that gives them their image puts into perspective how interesting the human body is. Why the visual cortex finds some configuration of bone in the face arousing will forever be speculated.
I hope one day unattractive people will have the same opportunities as regular looking people
That day will be the day that trans-humanism happens; when I can buy genetic mutations at Target (come on scientists, I want laser vision). It is only human to hate the ugly. In the same vein that transgender people can never change their biological sex, you know, the sex chromosomes, they'll never be transex. One day, I bet it will be possible. Not in my lifetime.
Cosmetic surgery ... everybody attractive
That doesn't address how it would still be terribly expensive. And then instead of it being one instance of randomness, it's potentially two, if you were born into a rich family, you can get the surgery.
Currently, going above the eyes with regards to body mods is almost certain death; no surgeon worth their salt would even humor the idea. Maybe Dr. Eppy, but he's insane...ly skilled and a pioneer. Since virtue signalling is so strong in social settings, and that means society, this problem will likely go unrecognized to everybody but the deranged, and will never get the money needed to further cosmetic surgery. Hell, finasteride is STILL the best hairloss treatment with 1/5 experiencing MPB before they are even 21. It's been like that for seven years. When we can't even talk about it publicly, and it's stigmatized there will never be change.

This is my first post on SS. Hello forum goers. I hope you are all coping okay.
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Jul 25, 2021
I'm thinking of ctb due to exact same reasons as well. A severely scarred face due to acne which only gets worse with age. The stress it caused over the years along with social anxiety which i had since I was a teen has taken a significant toll on my brain and led to destructive habits and self sabotage for years. It's a struggle to form complete sentences now and I feel so dumb.

If it wasn't for my scarred face, I believe I wouldn't be here. My social anxiety used to be so much tolerable before I got scarred. People would approach me and all I had to do was just work on my personality and social skills and I could've had a decent quiet life. But ever since this tragedy struck, I'm feeling completely hopeless. I refuse to live with such low quality of life. I get panic attacks whenever I catch the slightest glimpse of my face in reflection. Do I even deserve any of this?

It hurts even more when you know and have experienced what it is like to be normal/decent looking and all of it is snatched away from you and you're expected to adopt to a new low.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's just so incredibly unfair what you've been through and it's just so awful how factors that are out of people's control can cause them to suffer so much, this world is undeniably such a cruel place and of course I believe that so many humans just make things way worse with the way that they treat other people. But anyway I wish you the best.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm sorry to read about how society is really cruel and superficial to you. It really is an injustice to experience this kind of treatment from the people around you, and even more insulting that most people (since they are average and consists of the majority of humans) are ignorant towards your plight or even downplay, invalidate your suffering. They suck and while I experience different problems in life (I too, am on the spectrum and have had the diagnosis for a while), I can somewhat relate to some degree of the suffering that non-neurotypical (or neurodivergent) people go through.

As far as the day that superficiality will no longer be a thing, I don't know if or when (assuming that it is possible due to the flawed human nature that humans have), but I hope so, that way people are given fair basic opportunities in life (especially those who wish to live and thrive).
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Oct 2, 2022
You've really sought out every path that was offered. You've spent time thinking this through and no one can say otherwise.

I know looks come first and foremost and then personality. It's an uphill battle if you're ugly, disfigured, or deformed. That battle can be won, but it's a fucking battle. You already know that because you've been soldiering through this and you've done a damn good job fighting for yourself. I want to give you serious credit for that. I respect that a lot. It's not an easy life and it'll never be a life of luxury attractive people can more easily get. It's always going to be a life of conquering this push-back, and that's exhausting.

I'm another acne scarred sufferer here on the forum with an unusually pale skinned ethnic disadvantage. It's why I'm here. My mask and hood feel like the only shields keeping me going out there.

I don't think it's a coincidence many severe sufferers of look impediments are also on the spectrum. Right from the beginning that can create a sense of alienation regardless of appearance. I'm pretty sure I'm autistic too. Autistic people have trouble with comfortable conversation flow, being vulnerable socially, and being strong socially with their body language. Those are the characteristics that allow ugly, disfigured, and deformed people to thrive. I've spent a decade really looking into the subject of lookism. I've seen literally monstrous people thrive and be accepted. I'm talking dog bite victims, burn victims, post cancer chunks of face missing, cranial abnormalities, skin diseased. I've seen it all. Of course, for every 1 person like that thriving there's probably 1000 falling under. For the ones who do well though, people probably meet them and they are likely disturbed and disgusted. Even so, they push through with their own inner light and strong body language and brush off that initial shock. That wins some people over. If you're autistic that inner light and body language doesn't always shine like a normal person though. A lot of good looking autistic people get socially rejected for the way their expression and mannerisms are perceived by others. Another reason might be that people with autism can sometimes be hypersensitive to certain external stimuli and tend to miscalculate the range of emotional expression of others. The gasps, sighs, eye rolls, scrunched up faces, all those expressions are scary and might have a higher effect on someone with autism. I remember I told a co-worker once customers were "yelling" at me, and he said no one has ever yelled here in honest disbelief. I took everything to an elevated level cause of that inherent sensitivity. I just can't take what I perceive are critical or even vicious negative reactions. I've never figured out how to gain the internal strength to do that. I have yet to find the answer there. Like you, I went to the surgeons to try to fix this and just quiet the reactions.

Whatever happens, I want you to hear from someone who knows it that I think you have an amazing inner self to be here today and to keep putting yourself forward. I know we live mostly in the shadows and hardly ever get credit for this unique battle. Every single day the fucking appearance problem is draining our spirit in the background, even more so when you have to step outside. I haven't left my house in two years, I just gave up. I'm seeing another surgeon on Tuesday and spent all last night wondering if I should just kill myself and end this cruel internal and external battle.

I dream of being one of those severely abnormal looking people that just exists and lets their spirit be free regardless of all the social push-back. I follow a bunch of people that do exist and live freely that way on Instagram for inspiration. I think you won no matter what happens because you tried. That's all we can do. My inbox is open if you ever need someone who gets it. I'm rooting for you.
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Mar 13, 2020
I honestly don't know much/ at all about lookism, but it all sounds True to form on how our world / life / society functions as a Whole..... Very sadly.

Thank you for sharing this with us and wish you Nothing but the best, Really fckn sucks that Life in General can be so Damn harsh, brutal, inconsiderate, demeaning, cruel...... the list goes On. I wish looks didn't matter so Much, but they do. ( As stated above.... They can matter to a point, and with more rare occasions people can look Past it regardless of the situation and appreciate You...... You for really who you are in your heart and soul. ♥ )

I've always loved the quote; " Beauty is in the eye of the beholder " Always struck a chord with me for whatever reason.. OP... I wish You and Anyone dealing with this the absolute best. I can't really imagine...

Thoughts and prayers always - ♥
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Dec 3, 2022
My username is pretty pertinent to this. I'm very familiar with lookism. Do you know looksmax.org? I have an account there.
I have a deformity. It's fine, because I can fraud with my hair. But I do get upset with how a few mm of bone can careen your life to privileged or underprivileged. Well, not even that. What gets me is how there's this massive lie that looks aren't important, when if you happen to be exceptionally good looking or repulsive, you'd know that isn't true once you can inspect an average life.
I don't think there's a way to console you. Having a bad face is like having harsh limits on your life. In my experience, it was much worse in my late teens and twenties, since a combination of little life experience, and primed endocrine system trying to get you to reproduce exacerbates what is the basis for all sexual relationships, sexual attractiveness. I was an incel throughout my teens and early twenties, despite me being aware, and having that be motivation to try escape the condition. Maybe I'm getting off topic, but using Tinder, and getting zero matches was encouragement to CTB.
I don't want to tell you what to do, but I do urge you to try accepting yourself before CTB. Knowing that it's not your fault is very revealing, and it's what let's me make peace about the real way society functions, instead of me having to repress what I've learned so I myself can function. Earlier in your post you mentioned you have autism. I have autism, too. Diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome late, but I've had it all my life. Strangely I discovered drawing helps me cope. To know that it's just the way light reflects off objects that gives them their image puts into perspective how interesting the human body is. Why the visual cortex finds some configuration of bone in the face arousing will forever be speculated.

That day will be the day that trans-humanism happens; when I can buy genetic mutations at Target (come on scientists, I want laser vision). It is only human to hate the ugly. In the same vein that transgender people can never change their biological sex, you know, the sex chromosomes, they'll never be transex. One day, I bet it will be possible. Not in my lifetime.

That doesn't address how it would still be terribly expensive. And then instead of it being one instance of randomness, it's potentially two, if you were born into a rich family, you can get the surgery.
Currently, going above the eyes with regards to body mods is almost certain death; no surgeon worth their salt would even humor the idea. Maybe Dr. Eppy, but he's insane...ly skilled and a pioneer. Since virtue signalling is so strong in social settings, and that means society, this problem will likely go unrecognized to everybody but the deranged, and will never get the money needed to further cosmetic surgery. Hell, finasteride is STILL the best hairloss treatment with 1/5 experiencing MPB before they are even 21. It's been like that for seven years. When we can't even talk about it publicly, and it's stigmatized there will never be change.

This is my first post on SS. Hello forum goers. I hope you are all coping okay.

Welcome, great first post! xo, j
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Feb 7, 2023
Bumping this post again, kinda depressing how things are even worse after about a year. Nothing improves with a face like mine.
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Jul 8, 2023
Firstly, I would like to commend you for still trying to make something of yourself. Age 16, when you're self-esteem is most vulnerable, is quite possibly the worst age to have your physical appearance violently altered. I couldn;t even imagine. The world is indeed a cruel place when it comes to the value of physical attractiveness. I understand your desire to end it. It's devastating.

You seem to have an intelligent mind and good personaility. You also have the benefit of knowing both how it feels to be physically attractive and not. At the age of 44, one thing I can assure you is that many women past their 30s tend to focus mainly on a males' character and how secure a male makes them feel. Often, physical appearance is taken out of the equation. I imagine it's because they eventually realize that these important traits are rarely found in physically attractive males.

I recommend respectfully calling people out when it's blatantly obvious that you're being treated based on your physical appearance. Either on the spot or through a letter. It may make them conscious of something that they may not be aware that they are doing out of pure human instinct. That if you even care about still having these people in your life. Ask them why they are punishing you for something you clearly cannot control. Maybe dedicate your Youtube channel (and might I also recommend TikTok) to discussions on physical appearance. I think you would gain a lot of engagement from people that have the same problem and also bring awareness to those that don't. I would be a follower for sure.

You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but would you mind sharing what caused your disfiguration? I only ask because I have family members in the pastic surgery field that might be able to offer some input on a possible procedures that may have been overlooked by your doctors.

God bless you, man. You deserve something good to happen to you soon. I hope it does.
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sending love to cats
Apr 4, 2022
Yo! just wanted to say that your former friends are assholes. more precisely, I think they were just shallow, and it's kind of sad. everything external is too fickle and short-lived to appreciate it... What you're writing is really sad. just wanted to remind you that people who judge you only by your appearance are usually worthless.
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Mar 23, 2018
I want to say something smart or intelligent but I don't know what I could possibly say to help.
I have been overlooked by people as well because of my looks. I know people say "looks don't matter" ...
That is a lie. It has been proven in studies. Even babies can tell if someone is attractive.
Sorry this may have brought you down more. 🤗🤗🤗🤗 I understand your pain though. 🤗🤗🤗🤗
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Dec 31, 2022
you seem very intelligent! are you comfortable sharing what exactly you're so insecure about?

as a girl myself I promise you we care less and less about looks, I know it seems like it's all that matters now but that's how we feel on social media and it's not like that in real life. traits like confidence, intelligence, security, kindness are traits that matter too.

this makes me really sad to read but you seem like a cool person and I think you just got a lot of shit ends of things. the world sucks and is vain but I know there's people out there that look past it
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