When I was 15 I took 33, 600mg tablets; almost 20,000mg. Obviously I was taken to the hospital or I likely wouldn't be here, and after ~10 hours there was no liver damage yet.
I will say, however, that Tylenol is surprisingly toxic. If you have concerns please have someone take you to the hospital. I know from experience that that is NOT the way to go. It felt like my insides were being dissolved in acid. The vomiting didn't stop until like a half hour after getting an IV with antiemetics. Had I not gone to the hospital, it would have been 3-5 days before death, and that would be due to your liver shutting down.
Charcoal/vomiting isn't going to help you at this point, it's already absorbed. They didn't pump my stomach when I went to the hospital because it was too late, and that was almost 5x (or more than) what you took.
I hope you make a speedy recovery whatever your decision.