
Sep 21, 2021
I took the Jordan Peterson "Big Five Personality Test" a while back. I've always been a fan of Dr. Peterson and it only cost like 5 bucks. I was curious, since I've always suspected I have problems with my personality. I'm anxious, skeptical of others, and am easily upset.

My results basically said I have no hope. My percentiles were Agreeableness 50th, Compassion 72nd, Politeness 26th, Conscientiousness 41st, Industriousness 4th, Orderliness 90th, Extroversion 16th, Enthusiasm 8th, Assertiveness 36th, Neuroticism 99th, Withdrawal 99th, Volatility 97th, Openness to Experience 9th, Intellect 2nd (lol), Openness 38th.

The intellect percentile made me laugh, as I do very well in school. Apparently "intellect" as a personality trait means an interest in abstract ideas. I suppose I'm not interested in abstract ideas. And industriousness also made me laugh. I procrastinate out of worry. I wouldn't call myself willfully lazy.

The test basically said that I will always have a predisposition to anxiety, depression, and low self esteem. They're rooted in my personality. I will also always struggle in my career and in relationships.

One part that I found amusing was the quote "Very orderly people are highly disgust-sensitive, extraordinarily judgemental, and have a strong tendency towards right-wing authoritarianism (particularly if low in openness)". Well... Guess I'm a Nazi now lol. I like to keep my room clean and tidy, and I dislike new experiences because they make me anxious. I am literally Mussolini.

I really didn't expect the results to be this bad. I tried to be honest. I was expecting some insight. Not to get roasted.


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
The irony is that this sort of message would run contrary to a lot of Mr. Peterson's own pep talks that discourage defeatism.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
I took the Jordan Peterson "Big Five Personality Test" a while back. I've always been a fan of Dr. Peterson and it only cost like 5 bucks. I was curious, since I've always suspected I have problems with my personality. I'm anxious, skeptical of others, and am easily upset.

My results basically said I have no hope. My percentiles were Agreeableness 50th, Compassion 72nd, Politeness 26th, Conscientiousness 41st, Industriousness 4th, Orderliness 90th, Extroversion 16th, Enthusiasm 8th, Assertiveness 36th, Neuroticism 99th, Withdrawal 99th, Volatility 97th, Openness to Experience 9th, Intellect 2nd (lol), Openness 38th.

The intellect percentile made me laugh, as I do very well in school. Apparently "intellect" as a personality trait means an interest in abstract ideas. I suppose I'm not interested in abstract ideas. And industriousness also made me laugh. I procrastinate out of worry. I wouldn't call myself willfully lazy.

The test basically said that I will always have a predisposition to anxiety, depression, and low self esteem. They're rooted in my personality. I will also always struggle in my career and in relationships.

One part that I found amusing was the quote "Very orderly people are highly disgust-sensitive, extraordinarily judgemental, and have a strong tendency towards right-wing authoritarianism (particularly if low in openness)". Well... Guess I'm a Nazi now lol. I like to keep my room clean and tidy, and I dislike new experiences because they make me anxious. I am literally Mussolini.

I really didn't expect the results to be this bad. I tried to be honest. I was expecting some insight. Not to get roasted.

Thse rsults r v blck & whte - ppl r ordrly fr mny diffrnt reasns

Petrsn = bittr & angry persn - wld nt advse puttng 2 mch in2 tht assessmnt


Oct 2, 2022
I remember taking it for the first time when I was feeling hopeless. My negativity skewed my results. I took it again later with a level, clear head and the results were more accurate for a moving average of my tendencies. This might've been an accurate snapshot of your view of yourself in that moment. I wouldn't see it as a incriminating sentence. Peterson is a very shallow psychologist. He has a tendency to take very complex subjects and simplify them in a detrimental way. It's kind of his nature. It's ironic because the thought leaders he quotes do the complete opposite and derive deep meaning from the smallest things. I think the philosophers and psychologists he pulls from had the better idea of the human condition. You're a complex person that evolves with time, emotional mindframe and experience that can't be summed up by this test in a snapshot of time. Jordan Peterson himself is terrified of chaos and wants to box things in to feel better about life. Don't fall victim to that and box yourself in with these results.

Another thing is maybe it did reveal things you hate about yourself. That's fair, you were seeking the full picture when you took it. You can examine what parts make you sad and see what you can do with that. We all have aspects of ourselves we can't stand. I think the process of building a better relationship with ourselves includes examining what we hate, why we hate it, and what's the bigger picture about carrying those traits.

I'll have to retake this test. You get different results every time so either I have a no self or this personality test does a poor job of defining the real aspects of a personality. I prefer the mbti model to be honest.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Jordan Peterson himself is terrified of chaos and wants to box things in to feel better about life.
I don't want to pretend I'm knowledgeable, but from what I know, I agree with your assessment. He has some insightful and interesting comments on a variety of matters, but ultimately stands for a fairly bland and generic idea of how people should be.

A friend who is into him showed me a talk the other day which I was immediately able to critique. Mr. Peterson was suggesting that negative memories can be overcome just by realising that the past memory has been learned from and can be discarded. Sounds great, if only it were true. I said that is not even close to how it works, especially where PTSD is concerned.

On another occasion, he cited a study suggesting that childless couples are happier on average, but then went on to say that everyone should procreate anyway because it's noble to do so, or something. This comes across as a lunatic fundamentalist Christian angle. Again, my take on this particular issue is opposite of the spectrum. Not exactly antinatalism, but bringing a life into the world needs very careful deliberation, and suffering to prove one's toughness does not impress me.

He's also quick to label men who are materially or socially unsuccessful in negative ways, even though a more enlightened perspective would recognise that success can be difficult to define. This is especially true to anyone with knowledge about spirituality, or deep appreciation of the arts.

In summary, his views are intelligent and often insightful, but the idea that he is a master whose word can be treated as gospel would be a dangerous error.
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