

Apr 29, 2023
If God exists then he's a sadist or we are in hell. I think that to be in a world this bad we had to do something to end up here. I think we screwed up and we were sent here as ether a punishment or to teach us a lesson. Honestly with the way things are going my hope that we are here to learn is getting smaller and smaller. I think this is a cruel punishment that we have to endure for the rest of time.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I certainly agree that having the ability to exist here is such a cruel punishment, but to me there is no such thing as God and religion, it's a fictional concept invented to brainwash people. I just see life as being a tragic and unfortunate consequence of evolution and we only exist because people were selfish enough to procreate. There is no deeper meaning behind the way that life is, but of course many humans question this as they have the ability to be conscious.

But yes, this world is undeniably such a hellish place and existing here could never be desirable, it truly is horrifying the amount of unnecessary torture that existing beings have experienced all throughout history and will continue to in the future. Life is nothing more than an endless cycle of suffering that very sadly continues to repeat, it's something that is so harmful.
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Jun 13, 2021
Should be straight forward: "oh, wait.. my neighbour's kid jumped into the river and got paralysed for life and my MIL died screaming in pain from cancer. Life seems kind of dangerous, I think it's safer to not have kids." But no, we cling to idiotic fairy tales telling us we're special and must procreate.

Food webs are evil, what kind of meaning could a prey animal look forward to in life. They reproduce to become food for someone else. Hell is an appropriate term.

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