I've done things I regret I can't forgive myself for
I don't know if I magnify them to be worse than they are I don't know I just know I hate myself
Good people do 'bad' things, it isn't necessarily a bad thing, but a bad choice.
We all make mistakes, things we immensely regret, and things we can't change. The important thing is, we learn from it, and forgive ourselves.
People make the same bad choices, sometimes over and over again, and it might take them longer to learn from it, but it doesn't make them a bad person, at all! Some learn straight away. It's what makes us human
We can even hurt others in the process, which isn't what we intended, but it doesn't make you a bad person. The point is to own up to what you've done, take responsibility, and move on. People are forgiving
And as another user said, those that think they're a bad person, usual aren't.
If you were truly a bad person, you wouldn't give a shit. It would not haunt you, you wouldn't give it a second thought. Now that is a truly bad person. That isn't how you strike me, at all. You are very hard on yourself
I can relate to these feelings, so you're not alone there, and I guarantee many others on here can, too. Trust us, you're not a bad person :-)
So, again, crappy decisions doesn't make anyone a bad person. You are human at the end of the day, we all do it