My life isn't the greatest. However, it's not nearly as bad as others on this forum, at least from what I've read so far. I've always been a pretty cowardly person, it's likely my worst trait as a human. Especially for a male, being a coward is one of the worst things one can be. It seems this also extends to CTB as well. As horrible as I feel at times, I can't bring myself to go through with it. It's ironic. Being a coward is what led to me creating the circumstances that lead to my wanting to CTB but it's also the thing that holds me back from doing it. Funny how that works out.
I understand you. Personally, if my day of CTB nears, I would be really happy,
yet really scared.
Also, I understand that certain CTB methods will cause apprehension and fear to a individual. Not all CTB methods is for everyone.
Pls do not call yourself a coward. I understand y u feel that u can't go through with CTB. To do it is a big decision. Secondly, it will take time for people to get over with their fears before they are able to execute the CTB plans. Only we can truly decide ourselves.
Also, I can understand that u fear of the consequenes and the pain that you would have to endure if the CTB attempt fails.
Also, it is not like we can immediately execute the CTB plans, it is not that easy.
I get you man, take some time and then go through with your decision.
Ultimately, I hope that you find the peace in the present / post life that u need.