
Dec 18, 2022

1) Some background: A few weeks ago I posted that I will ctb using cutting my throat. But, SI has kicked in + my fear that I may accidently cut some nerves and end up paralyzed. I hate SI because every time it kicks in and makes me feel like if I don't ctb life will be better this time. Maybe it becomes better; I just don't want to live. To be forced to hear how much I must be grateful to people, how lazy I am etc.

2) Technique: I will describe it as best as I can. The other day I discovered that if I breathe rapidly and deeply, after... like... 2 minutes, I start feeling dizzy. Here comes the interesting part: if I stop and hold my breath after feeling dizzy, I have noticed that I can hold my breath fairly comfortably as much as I can. Just for fun, I tested... I don't remember... some long period of time and I noticed that I don't feel urge to breathe. Ofc I freaked out and stopped (like... wow I don't breathe in for so long and I still feel no urge), but feeling excited.

3) Method: Do that technique inside water (IDK if this is exactly what they call shallow water drowning) OR do it while mouth & nose wrapped in stuff life duct tape or something like very sticky RAT trap and wait until I lose consciousness. As I believe, this technique seems to make holding breath more comfortable.

The downsides of rat trap/duck tape method: after losing consciousness, who knows, my body may subconsciously make seizure/convulsions so hard they may be removed, especially if they are not too sticky. Sadly duct tapes sold here aren't very sticky

any thoughts? questions? do you agree with my thoughts?
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Jun 20, 2023

1) Alcuni retroscena: alcune settimane fa ho postato che avrei ctb usando il taglio della gola. Ma, SI ha preso a calci + la mia paura che potrei accidentalmente tagliare alcuni nervi e finire paralizzato. Odio SI perché ogni volta che entra in gioco e mi fa sentire come se non ctb la vita sarebbe migliore questa volta. Forse diventa migliore; È solo che non voglio vivere. Essere costretto a sentire quanto devo essere grato alle persone, quanto sono pigro ecc.

2) Tecnica: la descriverò nel miglior modo possibile. L'altro giorno ho scoperto che se respiro rapidamente e profondamente, dopo... tipo... 2 minuti, comincio a sentire le vertigini. Qui arriva la parte interessante: se mi fermo e trattengo il respiro dopo aver avuto le vertigini, ho notato che posso trattenere il respiro abbastanza comodamente il più possibile. Solo per divertimento, ho testato... non ricordo... per un lungo periodo di tempo e ho notato che non sento il bisogno di respirare. Spesso sono andato fuori di testa e mi sono fermato (come ... wow non inspiro da così tanto tempo e ancora non sento alcun bisogno), ma mi sento eccitato.

3) Metodo: fai quella tecnica dentro l'acqua (IDK se questo è esattamente ciò che chiamano annegamento in acque poco profonde) O fallo mentre bocca e naso sono avvolti in nastro adesivo o qualcosa come una trappola per topi molto appiccicosa e aspetta finché non perdo conoscenza. Come credo, questa tecnica sembra rendere più comodo trattenere il respiro.

Gli svantaggi del metodo trappola per topi/nastro adesivo: dopo aver perso conoscenza, chissà, il mio corpo potrebbe inconsciamente provocare convulsioni/convulsioni così forti da poter essere rimosse, specialmente se non sono troppo appiccicose. Purtroppo i nastri adesivi venduti qui non sono molto appiccicosi

qualche idea? domande? siete d'accordo con il mio pensiero?
Why do you want to kill yourself? I want to hear your opinion.
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To infinity and beyond
Jun 16, 2023
The SI for this one is going to be a bitch
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Feb 13, 2023
Heroin 💕
You take enough of it and it's blissful you overdose feeling great and there wouldn't be any SI during it maybe before it but it was a wonderful experience for me

Knowing I was going to die and the euphoria that came, didn't even know I overdosed!
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May 7, 2022
It's a pretty creative method, I'd say... But you still need to take some precautions. There's a high chance the SI will kick in anyway after a long period of holding your breath, and doing that underwater will complicate things even more. Still, it doesn't seem impossible to do, so I wish you the best of luck if you proceed with this method.
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Jun 19, 2023
I've been trying to source N, and have got scammed, more than once (before I read on this page about the lack of availability), so I'm planning helium. 99% helium, 2 canisters that would do up to total 100 9 inch balloons, with a snorkel mask wired up supplying the gas at a steady flow. Is there any tips or anything else I need to consider? Is that enough helium?

I've considered other options but this seems pretty quick and pain free.

This is my first post.


Dec 13, 2022
Heroin 💕
You take enough of it and it's blissful you overdose feeling great and there wouldn't be any SI during it maybe before it but it was a wonderful experience for me

Knowing I was going to die and the euphoria that came, didn't even know I overdosed!
How much Heroine cost ? or even Fentanyl ?


Feb 13, 2023
How much Heroine cost ? or even Fentanyl ?
You can get .2g (200mg) for 10-15 a bag otherwise a gram is 75-100 a gram. Most street heroin has fentanyl in it but I personally don't enjoy overdosing on fentanyl, it's not as euphoric


Dec 13, 2022
You can get .2g (200mg) for 10-15 a bag otherwise a gram is 75-100 a gram. Most street heroin has fentanyl in it but I personally don't enjoy overdosing on fentanyl, it's not as euphoric

Thanks Matalpi, I am not asking Drug for Stress relief of for pleasure, I am thinking about an Idea of dying by drug Overdose, I heard just 3-milligram of Fentanyl is lethal, But i never had a drug before lol (I know you might think its funny but what else to say?) I really don't know lot about how drug works though, That's y I am asking What will be the price of it (1g of Fentanyl [or] 10mg of Fentanyl?) - i would like to know whether I can afford it or not ----- I am from india, do you know any reliable dealer here?
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Dec 5, 2019
Heroin 💕
You take enough of it and it's blissful you overdose feeling great and there wouldn't be any SI during it maybe before it but it was a wonderful experience for me

Knowing I was going to die and the euphoria that came, didn't even know I overdosed!
Maybe I'll go with this instead of hanging. I forgot all about our dear friend heroin. 💕


Something In The Way
Mar 25, 2023


  • 147490_Oxycodon__Fentanyl_guide_English_230622_145157.pdf
    65.7 KB · Views: 0
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Dec 5, 2019
This will definitely end your life however it's pretty expensive where I live. Buying 20 real 80mg oxycodone is difficult to find (on the streets) and will cost a few thousand dollars alone. I don't think fentanyl patches are cheap either.

In my opinion, buying fake (pressed) pills with fentanyl is a cheaper method that would achieve the same outcome.
Fake pressed pain pills are abundantly and cheaply available on the streets here in the US.
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Awaiting for life’s end ☠️
Jun 22, 2023

1) Some background: A few weeks ago I posted that I will ctb using cutting my throat. But, SI has kicked in + my fear that I may accidently cut some nerves and end up paralyzed. I hate SI because every time it kicks in and makes me feel like if I don't ctb life will be better this time. Maybe it becomes better; I just don't want to live. To be forced to hear how much I must be grateful to people, how lazy I am etc.

2) Technique: I will describe it as best as I can. The other day I discovered that if I breathe rapidly and deeply, after... like... 2 minutes, I start feeling dizzy. Here comes the interesting part: if I stop and hold my breath after feeling dizzy, I have noticed that I can hold my breath fairly comfortably as much as I can. Just for fun, I tested... I don't remember... some long period of time and I noticed that I don't feel urge to breathe. Ofc I freaked out and stopped (like... wow I don't breathe in for so long and I still feel no urge), but feeling excited.

3) Method: Do that technique inside water (IDK if this is exactly what they call shallow water drowning) OR do it while mouth & nose wrapped in stuff life duct tape or something like very sticky RAT trap and wait until I lose consciousness. As I believe, this technique seems to make holding breath more comfortable.

The downsides of rat trap/duck tape method: after losing consciousness, who knows, my body may subconsciously make seizure/convulsions so hard they may be removed, especially if they are not too sticky. Sadly duct tapes sold here aren't very sticky

any thoughts? questions? do you agree with my thoughts?
Would you want to do that & then go somewhere to drown so at least your certified your going ?
I've been trying to source N, and have got scammed, more than once (before I read on this page about the lack of availability), so I'm planning helium. 99% helium, 2 canisters that would do up to total 100 9 inch balloons, with a snorkel mask wired up supplying the gas at a steady flow. Is there any tips or anything else I need to consider? Is that enough helium?

I've considered other options but this seems pretty quick and pain free.

This is my first post.
Have u checked out peaceful pI'll hand book he literally gives u everytning u need for this method. I don't understand how to slowly regulate gas for steady flow or how it would work but I want to do this … I can send pdf link for book so u don't have to buy it
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Apr 12, 2023
i discovered this exact same thing, im pretty sure its swb. but, ive never been able to make myself unconscious.

1) Some background: A few weeks ago I posted that I will ctb using cutting my throat. But, SI has kicked in + my fear that I may accidently cut some nerves and end up paralyzed. I hate SI because every time it kicks in and makes me feel like if I don't ctb life will be better this time. Maybe it becomes better; I just don't want to live. To be forced to hear how much I must be grateful to people, how lazy I am etc.

2) Technique: I will describe it as best as I can. The other day I discovered that if I breathe rapidly and deeply, after... like... 2 minutes, I start feeling dizzy. Here comes the interesting part: if I stop and hold my breath after feeling dizzy, I have noticed that I can hold my breath fairly comfortably as much as I can. Just for fun, I tested... I don't remember... some long period of time and I noticed that I don't feel urge to breathe. Ofc I freaked out and stopped (like... wow I don't breathe in for so long and I still feel no urge), but feeling excited.

3) Method: Do that technique inside water (IDK if this is exactly what they call shallow water drowning) OR do it while mouth & nose wrapped in stuff life duct tape or something like very sticky RAT trap and wait until I lose consciousness. As I believe, this technique seems to make holding breath more comfortable.

The downsides of rat trap/duck tape method: after losing consciousness, who knows, my body may subconsciously make seizure/convulsions so hard they may be removed, especially if they are not too sticky. Sadly duct tapes sold here aren't very sticky

any thoughts? questions? do you agree with my thoughts?
have you been successful or have any tips?
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Jun 1, 2023
I am sorry but there are threads about F and heroin. This conversation is off topic.

Thumbs up for this thread. Poor man choice for suicide, definitely. Yes, survival instinct is hard with this method, that's why I'm rethinking hanging. Maybe it's a good way when person is too desperate and willing to go through survival instinct suffering before passing out. Sounds less harsh then poisoning, cyanosis etc. I would like to hear more opinions on this method,definitely.

I think it's cheap, duable and quite reliable if we are not found and make it impossible to untape.
I would use an industrial tape for this purpose.
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Dec 18, 2022
Why do you want to kill yourself? I want to hear your opinion.
sometimes my depression becomes too hard and I wonder what's point of living.
The SI for this one is going to be a bitch
it depends. Shallow water blackout happened to many people when they weren't even aware of it. My method I inspired by it. I wrote more information on this method in reply to other comments below. I try to be aware of everything about this method
Heroin 💕
You take enough of it and it's blissful you overdose feeling great and there wouldn't be any SI during it maybe before it but it was a wonderful experience for me

Knowing I was going to die and the euphoria that came, didn't even know I overdosed!
I can't use heroine but you described my method. According to Wikipedia, many people experience euphoria during shallow water blackout. And my method is inspired by it.
It's a pretty creative method, I'd say... But you still need to take some precautions. There's a high chance the SI will kick in anyway after a long period of holding your breath, and doing that underwater will complicate things even more. Still, it doesn't seem impossible to do, so I wish you the best of luck if you proceed with this method.
yes. I was inspired by shallow water blackout method.
Would you want to do that & then go somewhere to drown so at least your certified your going ?

Have u checked out peaceful pI'll hand book he literally gives u everytning u need for this method. I don't understand how to slowly regulate gas for steady flow or how it would work but I want to do this … I can send pdf link for book so u don't have to buy it
I chose this method. I will try it. it's just a matter of time
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I am not so sure about that method, but it is not my decision to make. Ultimately that will come down to you. Personally, I think there may be more peaceful methods worth exploring.
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Dec 18, 2022
I am sorry but there are threads about F and heroin. This conversation is off topic.

Thumbs up for this thread. Poor man choice for suicide, definitely. Yes, survival instinct is hard with this method, that's why I'm rethinking hanging. Maybe it's a good way when person is too desperate and willing to go through survival instinct suffering before passing out. Sounds less harsh then poisoning, cyanosis etc. I would like to hear more opinions on this method,definitely.

I think it's cheap, duable and quite reliable if we are not found and make it impossible to untape.
I would use an industrial tape for this purpose.
Survival instinct shouldn't be a big trouble. It is inspired by shallow water blackout method. Many People don't experience they are dying. There is lots of information about it on web.
I am not so sure about that method, but it is not my decision to make. Ultimately that will come down to you. Personally, I think there may be more peaceful methods worth exploring.
According to Google Search on this topic,

"Shallow water blackout is a loss of consciousness caused by cerebral hypoxia towards the end of a breath-hold dive in shallow water. It is typically caused by hyperventilating just before a dive, which lowers the carbon dioxide (CO2) level and delays the diver's urge to breathe."

" That's why I think this relatively painless method, because diver urge to breathe won't be as severe.
Unlike regular drowning where there can be 6-8 minutes before brain damage and death, there are ONLY about 2 ½ minutes before BRAIN DAMAGE then DEATH with SWB because the brain has already been oxygen deprived coupled with warm water as in swimming pools, hastening brain death."

" What does shallow water blackout feel like? Interestingly, a 1961 study of swimmers who survived a shallow water blackout reported feeling they could hold their breath forever right before they lost consciousness."

How do you think? I hope this plan will work
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Survival instinct shouldn't be a big trouble. It is inspired by shallow water blackout method. Many People don't experience they are dying. There is lots of information about it on web.

According to Google Search on this topic,

"Shallow water blackout is a loss of consciousness caused by cerebral hypoxia towards the end of a breath-hold dive in shallow water. It is typically caused by hyperventilating just before a dive, which lowers the carbon dioxide (CO2) level and delays the diver's urge to breathe."

" That's why I think this relatively painless method, because diver urge to breathe won't be as severe.
Unlike regular drowning where there can be 6-8 minutes before brain damage and death, there are ONLY about 2 ½ minutes before BRAIN DAMAGE then DEATH with SWB because the brain has already been oxygen deprived coupled with warm water as in swimming pools, hastening brain death."

" What does shallow water blackout feel like? Interestingly, a 1961 study of swimmers who survived a shallow water blackout reported feeling they could hold their breath forever right before they lost consciousness."

How do you think? I hope this plan will work
Well, it looks like you have done your research on the method. I guess if Survival Instinct doesn't take over it could work well. Having said that SI is a concern with all methods. That is why sedatives are helpful (so long as they are not too strong).
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Dec 18, 2022
It's a pretty creative method, I'd say... But you still need to take some precautions. There's a high chance the SI will kick in anyway after a long period of holding your breath, and doing that underwater will complicate things even more. Still, it doesn't seem impossible to do, so I wish you the best of luck if you proceed with this method.
What's your method? Unfortunately it's hard to find one. All of them have their risks.
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May 7, 2022
What's your method? Unfortunately it's hard to find one. All of them have their risks.
I currently don't have any method in mind since I'm trying recovery (and failing miserably), but the CO method is what interests me the most. And yes, there is no perfect method, they all have pros and cons. That's why we need to choose based on what is more comfortable and affordable for us. At least that's how I think.
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Dec 18, 2022
I currently don't have any method in mind since I'm trying recovery (and failing miserably), but the CO method is what interests me the most. And yes, there is no perfect method, they all have pros and cons. That's why we need to choose based on what is more comfortable and affordable for us. At least that's how I think.
I tried researching about it. It is very effective but complicated for me. it requires preparation. But if it works, it is comfortable.
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Jun 23, 2023
Would you want to do that & then go somewhere to drown so at least your certified your going ?

Have u checked out peaceful pI'll hand book he literally gives u everytning u need for this method. I don't understand how to slowly regulate gas for steady flow or how it would work but I want to do this … I can send pdf link for book so u don't have to buy it
can you send the pdf ?


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
can you send the pdf ?


The name's Cedrik
Jun 23, 2023
Yeah that's SWB. Planning to go out like that too.


Into the void.
Aug 15, 2023
Would you want to do that & then go somewhere to drown so at least your certified your going ?

Have u checked out peaceful pI'll hand book he literally gives u everytning u need for this method. I don't understand how to slowly regulate gas for steady flow or how it would work but I want to do this … I can send pdf link for book so u don't have to buy it
Can you send me the pdf?


Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Sep 10, 2023
This will definitely end your life however it's pretty expensive where I live. Buying 20 real 80mg oxycodone is difficult to find (on the streets) and will cost a few thousand dollars alone. I don't think fentanyl patches are cheap either.

In my opinion, buying fake (pressed) pills with fentanyl is a cheaper method that would achieve the same outcome.
Fake pressed pain pills are abundantly and cheaply available on the streets here in the US.
I have no idea how to find a dealer.

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