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Jan 1, 2024
It does thanks! I was on Wellbutrin years ago but for depression. Maybe it would be worth considering again. I have a somewhat similar situation. I had kept the weight off for a few years and then lost my home. I couldn't cope and started eating again. There's this kind of residual grief that won't go away. My mind shows me images of my old home and community through the day. It can be very visceral including smells, I guess it's a flashback but in a good way. Have you adjusted to your new town? I'm trying to get used to it, making a list of things I would like to do here in the future. Even dumb things like go for a walk down some of the nicer streets or carve pumpkins next fall.
I hear some people loose weight on Wellbutrin?


Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
No, I don't want him to die. I'm pointing out that ctb and exercise are both difficult, so he needs to stop acting like there's an easy option here. He needs to see a therapist.
If you're to the point that you have no interest in living who's to say you have interest in changing bad habits? Do you tell everyone here with bad habits to get a therapist and say that if they can't fix them they probably can't off themselves? If someone made a thread about their smoking problem would you tell them if they can't quit smoking they are lazy? Since I'm an anorexic and self harmer and no longer seek recovery what does that say about me by this logic. If someone can't quit cutting? Food addiction in this context is just another form of self harm but for whatever reason it gets seen as different. People here blame the world for irrational things that aren't actually the world's fault all the time. It's the nature of this site that people don't always have the clearest views on their own problems. I don't know why this person in particular is getting such aggressive comments when their thread is no different than the ones who say that the world is to blame for their suicidality.
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Why, do the birds, go on singing??
Mar 14, 2024
I think this thread is fuxked as to who is responding to who lol. Yeah you are right though about weight is 80% food. Ideally you'd count roughly how many calories you are in taking a day (with no exercise for the day) and that would be your base. You would then reduce it (NOT drastically). So if you had 4 meals a day make it 3.5 a day. Eventually you hit a point of being too hungry (I'm not talking dopamine brain being hungry I mean actually hunger for the body just to fuel itself).
Big boobs fucks women. I knew 2 girls who have scoliosis and other spine problems and they do have big boobs (it does cause issues). My previous partner I helped with - you can get sports bras that are really supportive and breathable. They weren't super tight but enough to go around (not do running or high impact stuff) company was based in the EU though (I think you are USA?). Advise not to do HIIT stuff as it involves a lot of jumping and other nonsense. Golfers blow their spines becuase of the sport, divers compress their discs and skiiers mess their knees up due to the constant inward pressure. I'm tall 6"2 but I had lumbar issues and couldn't do trampoline, running, etc. more stationary stuff and controlled.

Carrying dogs is good. Hopefully you'd squat to pick them up rather than bed over (that's usually how lumbar discs pop). Walking dogs is low impact which is good as well.

Yeah 1st thing is calories in /out or your neutral level then after you can look at exercise stuff. If the diet is crap then the exercise will make 0 difference. In fact it'll make you worse, more irritated and more mood swings. If you starved yourself and worked out your muscles will go catabolic and start eating themselves for "energy". So yeah.

I know what it's like though. My minds mush now. As long as I've got calories to walk to the animal sanctuary and stay there a while that's fine. All the other stuff I don't care
Animal sanctuary...πŸ˜… Is that a dog park? Yeah usa. When I gained weight I'd gain it in my boobs too. They went downhill when I was a still a preteen. Sucks. I'm pretty sedentary but I had my gallbladder removed and I still didn't gain that much afterwards. I luckily dont have back issues but my mom did so I never used my back if I could help it and I push through my heel when I step up. It's a frame of mind. I couldn't give up diet pop/soda though. Also I gag on vegetables and am limited with what I could eat because stuff is gross lol. It's not like I went keto/atkins either. I was smart about my habits and tweaked. I used to take cinnamon pills too. MCL pills. Tips and tricks. I have ocd too so just trying to figure out what to eat can take me 30min+πŸ™„ Not having space or a kitchen is a big killer though. Yeah it was fucked about the responses lol. I'm mush now too. So are my boobs as I get to wear medium bras when I need an L, and the straps aren't short enough for me so I get to "engineer" them with ziptiesπŸ‘Ώ




annihilation anxiety
Apr 19, 2024
I hear some people loose weight on Wellbutrin?
I think so. They put me on Wellbutrin versus an ssri bc I was complaining about the weight gain side effect of those. I personally didn't lose weight on it but it gave me a mental boost and I never experienced that with any other antidepressant.
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Mar 4, 2024
Animal sanctuary...πŸ˜… Is that a dog park? Yeah usa. When I gained weight I'd gain it in my boobs too. They went downhill when I was a still a preteen. Sucks. I'm pretty sedentary but I had my gallbladder removed and I still didn't gain that much afterwards. I luckily dont have back issues but my mom did so I never used my back if I could help it and I push through my heel when I step up. It's a frame of mind. I couldn't give up diet pop/soda though. Also I gag on vegetables and am limited with what I could eat because stuff is gross lol. It's not like I went keto/atkins either. I was smart about my habits and tweaked. I used to take cinnamon pills too. MCL pills. Tips and tricks. I have ocd too so just trying to figure out what to eat can take me 30min+πŸ™„ Not having space or a kitchen is a big killer though. Yeah it was fucked about the responses lol. I'm mush now too. So are my boobs as I get to wear medium bras when I need an L, and the straps aren't short enough for me so I get to "engineer" them with ziptiesπŸ‘Ώ


lol nah I have to walk through a forest with lots of dog walkers before it though (they have horses, parrots, geese, goats and other rescued animals).

You can try this for stuff you don't really like. Blend it lol. I don't like oats (but they are healthy and slow releasing carbs) so I dump them raw into a blender along with Nutella or peanut butter, whole milk, fruits like banana or strawberry for taste and that would keep me going for half the day (it was 800ml roughly) but it was all healthy and no shit. No comparison to now though - subway and SLOP. Yeah I got all the info for nutrition and exercise and stuff and did the body transformation stuff but my brain is too autistic and that can't be changed and I can't change my environment because no money now so yeah. It's done.

Yeah those bras must hurt the sides. If you want try and check some EU stores - they are listed as sports bras but breathable. Problem is you can't test them before order or try them but it is what it is.


Apr 15, 2022
I thought diet and exercise was the answer for obesity.


annihilation anxiety
Apr 19, 2024
Animal sanctuary...πŸ˜… Is that a dog park? Yeah usa. When I gained weight I'd gain it in my boobs too. They went downhill when I was a still a preteen. Sucks. I'm pretty sedentary but I had my gallbladder removed and I still didn't gain that much afterwards. I luckily dont have back issues but my mom did so I never used my back if I could help it and I push through my heel when I step up. It's a frame of mind. I couldn't give up diet pop/soda though. Also I gag on vegetables and am limited with what I could eat because stuff is gross lol. It's not like I went keto/atkins either. I was smart about my habits and tweaked. I used to take cinnamon pills too. MCL pills. Tips and tricks. I have ocd too so just trying to figure out what to eat can take me 30min+πŸ™„ Not having space or a kitchen is a big killer though. Yeah it was fucked about the responses lol. I'm mush now too. So are my boobs as I get to wear medium bras when I need an L, and the straps aren't short enough for me so I get to "engineer" them with ziptiesπŸ‘Ώ


The zip ties sound so uncomfortable. What about this kind of thing:

My boobs are pretty much done now after the gains and losses but I'm finding it weirdly hot lately. Saggies are the new fat asses like when kim k made big butts hot.


Jul 8, 2023
Death isn't just for obese people. It's for anyone who doesn't want to be on this toxic shithole of a planet. Which should be everyone with even an ounce of sanity, awareness and common sense.
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Why, do the birds, go on singing??
Mar 14, 2024
The majority of people with weight issues do not have a eating disorder diagnosis. Food addiction is directly linked to eating those processed foods and unresolved emotional dysregulation. I've directly worked with 100s of people who have binge-eating symptoms, how many do you think were binging fruits and vegetables? It was almost exclusively foods high in processed sugar/carbs and saturated/trans fats. So like any addiction, there is a level of personal responsibility to change one's lifestyle to remove those factors and manage urges. Alcoholics who want to change have to make a choice to not drink alcohol, they can't just say well it's difficult and in front of me and shrug.

As a former addict, I have empathy for people struggling with a food addiction, but shirking off personal responsibility and blaming the addiction is still an excuse why someone is still engaging in their addiction if they want to stop the behavior. You think active drunks like being told to stop drinking? But that's exactly what they need to do if they want to get their shit together.
That first paragraph is missing a few factors.... It's also just pierced with ignorance.

We just went through a thread on how many mental health professionals are next to useless so you can put those laurels back on the shelf.

As for alcoholics, or for any sort of addiction, people don't respond and fix their issues that bring them to addiction, and do as they should just because they would have their shit together if they did.... That contradicts what you just said. They already know they should, so you can tell them to stop being a drunk until you're blue in the face. Addiction isn't that black and white, it varies greatly. Addiction also comes on a spectrum like any other, so people who may not be morbidly obese, but have weight issues, whether they're even "fat" or not, have disordered eating. That's addiction.
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🎡 Be all, end all 🎡
Apr 17, 2023
If you're to the point that you have no interest in living who's to say you have interest in changing bad habits? Do you tell everyone here with bad habits to get a therapist and say that if they can't fix them they probably can't off themselves? If someone made a thread about their smoking problem would you tell them if they can't quit smoking they are lazy? Since I'm an anorexic and self harmer and no longer seek recovery what does that say about me by this logic. If someone can't quit cutting? Food addiction in this context is just another form of self harm but for whatever reason it gets seen as different. People here blame the world for irrational things that aren't actually the world's fault all the time. It's the nature of this site that people don't always have the clearest views on their own problems. I don't know why this person in particular is getting such aggressive comments when their thread is no different than the ones who say that the world is to blame for their suicidality.
He called himself lazy. I never called anyone that. I would call out smokers too. I find the habit vile. I didn't read the rest of your wall of text.


Why, do the birds, go on singing??
Mar 14, 2024
I hear some people loose weight on Wellbutrin?
They do, some more than others. Some none at all. It's also used to help people quit smoking.
I think so. They put me on Wellbutrin versus an ssri bc I was complaining about the weight gain side effect of those. I personally didn't lose weight on it but it gave me a mental boost and I never experienced that with any other antidepressant.
I also take a thyroid med too. I think you're the one who mentioned thyroid. I forgot all about that. Thyroid is bullshit. There is a huge range and I had to bring in a magazine and plead my case to get mine upped. Then years later, my pharmacy randomly switches to name brand, Synthyroid, and I drop maybe 10% of my weight? vs generic all those years. A nurse told me that was common.
Death isn't just for obese people. It's for anyone who doesn't want to be on this toxic shithole of a planet. Which should be everyone with even an ounce of sanity, awareness and common sense.
And comments like these swoop in and squash the whole mf🀣
The zip ties sound so uncomfortable. What about this kind of thing:

My boobs are pretty much done now after the gains and losses but I'm finding it weirdly hot lately. Saggies are the new fat asses like when kim k made big butts hot.
I don't think saggies have caught on yet lol🀣 and I thought you were a dude lol.

Oh gosh no, I break all of those butterfly clips... Why do you think I switched to zip tips lol?πŸ˜‚ I got crap genes for the most part. My 80yr old grandma's boobs are less saggy than mine, or they probably would be if she didn't have them filled back in with implants... I need implants or a lift. I'd rather take the implants. It actually hurts more when I don't wear a bra, which is never. They could be squashing my esophagus really bad though. That's ytb determined.
I thought diet and exercise was the answer for obesity.
*Heroin addict* --I thought not doing heroin was how you stay sober?

(I've never used heroin...)
lol nah I have to walk through a forest with lots of dog walkers before it though (they have horses, parrots, geese, goats and other rescued animals).

You can try this for stuff you don't really like. Blend it lol. I don't like oats (but they are healthy and slow releasing carbs) so I dump them raw into a blender along with Nutella or peanut butter, whole milk, fruits like banana or strawberry for taste and that would keep me going for half the day (it was 800ml roughly) but it was all healthy and no shit. No comparison to now though - subway and SLOP. Yeah I got all the info for nutrition and exercise and stuff and did the body transformation stuff but my brain is too autistic and that can't be changed and I can't change my environment because no money now so yeah. It's done.

Yeah those bras must hurt the sides. If you want try and check some EU stores - they are listed as sports bras but breathable. Problem is you can't test them before order or try them but it is what it is.
Oh so you just got a cool spot by an actual sanctuary. That sounds nice. I don't like oats unless they have a lit of sugar but I mix a big spoonful in light greek yogurt. I never liked nutella... Don't even remember what it's made of.

Money does suck. It's hard to eat healthy when they purposely make cheap food unhealthy. I have all kinds of info too, but I don't like a lot of stuff so I'm limited. No kitchen right now either. Have GI issues anyway so as long as I'm not gaining Idc as much now.

Do you mean your good diet is done because of money or your life?

Only thing that holds mine up are high impact, non padded sports bras, preferrlably with hooks. I've even worn a mesh one over the first one. I use 3 zipties. Dr's coukd care less. Haven't said it but it's "cosmetic." Yeah that's exactly why I wear a size smaller with plastic ties, for those "cosmetic" indents in my skin... I only wear real bras when I'm going somewhere nicer. Otherwise fuck it. When I got down to 108lb (58kg?) they were a C. I haven't been a C since my teens. I don't have children so why am I looking like I nursed triplets? πŸ˜–πŸ˜©πŸ˜ 
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