

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I have recently learned that I'm not the only person who had a similar idea of having a method as a standby. I don't think this is anything new, but just as an example, here is the post of someone else who had the same idea. u/Mayablueboo posted:

When my background check came back fine, it gave me such a rush. Now I finally have a painless way out whenever I want. I finally have a choice whether to live or not. I no longer feel like I'm being forced to live. For once during this whole pandemic, I feel calm.
A part of me doesn't want to leave my husband alone. The other part wants the pain to finally end. Guilting yourself into staying alive for others' sake can only get you so far. I'm almost 23 and I can't stand to have another pointless birthday go by with me depressed and miserable. It's no way to live. Not even for my husband.
People have treated me like shit my whole life. I've been waiting for 5 years for things to get better, but everything is worse. My breakdowns are getting worse. A minor criticism puts me in tears. I'm not going back to a fucking mental hospital if I have anything to say about it.
I honestly regret getting married because I don't want to leave my husband a widower. He doesn't deserve to be with someone who can hit their breaking point at any moment. I love him and always will be, but I can't live another year or month with no end to my pain.
My new gun is my ticket out. My pain can finally stop whenever I want it to be, and this is the only hope that I've had a long time.
The comments and replies in her thread are mainly positive and aren't too pro-lifey, maybe one was a bit leery about it, but nothing too pro-lifey-esque.

Another example, albeit different is a person by the name of u/RejectedLonelyLoser2 and he posted:

Hi everyone, Just wanted to say thanks for all the help over the last few months. This is a throwaway account for obvious reasons.
My life has been going sideways for the last 3 or so years. I threw everything away to go back to graduate school and alter my career trajectory. That has just led to a ton of student loan debt, great uncertainty over career prospects, and a long distance relationship with the person I loved which has now crumbled into pieces and doesn't seem to be fixable.
I recently returned from the university I was studying at, back to my home state. I have my thesis to finish, it is coming along haltingly, and one online class this fall to get my master's degree. I was excited to return home to be with my soulmate, but she broke up with me as soon as I told her my plans to return. When I met with her face to face, she just ripped my heart out and crushed it. I can't seem to find any leads on jobs in my degree field so I'll be forced to go back into my old dead end career, and I'm tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Also, the planet is wrecked and we're all gonna die anyway. That was pretty much the only thing I learned at school. They should really offer grief counseling as part of the curriculum for climate and ecology related degree fields.
I've been trying to get into a doctor to get some help, medication, therapy, whatever but I'm eight hundred miles away from my university and my student health insurance is apparently worthless around here. I'm tired now, I just feel this fatigue all the time, and I'm dead inside. The only emotion I feel is sadness.
So I'm going to kill myself this Saturday. I know exactly where and how I'm going to do it. A beautiful spot in a harsh desert where I've spent many days and nights camping and hiking. No one ever goes out there so it will be a long time before my body is found. I bought new hollow points for my gun today to make sure it works and I don't cripple myself and then die of heat stroke or exposure.
I'm sure no one will miss me, I don't have any friends, just acquaintances. My dog maybe but he will be well taken care of. I'm sure my mom will be sad but honestly I'm such a leach on my family they will be secretly relieved that they don't have to support me anymore. I often feel like Gregor Samsa.
Anyway, that's long enough. I've been working on getting all my affairs in order today. Just wanted to say thanks to this community for keeping me sane before this.
Be well!
Also, most of the comments seem to be empathetic and understanding, wishing him well. This is one such example of someone finding peace with the firearms method. He also picked out a secluded place as far away from people as possible so that his death would have less impact on the people around him. Assuming he is gone, then I hope he had a peaceful transition into the unknown.

In both examples, while they used firearms, it goes to show that when someone has a way out, it helps them cope. Also in the other example, it shows that if someone decides enough is enough, and has a reliable means out, then he/she can check out on a whim, thus not having to suffer for an indefinite amount of time and going through the motions of life until natural death.
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