

New here
Sep 23, 2023
Here it is if you're curious:

I saw this guy crying and speaking to his friend's grave about how much he missed him. He's trying to remain tough and speak cheerfully, but he just keeps sobbing, and he laughs while saying he's sure his friend thinks he's being a pussy for crying.

I kind of deluded myself into thinking my friends and family would get over my death really easily. This was a splash of cold water in the face. I can't ever put them in this situation.
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Mar 7, 2023
why dont they act like that while we're still alive? i quite literally say i want to die and yet nothing, just change topic.
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Oct 27, 2023
I'm glad he filmed it, those internet points aren't going to build themselves
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
Good, I'm glad he's feeling shitty. That's what he gets for not giving a shit about his friend before. I hope he kills himself too, he should've been the one to do it instead of his """friend""".

People like him don't deserve to be alive at all. All these fucking happy people deserve to be miserable and die lonely painful deaths.
This is how I feel when my friends & family outside of sasu demand that I stay alive to keep them happy or they tell me to call a fucking hotline. It feels like they're holding me hostage with emotional blackmail.

I'm to the point where I don't care about anyone's feelings anymore so I'm just going to do what's best for me regardless.

I understand not wanting to hurt people @DeecyTee but my advice for you is to find a reason to live for yourself. If keeping other people happy is your only reason to keep going, it will exhaust you over time. I've been through this so I know from experience.

Good luck with your recovery.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Getting clout of a dead friend is despicable to me. But that is the society we live in today.

Everything is a currency and everyone seems like an actor/actress by the way they present themselves.

I am sorry if I'm minimizing someones "pain", but I would never go viral for losing my friend and make elaborate videos like this looking like I want an Oscar.

And if people find my post offensive you are free to. I just said what I really think and was being honest. No sugar coating it.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Horrible to post stuff like this....

But wishing all happy people dead ( again) isn't either
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I deserve peace
Aug 16, 2023
Getting clout of a dead friend is despicable to me. But that is the society we live in today.

Everything is a currency and everyone seems like an actor/actress by the way they present themselves.

I am sorry if I'm minimizing someones "pain", but I would never go viral for losing my friend and make elaborate videos like this looking like I want an Oscar.

And if people find my post offensive you are free to. I just said what I really think and was being honest. No sugar coating it.
i think its a valid perspective but i feel like there are also a lot of people online who show those low and painful moments to help others know theyre not alone, to hopefully change the minds of people like op. i dont know the man personally so i cant say, but i dont think its entirely realistic to assume they just did it for clout. i mean there was no guarantee of it going viral in the first place
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Cloud Busting

Cloud Busting

Formerly pinkribbonscars
Sep 9, 2023
Good, I'm glad he's feeling shitty. That's what he gets for not giving a shit about his friend before. I hope he kills himself too, he should've been the one to do it instead of his """friend""".

People like him don't deserve to be alive at all. All these fucking happy people deserve to be miserable and die lonely painful deaths.
Wishing death on innocent people who aren't infringing on the rights of others for simply being happy is twisted. This sounds like some Nazi or school shooter shit. I too have been jealous of happy people in the past, but I would never wish my suffering on anyone; not even my worst enemy. In fact, I've been suicidal because I felt like my pain was bringing others down and I wanted to relieve their misery as much as my own.

Remember that SaSu is a pro-choice forum, not a pro-death forum. The BBC is on our ass right now, and moral guardians have been trying to dissolve section 230, which is a civil liberties infringement. Posts like this merely contribute to the death cult stereotype and give SaSu detractors more clout.

Think before you post something so tone deaf next time.

I am sorry if I'm minimizing someones "pain", but I would never go viral for losing my friend and make elaborate videos like this looking like I want an Oscar.
You could argue the uploader is minimizing his friend's pain. This video is not about his friend. It's about himself.

I don't want to tell people how to process grief. However, piggybacking on the death of someone is weird. It confirms my suspicion that normies are more interested in assuaging their own guilt than actually helping the suicidal.


I agree with those who have advised you to live for yourself and not others. You're not responsible for other people's feelings. Have you tried living for the present instead of the past or future? That seems to be the only thing that genuinely helps me.

I've posted this before, but this is my favorite video arguing against suicide, and you can tell the uploader has actually experienced depression himself. It feels so genuine and is free of empty pro-life platitudes:

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